Surprise Vacation

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Zane~Kun, Aaron, Lucinda, Kim, and Katelyn were playing a game, when Aphmau and Nicole came rushing through the door. "Hey guys! Me and Aph just got tickets to Love ~ Love Paradise!" Nicole says. "Really? Tickets to that place are really hard to get this time of year! How'd you two manage that?" Kim says. Nicole and Aphmau look at each other, for a brief moment. Nicole quickly changes the subject. "No time! We have to hurry! The plane leaves very soon!" Nicole says. "Oh, that seems incredibly inconvenient, but okay!" Aaron says, before they run off to pack and/or tell anyone to come if they want.

Aphmau, Aaron, Kim, Zane~Kun, Nana, Travis, Garroth, Nicole, Dante, Michi, Lucinda, Ein, and Travis get off of the boat. "Oh my Irene, this place looks incredible in person!" Aaron says, as they get off the boat. "Yeah! Zane~Kun totally agrees!" Zane~Kun says. "Eh, I'm not too fond of it." Nana says. "Then why are you even here?" Travis asks. "Because Zane~Kun practically forced me to come. He said I could use some sunlight." She says. "It's true! Zane~Kun did say that!" Zane~Kun says. "H-he forced me as well." Garroth says. "Because you told Zane~Kun that you'd try to put yourself out there more! And you still have yet to do that!" Zane~Kun says. "You're right, Zane... I-I'm sorry." Garroth says. "Apology accepted, big bro!" Zane~Kun says, as he hugs Garroth. "Ah, the spirit of love is always strong on Love ~ Love Paradise. Even if it is familial. Say: could I interest you fine young ladies and gentlemen in my lovely stock of t-shirts?" A man dressed in a suit says. "No thanks. Maybe later, though!" Aaron says. "Ah yes, that is completely understandable. I wish you all a lovely day." The man says. Then a man with blue eyes and black hair walks up to them. "Hey there, you lovely dudes and dudettes! My name's Guy, and uh, I'm your guide!" He says. "Is that, like, your actual name? If so, your parents must have been real lazy." Nana says. "Nana~Chan! Be nice!" Zane~Kun says. "Right, sorry Zane~Kun... Force of habit." Nana says. "Anyway, if you guys would follow me, I'll show you where you'll be staying." He says, as he starts to lead them to where they'll be staying. "Uh, do you think it'll fit us all?" Kim asks. "Oh, I'm sure it will! Don't worry! There are like... plenty of rooms!" He says. "Okay, well, that's good!" Kim says, as they continue walking to their destination.

"And here it is! As I said, there are plenty of rooms, so, like, make yourselves at home!" He says. "Oh, we will! Thank you so much, Guy!" Aaron says. "No problem, dude. If you ever need me, I'm always around." He says, before walking out of the building. "Wow, this place looks great!" Lucinda says. "Yeah! Oooh! Zane~Kun can't wait to make so many yummy sweets in this kitchen!" Zane~Kun says, running into the kitchen in the corner. "I guess it is pretty awesome." Aphmau says. "Pretty awesome? It's amazing!" Aaron says. "So, uh.... Shouldn't we go ahead and pick rooms?" Kim says. "Well, Nicole and Aphmau won the tickets, right? it only seems fair that they pick first!" Michi says. "Yeah, I agree! That seems fair!" Aaron says. "Well, that's sweet of you all, but I don't really-" Aphmau starts to say, before Aaron interrupts her. "Quit being so cute and humble and just look around!" Aaron says, pushing her. "Okay, okay. You're a feisty little cherry today, aren't you?" She says. Aaron blushes. They then walk up the stairs and look around. Aaron walks into one of the rooms, and says: "Ooooh, I love the view from this window!" "In that case... w-would you like to share this room with me?" Aphmau asks. "R-really?" Aaron says. "I mean, if you'd be fine with it, then sure!" She says, rubbing the back of her neck. "Of course, I'm fine with it! We're together now, right? So, we should get used to sleeping in the same room!" Aaron says. "Right, then it's settled! Let's go tell the others." Aphmau says, walking out of the room. "Oh, no you don't! I see what you're trying to do, Aphmau. Don't think that just because you're his girlfriend now, you can do whatever you want." Travis says. "I have no idea what you're talking about." Aphmau says. "Don't play dumb with me! You're sleeping on the couch tonight." Travis says. Just then, Zane~Kun runs up the stairs. "Travis~Kun, if you come between Zane~Kun's ship, so help Irene, he will bring down the wrath of a thousand burnt cookies upon the taste buds that are beloning to you! Now then, Zane~Kun will be downstairs making some treats!" He says, walking down the stairs. "Was that... supposed to be threatening?" Aphmau says. "Eh, Zane~Kun can be unintentionally scary, but when he actually tries to be, it kinda fails..." Aaron says. "Anyway, as I was saying, you're sleeping on the couch." Travis says. "Travis! She's my girlfriend! Please, just let this slide!" Aaron says. "Hmmm... Fine... But I got my eye on you." Travis says, before walking away. "Anyway, we should go ahead and get ready." Aaron says. "Right." Aphmau responds.

"Oh my Irene, just come on already! I haven't got all day!" Nana says. "Yeah, the fireworks are about to start!" Nicole says. "Sorry... I just... I'm kinda nervous since Aph's never seen me with my shirt off..." He says. "It's fine, Cherry! Just come on down." Aphmau says. "O-okay..." Aaron then comes down the stairs. "Woah, baby!" Lucinda suddenly blurts out. "What did you just say?!" Aphmau exclaims, looking at her. "Ahoy, Matey!" She says. "Ugh, enough gawking... Can we just get to this show already?" Nana says. "Yeah, sure! Follow me!" Nicole says.

They were now on the roof, and Ein, Travis, Zane~Kun, and Aaron were in the pool. "Hehehe! I'm so excited!" Aaron says. "Yeah, Zane~Kun is too! He can't believe that we get to spend the entire summer here!" Zane~Kun says. Ein laughs. "Yeah, I bet we're all gonna have a great time here!" He says. "I mean, we are on a vacation! Those are usually great!" Travis says. The rest were outside the pool chatting. "Hmm... Ya know... It's been, what, a month? I kinda figured you guys would be closer by now. Don't you two have some kinda history?" Nicole says. "We do... And that's why I wanna make this summer special for him..." Aphmau says. "Uh, well in that case, these tickets were a great idea, right?" Nicole says. "They were, but we will never talk about how we got them..." Aphmau says. "Right!" Nicole says. "Hey guys! The fireworks are starting! Come on!" Aaron says. They then look up at the fireworks. "Wow, they're so beautiful." Travis says. "Not as beautiful as you, Travis~." Katelyn says. "Shut it, Katelyn." Travis says. "Awwww." She says.

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