My Street is Your Street

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"Wow, these houses look great!" Aaron says. "Yeah, I agree." Nicole says. "Same." Ein says. "Mr. Ro'Meave, are you really saying that all these houses are ours for the taking?" Kim says. Garte laughs. "They're not free, silly! There will be a transfer of ownership, and a bunch of paperwork stuff to get the houses under the names of whoever owns the house, but keep in mind, this is a newly built block, so, after you pick your houses, the remaining on the market will be put up for rent to whoever wants them. So, I hope none of you mind meeting new people at some point in the future." He says. "Well, Zane~Kun doesn't mind at all! Strangers are just friends you haven't made yet!" Zane~Kun says. "Yeah, the conditions don't matter at all. We're all just really grateful for this! We were worried we would have to move away from each other." Aaron says. Garte then laughs. "It's our pleasure. Anything for my fantastic children!" Garte says. "Aw, thanks dad! Zane~Kun is sure Garroth would say thanks too, if he was here, but he had to go back home." Zane~Kun says. "It wasn't a problem at all, Zane. Now, I'll leave you all to settle in! Goodbye for now!" He says, before walking away. "So, I guess we go pick houses now?" Katelyn says. "And living buddies! I know some people are living together!" Aaron says. "Uh-huh, yeah. Of course, you'd remember that!" Katelyn says. Aaron makes a flustered noise. "What are we waiting for? Come on, Zane~Kun and Ein! I wanna get best pick!" Travis says, impatiently, grabbing both of their hands. "Woah, okay! We're coming, we're coming!" Ein says. "Hey! Guys! Wait!" Aaron says. They then turn around. "Are you... going to be okay without my cooking?" Aaron says. "Eh, we'll probably die from a sugar overload because of how many deserts Zane~Kun makes." Travis says. "Hey!" Zane~Kun says. Ein and Travis chuckle. "But seriously, I'm sure we'll be fine." Travis says. "Guys..." Aaron says, walking toward them, and hugging them. He then starts to cry slightly. "Hey, quit it with those tears, Aaron. We're only a short walk away, no matter what house we choose." Ein says. "Yeah, and if we get hungry for your cooking, we'll just stop by uninvited!" Travis says. "Yeah, I guess- WAIT!" He realizes. "NO TAKE BACKS!" Travis says, before they run away. Aaron chuckles. "Those guys." He says. "You're telling me. I had to put up with one of them for years." Aphmau says. "Now that Zane~Kun isn't here, I have no further reason to be next to any of you. Good day." Nana says, walking away. "She is so rude! I don't see how she is Zane~Kun's friend." Kim says, before sighing. "Anyway, Lucinda, would you like to be roommates again?" Kim says. "Heh, sure, why not?" Lucinda says. "Nicole?" Kim says. "As much as I'm down for cheap rent, it was kinda crowded in that old house, so I think I'll room with Katelyn." Nicole says. "I'm down, unless we can find a bigger place for all of us." Katelyn says. "Maybe we can even be neighbors!" Lucinda says. "Let's go have a look around!" Kim says, before they start to walk around.

Aaron had loved the first house that they went into. "Aph! I think this one's perfect, but I want to get your opinion, since it's going to be yours too!" Aaron says. Aphmau chuckles. "Well, the house doesn't really matter, as long as I'm with you, Cherry." She says, putting a hand on his cheek. They hear a familiar squeal, and look out the window, to see that Travis, Ein and Zane~Kun were looking at them from the other window. "Are... you... serious?!" Aaron exclaims. "Hey, Aaron~!" Travis says waving. "You cannot be taking the house next to us!" He yells. "I don't know... We might... I can make sure hands stay to themselves!" Travis says. Ein sighs. "Travis, is it really that big of a deal?" Ein asks. "Yes, it is!" Travis says. "Can Zane~Kun have this room?" Zane~Kun says. Ein sighs. "I don't mind that." Travis says. "Sorry guys! Not much I can do!" Ein yells. "It's fine, I guess! Wait! I have an idea!" Aaron yells back. He then puts a curtain over the window. Aaron chuckles. "There! Now then, are you hungry? I could make you something to eat, if you want." Aaron says. "Well, actually, yeah. I am kinda hungry. But do we have any food in the house?" Aphmau says. "Hm... Well, I have enough to make sandwiches!" Aaron says. "Great! I'll keep unpacking until lunch, then." Aphmau says. Aaron giggles. "See you soon!" Aaron says. "Sandwiches sound amazing! We'll be right over!" Travis says. "Yeah!" Zane~Kun says. "Guys, that seems kinda like a breach of privacy. I mean, they literally just moved in together. Don't you think we should let them be?" Ein says. "Huh? Oh, sorry! I was looking at my phone!" Travis says. Ein sighs. They then walk downstairs. "So, does Travis~Kun really want to rent this house out?" Zane~Kun asks. "Yeah! All joking with Aaron aside, this place is great!" Travis says. "Yeah, Zane~Kun totally agrees!" Zane~Kun says. "Well then, I guess that means we should go remove the 'for sale' sign outside." Ein says. "Yeah, let's do it!" Travis says, before they walk outside to remove the sign.

