Looking For a New Job

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I was sitting on a couch in Lucinda's house, comforting Zane~Kun, since he was crying a lot. Then, Nicole walks in. "I knew I heard crying!" Nicole says. "What happened to Zane~Kun?" She asks. "Just... look outside..." I say. Then, she looks out the window. "What happened to their house?!" She exclaims. "I was so hot, the house caught fire!" I say, jokingly. "This is serious, Katelyn!" Nicole says. "I know! I know!... So, basically, Zane~Kun was making cookies, and the cookies caught fire... Then, the whole house caught fire. Thankfully, the only thing that was seriously damaged was the kitchen." I say. "Aw, Zane~Kun... If you need help repairing your house, me and Katelyn would be happy to help!" Nicole says. "Thanks Nicole~Chan, but this is Zane~Kun's fault, and he wants to fix it himself..." Zane~Kun says in between sobs. "Every time Zane~Kun makes a mistake, someone else always comes in to fix it. Zane~Kun wants a chance to show Aaron~Kun, Travis~Kun, and Ein~Kun. that he can be responsible!" Zane~Kun says. "Speaking of which, where did the rest of them go?" Nicole asks. "Travis~Kun went to Dante~Kun's house, and Aaron~kun is at Aphmau~chan's house... Zane~Kun doesn't know where Ein~Kun is." Zane~kun says. "Zane~Kun knows that Travis~Kun is really mad at him, and Ein~Kun and Aaron~Kun probably-" Zane~Kun starts to say, but Nicole interrupts him. "I don't think that Ein and Aaron would hold this against you, Zane~Kun. Regardless, how are you going to pay for it?" Nicole says. "Zane~Kun will just have to get another job." Zane~Kun says, and then he seems to realize something. "Maybe Nana~Chan can help me find one!" Zane~Kun says. "Wait, that mean girl from high school? Why would she help you?" I ask. "Oh, well, it's a long story, but Zane~Kun thinks she was mean because she was lonely!" Zane~Kun says. "That's no reason to do some of the things she did..." I say. "Regardless, Zane~Kun thinks she's a good person at heart!" Zane~Kun says. "Well, if you say so! See ya, Zane~kun!" I say. "Bye Katelyn~Chan! Bye Nicole~Chan!" Zane~Kun says, before running out of the door, and closing it behind him.

I knock on Nana's door, and she opens it. "Oh, hey Zane~Kun. Um, why are you here?" She says. "Zane~Kun needs your help, Nana~chan! He messed up really badly, and he was wondering if you could help him find a second job..." I say. "Couldn't you do that on your own?" Nana asks, sounding slightly irritated. I look at her with the saddest eyes I can. Nana groans. "Sometimes I wonder if you do this on purpose... Fine! I'll help you, Zane~Kun." Nana says. "YAY! YOU'RE THE BEST, NANA~CHAN!~" I say excitedly. "Heheh! Well, I'm glad you think that, Zane~Kun." Nana says. "Now, come on. I'll help you look for a job on my computer." Nana says, as she gestures for me to come inside her house. "Okay!" I say, as I follow her into her house.

"Hey Zane~Kun, how do you feel about making and/or delivering pizzas?" Nana asks. "Zane~Kun is fine with anything, really." I say. "Okay then, I guess you're getting a job at a pizzeria!" Nana says. Then, Nana spins her swivel chair around to face me. "So, would you rather apply online or in person?" She asks. "Online... Zane~Kun doesn't have a good track record when it comes to applying in person..." I say. "You were too hyper, weren't you?" Nana asks. "Yeah..." I respond. "Hahahah... Online it is, then!" Nana says.

