How they would react on your first day of school

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In this chapter and future chapters likes this, you're going to be their child. Now, onto the chapter.



•She would most likely walk you to your bus stop, and take pictures of you. Then before you get on your bus, she would give you a bunch of love and wish you the best first day.


•He would walk you to your bus stop, and instead of taking pictures, he would just talk to you. As you two are waiting for the bus, he would tell you what's okay and what's not okay. Like, if someone bothers you, punch 'em😃. When you're boarding the bus, he would hand you $10.


•The same as everyone else so far, he would walk you to your bus stop, and hold your hand on the way. If you're nervous, he would reassure you that everything's going to be okay, and give you some comforting head pats. When you're boarding the bus, he would wave goodbye, and from then on, he's trusting you to do your best.


•She would walk you to your bus stop, and whenever you guys get there, she would probably somehow accidentally cause trouble. I have no idea how, but she would accidentally do so somehow. When you're boarding the bus, she would yell, "GOODBYE SWEETIIIIIE!" Then walk back home :).


•He's more nervous then you. He would tell you if you need anything, you could contact him and he would be there as fast as possible. He would give you some gummy worms [Or what snack you like] before you two get to the bus stop. Whenever you board the bus, he would say bye to you, and even after the bus leaves, he would sit at the bus stop for a few minutes, smiling to himself. He's proud of you.


•He packs your lunch, then takes you to your bus stop. When you guys get to your bus stop, he would probably make quick loud noises to scare everyone there, cause they wouldn't know what made the noise. He would keep doing that until your bus arrives. When your bus arrives, he would tell you that he was making the noises. Then send you on your way.


•As you two are walking to the bus stop, she would ask you questions about your school to see if you remembered. Like, "Who's your teacher?" And, "What number bus do you ride?" Whenever you guys get to the bus stop, she would most likely talk to the Crossing Guards cause she finds them interesting. Once you're boarding the bus, she would probably call you on the bus and talk to you until you get home.


•You're most likely not leaving until the 3rd day after the first day. Sora doesn't really trust anyone at your school, so he'll take you to school himself. Once you get there, he would tell you to go to class while he talks to your principal.


•#ProtectiveDadMode. Anyways, He'll pretty much tell you everything that'll get you in trouble, and tell you not to do it. When you guys get to the bus stop, no one bothered talking to you yet since Levi kept sending death stares😃. Oh you think you goin' on the bus alone. No. He's in the back seat. Levi's sitting in the back seat with the bus aid, making sure no one does anything to you.


•They would take you to your bus stop, and once you get there, you already friends with everyone. Thank Luca for that :). They would pretty much Lighten up the depressing mood. So, you two are already friends with everyone at your stop. Before you head onto the bus, Luca would give you a forehead kiss, then send you on your way. As your bus takes away, They would wave goodbye to you through the window.


•She most likely forgot when the first day of school was. Someone from the squad would call her and ask if she took you to school yet, that's when she remembers. So, long story short, you were late on your first day.


•Kind of like Luca's. She would help you be friends with everyone there if you aren't very social. And she would teach them the song 'Skye is an idiot'.


•You're not going on the bus. She had some problems on the bus when she was a child so she's taking you herself. Before you walk to your class, she would give you a few head pats and then let you head to class.


•She would take you to your bus stop, and just stand on the side lines and wait for your bus to arrive. She would let you make some friends while your there too. When you bus arrives, she would ask you to be careful, and give you a kiss on the forehead.


•She's your teacher. So she would drop you off at school, then get in her car, and start making her way to the school.


Okay! So I know I haven't said this as much, but for this book, Gabby and Kat won't be the same person as Jade and Darkness. I know they're the same person irl, but in this book, they'll be different people.

But I hope you enjoyed this! Bye! Also, I wish you the best of luck on your first day of school!

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