Kim, Lucinda, Nicole, and Katelyn were standing on the road. "Okay, that settles it! Me and Lucinda will get this house, and Nicole and Katelyn will get this house!" Kim says. "Sounds good to me!" Nicole says. Nana then walks up to them. "Nana." Kim says. "Kim..." She says. "Why are you here?" Kim says. "I need to live with one of you." Nana says, gritting her teeth. "What?!" They all exclaim. "I didn't expect these circumstances, and my job doesn't pay enough for me to buy a house at the moment. I would ask Zane~Kun, but he said his house is already too full." Nana says. "Mmmmmm! Fine. I'll let you live with us, but only because I care about Zane~Kun. Not because I care about you." Kim says. "Same here..." Lucinda says. "The feeling is mutual." Nana says. "Wow, I can't believe you guys have to live with Nana." Katelyn says. "Jealous?" Nana asks. "Oh, no, not one bit! I'd rather live with an alligator-shark-bear-woman, before I'd ever consider living with you." Katelyn says. "Just as I thought. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go pick my room." Nana says, walking into the house. Katelyn then gets a text. "Hey guys! Aaron's making sandwiches at his and Aphmau's place!" Katelyn says. "So, he invited you?" Nicole asks. "You'd think, but no, Travis did. You guys wanna go?" Katelyn says. "Of course!" Kim says. "Yeah, sure." Lucinda says. They then walk to her house.

Aphmau then checks on Aaron. "Hey, you done?" She says. "Huh? Oh, yeah! I think I made more than I needed to, though." He says, before chuckling. "It's okay, Cherry! We can save them for later!" Aphmau says. "Um, yeah... Aphmau?" He says. "Yeah?" She says. "I love you!" He blurts out, only for Aphmau to laugh. "Hey! Don't laugh at me!" He says. "Hahah! Sorry, it's just... You're so cute! Do you think I can give you a kiss for that adorable display?" She says. "O-of course!" He says. He was about to kiss her, when Travis rushes out of the door. "Wow! Nice sandwiches!" He says. Aaron jumps backwards, making a shocked noise, and Aphmau says: "What the-" as she turns around. Zane~Kun then comes outside laughing. "You two should really learn to lock your door!" He says. "I would have, but I literally just got done moving some boxes." Aphmau says. "What are you guys doing here?!" Aaron asks. "You invited us for sandwiches upstairs, remember?" Travis says. "No, I didn't! I- ugh... They couldn't see us, but they could hear us... Fine! You guys can have some sandwiches! I do already miss cooking for you guys..." Aaron says. "Again, I tried! I'm sorry!" Ein says, also coming out. Aaron sighs. "It's fine, Ein. I guess I need to get some more bread." Aaron says. "I'll help you." Aphmau says, following her into the kitchen. "By the way... Where's my kiss?" Aaron says. Aphmau chuckles, before leaning in to kiss him. "What kind of soda do you guys have?" Kim asks. They then both turn to look at her. "Are you kidding me?! Where did you come from?!" Aphmau says. "Travis invited us for sandwiches!" Kim says. Aphmau groans. "I just want to kiss my little Cherry! Is that too much to ask?" Aphmau says. "Well, go on! I'm not stopping you." Kim says. There is a moment of silence as they look at each other. "Uh, ya know what? Let's just go eat sandwiches!" Aaron says. "Agreed." Aphmau says, annoyed. They then start to walk outside. "Awwww... And it was getting really romantic too..." Kim says. "Oh, a poopsi!" She says, grabbing a poopsi from the fridge. "Well, I guess we're having a picnic!" Aaron says. "Eh, I'm already used to this. Let's just have fun." Aphmau says. Aaron giggles. "Sure!" He says.

Aaron and Aphmau were washing plates. "Well, that was fun! We should have parties and stuff more often!" Aaron says. "Yeah, I... really enjoyed it." Aphmau says. "You actually talked to people! I'm really impressed with how far you've come. You didn't really used to talk to anyone." He says. "Yeah, well... I guess you brought out the best in me." Aphmau says. "Awww!" Aaron says. Aphmau then gives him a kiss out of nowhere, and he blushes heavily. "I figured I owed you a kiss." Aphmau says. Aaron then faints. Aphmau chuckles. "I guess you still aren't used to that just yet." She says.

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