I walk up to the pizzeria, and say: "This is it, Zane~Kun. Your first day at your new job! Don't blow it." I walk into the pizzeria and see Michi behind the counter. "Oh no, Zane~Kun's gonna blow it..." I say quietly. I walk behind the counter, trying not to look at Michi. However, she notices me, and says: "Oh, hey! I recognize your face! Zane~Kun, right?" I blush and start to stammer. "Aww, what's wrong? Do I intimidate you? I seem to have that effect on people!" Michi says, before laughing slightly. "Shouldn't Michi~S- Ch-chan not be talking with fellow employees during work hours?" I ask. "Eh, it's been a pretty slow day. Plus, I love making people flustered! Especially, when they're as cute as you!" Michi says, before giggling. "Eeeh, please stop! You're gonna make Zane~Kun faint again!" I say. "Sorry! I just can't help myself sometimes!" Michi says. Then, Michi seems to notice something, and scoffs. "And today was going so well..." She says. I look out the window and see a man. He has light brown hair with red highlights, and tan skin. I couldn't tell what his eye color was from this distance. I was about to ask Michi who he was, but he was already at the counter by the time I was going to ask my question. Now that he was closer, I could see that he has light blue eyes. He takes a look at me, and then looks at Michi. "This your pet, Michi?" He asks. "Shut up! Unlike you, I don't treat people like pets!" Michi says. "Well, unless they want me to, I guess.~" Michi adds, as she glances at me. I blush heavily. "Even while you're talking to me, you can't pass up the opportunity to be a flirtatious-" He starts to say, but I interrupt him, and say. "Itch! Ah, Zane~Kun has an itch!" I say, as I scratch behind my ear. "Aw, you're so cute!~" Michi says, looking at me, as her tail waves slightly. "Unlike you." She says, looking back at the man. The man scoffs. "Can you just get me a drink?" The man asks, clearly irritated. "Fine... what do you want?" Michi says. "Coffee." The man says. "Let me get this straight. You came to a pizzeria... to get coffee?" Michi says. "I got banned from Starbucks, okay?" The man says. Michi laughs. "Oh, that's hilarious!" Michi says. "I don't have to take this. I can just leave." The man says. "Then leave." Michi says. The man scoffs and walks out of the building. Michi sighs. "Sorry you had to see that, Zane~Kun." Michi says. "Who was that?" I ask. "Laurance... He's been a jerk for as long as I've known him..." Michi says. "Maybe Zane~Kun could help him become a better person." I say. "I doubt it." Michi says. Then, another man comes in. And this one is a werewolf. He has dark green hair, dark blue eyes, and Caucasian skin. "Ah, Daniel! I was wondering when you'd get here!" Michi says. "Yeah, sorry I'm late. Ross was delaying me by talking about something or other." Daniel says, as he comes behind the counter. "I kinda want to see Ross. It's been a while since I've seen him." Michi says. "Um, excuse Zane~Kun's ignorance. But... who's Ross?" I say. "Oh, um, Ross is a good friend of ours." Michi says. "Well, if he's a friend of yours, I'm sure he's a great person!" I say. "Aw, you're so sweet.~" Michi says, as her tail waves softly. Then, Nana comes in. "Nana~Chan! What are you doing here?" I say. "Oh, I just came to see how you were doing on your new job. I see you've made some friends?" She says. "Yeah! Well, Zane~Kun already knew Michi~Chan!" I say. "Oh, so THIS is the Michi that I've heard so much about!" Nana says. "Awwww, you talk about me? That's so cute!" Michi says. I start to blush. "Hey, Zane~Kun... Do you mind getting me a pizza?" Nana asks. "Sure! What kind?" I ask. "Just... regular pepperoni is fine..." Nana says. "Okay! Zane~Kun will be right back with that!" I say, as I run into the kitchen.

"Listen to me, Michi. And listen well. That boy thinks the world of you. And if you hurt him in any way, shape, or form... Well, let's just hope it doesn't come to that..." I say, before walking out of the building.

"Nana~Chan! Zane~Kun made your piz...- Where did Nana~Chan go?" I say, coming out of the kitchen. "She, uh... had to rush home!" Michi says, sounding slightly scared. "Did Nana~Chan threaten Michi~Senpai? Oooh, Zane~Kun's gonna have to have a talk with her!" I say, before laying the pizza down on the counter. "Yeah she...- Wait. Did you just call me "Senpai?"" Michi says. I blush heavily, realizing what I just said. "I'll just go back here, since you two seem to be having a moment. Plus, I don't wanna be here if that scary lady comes back." Daniel says, as he walks into the kitchen. "You know what? How about me and you go on a date after this?" Michi says. "What? R-really?" I ask. "Yeah, I mean, you're sweet, and adorable. That's exactly what I like in a person. Plus, you're obsessed enough to call me "Senpai." And I guess I kinda like people obsessing over me. Oh, I'm sorry if that sounded self-centered!" Michi says. "No, no! It's fine! Zane~Kun would love to go on a date with Michi~Senpai." I say. "Okay then. How about we go to the movies, at around... eight o'clock p.m.? That sound good?" Michi says. "Yes, that sounds perfect! Zane-Kun doesn't have any plans." I say. Michi lets out a slight chuckle. "Great!" Michi says.

Michi and I had already watched the movie and were walking out of the theater. "That was enjoyable. We should do this again sometime." Michi says, before kissing me on the cheek. I blush heavily. Michi giggles. "See you later, Zane~Kun." She says, before walking away.

I get back to Nana's house and let out a squeal of happiness that I had been holding in since Michi kissed me on the cheek. "Woah! Who's getting murdered?" Nana asks, jokingly. "No one! Zane~Kun is just so happy! Michi~Senpai kissed Zane~Kun on the cheek!" I say, happily. "That's great, Zane~Kun. I'm... really happy for you." Nana says, but something about her tone seems... off. "Is Nana~Chan okay?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm fine." Nana says. I didn't believe her, but I decided not to pry any further. "Okay, Nana~Chan..." I say. "Anyway, since your house is still being repaired from the fire, I guess, you're welcome to stay here." Nana says. "Oh, thanks Nana~Chan!~" I say. "You're welcome, Zane~Kun." Nana says.

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