Derek's Surprise

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Aphmau and Aaron were trying to find Derek, when Aphmau said: "Aaron, he hates me." "Nonsense, Aph! He just... Needs to hang out with you more!" Aaron says. Aphmau sighs. "Well, if it means I get to spend more time with you..." Aphmau starts. Aaron chuckles. "You're so sweet." He says. He then sighs before groaning. "Where on earth could he be? I figured he'd be with Elizabeth." Aaron says. "Isn't that him over there?" Aphmau says. Aaron looks over, and gasps. "It is! Dad! Hey!" Aaron says, running over to him. "Ah, Aaron, buddy! I'm so glad you're here!" Derek says. "I'm glad we found you! We wanted to see if you-" Aaron starts to say, before Derek interrupts him. "I just ran into the perfect woman for you to date!" He says. "Huh?" Aaron asks. "Seriously?" Aphmau says, annoyed. A woman with cerise hair, pale skin, and turquoise eyes turns around. "Aaron, meet Ivy!" Derek says. "'Sup. Long time, no see." She says. "Dad! That's Ivy!" Aaron says, panicked. "I know! Isn't that such a lovely name! So much sexier than Aphmau." Derek says. "Rude." Aphmau says. "No! Dad! That's Ivy. I knew her in high school, and she was a bi-" Aaron starts to say, before Derek interrupts him. "Up, up, up! You may not be under my roof anymore, Aaron. But I still don't want you to use that language." Derek says. "Mmmm... Fine. She was... A female dog to me." Aaron says. "Fine, I suppose that works. Anyways, why didn't you ever tell me about her?" Derek says. "I... I couldn't... For a few reasons. She... Did a lot of things to me." Aaron says. Ivy sighs. "Derek, allow me to explain... Back in high school... I really was a... Female dog to Aaron... But I was... Really stupid back then. I was going through a lot of stuff, and Aaron... I'm sorry... Do you think we can start over?" Ivy says. "Do you even remember what you did to us?" Aphmau asks, angrily. "You tried to-" Aaron starts to say, angrily, before Ivy interrupts him. "I know, I know, but-" Ivy starts to say, before Aaron interrupts him, yelling: "DAD!" "Alright, you three! You all need to talk this out! You're all adults now! It's time you leave these little grudges in the past!" Derek says. "Wow. That coming from you?" Aphmau says. "My hatred for you is entirely different!" He yells. He then clears his throat. "Anyway, let's talk over lunch! On me!" Derek says, before running away. "But I-" Ivy starts to say. "Come on! Food solves everything! Let's go!" He says, before he continues running.

Aphmau, Aaron, Derek, and Ivy were all sitting at a table. "Now this is nice!" Derek says. "So, Ivy, why are you here?" Aaron asks. "Aaron!" Derek exclaims. "No, no... It's fine, Derek. Aaron has the right to be curious. I got an interview here for a job on the island. I'm only here for a week." Ivy says. "Good." Aaron says. "Despite our past, I'm glad I got to see you, Aaron. Recently I've realized that I really was a female dog in high school. And for that... I'm sorry... You don't have to forgive me, but I'm glad to see that you're doing well." She says. "Um, thanks? I guess..." Aaron says. "I hope that... Maybe... You can give me a second chance. Things are... Kinda rough for me at the moment, and I'm trying to make up for past mistakes." She says. "Well, I'm... Sorry to hear that, Ivy." Aaron says. "Oh, you poor thing!" Derek says. "Please, sir. I don't need any pity. Aaron's smile is enough." Ivy says. Aphmau growls. "Oooh, that's sooo sweet!" Derek says. Aphmau groans. "Come on, Aaron. We're going back to the house." Aphmau says, grabbing his hand. "Uh, right. Sorry dad, but I'm going with Aph." He says, following Aphmau. "Huh? But we just started!" Derek says. "It's okay, Derek. People need time. Especially after what I did." Ivy says. "Hm... Well, okay... I guess..." Derek says.

Ivy had come over to the house that Aaron and Aphmau were staying in, and Ein noticed her and pinned her against a wall. "What are you doing here?!" He growls. "Ugh. Still a feisty little guard dog, aren't we? Don't worry. I'm not here to do any harm. I'm just here to apologize to someone." She says. "Ugh... Fine... But I got my eyes on you." He says, letting go of her. Ivy then sees Michi. "Ah, Michi! Just the person I wanted to see!" She says, running towards her. "Ah, Ivy! Just the person I didn't want to see." She says, walking away from her. "Hey! Wait a second! I want to say I'm sorry!" She says. "Sorry?! You tricked me into joining your little band of freaks when I was still an innocent freshman, and you expect me to forgive you?!" Michi says. "No, I don't! I just want to make up for past mistakes..." Ivy says. "Hmph. At least you can apologize. Laurance is still just as much of a jerk as he was back then." Michi says. "I know! And I have nothing to do with that!" Ivy says. Michi sighs. "Just go away, Ivy. I'm not ready to talk to you." Michi says. Ivy sighs. "Okay, fine." She says, before walking away.

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