The Convention

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"Thanks again for agreeing to come with us to this convention, Aph!" I say, as we walk into the hotel room. "Any time, Aaron." She says, as her and Zane~Kun follow closely behind me. "And thanks for allowing Michi~Senpai and Nana~Chan to come as well, Aaron~Kun!~" Zane~Kun says. "I was happy to, Zane~Kun." I say. Then, Nana walks in. "Hm, I honestly expected a comment about how I'm the scum of the earth, or something." She says. "If Zane~Kun thinks you're a good person deep down, then I'll trust his judgement... for now." I say. "Eh, that's fair, I suppose." She says. We then go up to the hotel room. "Well, um... Zane~Kun is going to go find Michi~Senpai, Aaron~Kun!" Zane~Kun says. "Okay, Zane~Kun." I say. He then runs off. "And I'm going to my hotel room, because being around you two without Zane~Kun seems like it would be incredibly awkward." Nana says, before walking off. Aphmau and I walk into the hotel room. "Better check and make sure everything's in my suitcase." I say, before looking inside my suitcase, and everything is accounted for. I then turn around and see that Aphmau is staring out the window. "Enjoying the view?" I ask. She chuckles. "Yeah, I guess I am. Although, I wonder if you were while my back was turned." She jokes. "Hey! I'm not like Katelyn!" I say. She laughs. "I know, I know. Seriously, though... I'm actually somewhat nervous. I've never really done anything like this before." She says. "As I said before, I've never really been to a convention either, so... We can figure it out together." I say. "Yeah, I guess you're right." She says. "Anyway, um... we should probably go ahead and get our costumes on." I say. "Oh, yeah." She says. We then get our costumes on, and eventually, we head to the convention with everybody else.

Aphmau and I walk into the convention, and eventually we see Travis running away from Katelyn. "Awww, come on, Travis!~ Give me another smooch!" She says, as she follows him. "No! No! No! I hope I meditate so deeply that I forget about this!" Travis says, as they run off into the crowd. I chuckle. "Seems like Katelyn got something she wanted today." I say. "Seems like it. But... should we help him?" Aphmau says. "Nah. He can handle it." I say. "Hm, well, okay then." Aphmau says. We then continue looking around, but eventually we had to go back to the hotel and get some rest.

I look in the window and start practicing. "Hey baby, you look incredible today." I say. Then, I groan. "No, that doesn't sound like me at all. Why am I even so nervous to do this... Saying things like this to him has never been a problem before... I'm just gonna do it... I'm just going to be honest with him." I say. "Be honest with who, Aph?" Aaron asks. I quickly turn around. "I, um... Aaron... Can we please go back to the hotel room before I say this?" I ask. "O-oh... um... Okay..." He says. We then walk back to the hotel room. I sigh, preparing to spill my feelings. "Aaron... Whenever I'm with you, life feels... so much more fulfilling... It doesn't matter what I'm doing, as long as I'm doing it with you... What I'm trying to say is... will you be my boyfriend?" I say. "A-aph... are you really sure you want me of all people? I-I'm definitely not perfect-" Aaron starts to say, as I see a blush form on his face. I interrupt him, saying: "Aaron... You know I don't talk to other people much. And that I'm... socially awkward around everyone except you... and even if you're not perfect in your own eyes, you're perfect... to me..." as I put a hand on his cheek. "That being said, I'll ask this again... Will you be my boyfriend." She says. "Y-yes, I will." He says. I then sigh slightly. I wasn't sure why. Maybe a part of me was scared for some reason. I just ignored this fact and kissed him.

I was sitting on a bench at the convention with Michi, when she says: "Zane~Kun, you've been acting weird all week. Could you please tell me what's wrong?" "Um, n-nothing is wrong, Michi- no... Zane~Kun needs to be honest... Michi~Chan... Zane~Kun has been thinking, and he's realized that... He views you more like a friend, than a lover. He hopes that that's okay, and that we can still be friends..." I say. "Of course, that's okay, Zane~Kun. I'm actually kinda relieved that you said that, because I was starting to feel the same way." Michi says. I sigh in relief. "Oh, that's such a relief, Michi~Chan! Zane~Kun was really worried about how Michi~Chan would react." I say. "Yeah, don't worry. It's fine. Hey, how about we go see what the others are doing, hm?" She says, patting me on the back. "Okay, Michi~Chan!" I say, as I follow her back to the hotel.

"Guys, Aph and I have something to say... We are officially together." I say. Zane~Kun gasps. "ZANE~KUN'S SSSSHHHHHHHIIIIIIIPPPPP!" Zane~Kun says, before squealing. "HA! I knew it was going to happen!" Ein says. "Yeah, pretty much everyone saw this coming, but we're still happy for you guys nonetheless." Kim says. "Just like I'm happy when I see Travis' beautiful-" Katelyn starts to say. Travis gives Katelyn a glare. "Eyes...." She finishes. "Hmph... good save." Travis says. "So, when's the wedding?" Ein says. "Slow down there, little brother. We're still taking things slow." Aphmau says. "Right, sorry. I should take what I can get." Ein says. "Oh, Zane~Kun wants to get a picture to commemorate this moment! Hang on!" He says, before setting up a camera. "Say "cheese!"" He says, before, running into the group. As the camera flashes, Aphmau kisses me once again.

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