The Big Catastrophe

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(Author's note: Sorry if this one seems a bit rushed. I was getting tired of writing the Love ~ Love Paradise part of the story. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this one.)

Aaron had finally decided to trust Ivy, somewhat. And they were all heading home, when Aphmau decided to ask a question that she had been wanting to ask him since they got there. "Aaron, will you-" She starts to say. "Wait! I'm sorry, Aph, but I don't think I'm ready for a marriage proposal just yet!" Aaron says. "No, no! I was going to ask if you wanted to move in with me!" Aphmau says. "Oh, in that case, of course! I'd love to move in with you!" He says.

Eventually, they had all gotten home, and Aaron was excited to see Alexander again. The dog-sitter opened the door, and Alexander came rushing out. "Oh, Alexander, my baby! I missed you so much! I-" He starts to say, only for Alexander to run past him, and into Aphmau's arms. "Hey Alex! Aw, did the mean man leave you at home with the dog-sitter? Aw, I'm so sorry!" She says, as she pets Alexander. Aaron groans. "You're supposed to be my dog!" He yells. Suddenly, the dog-sitter runs away. "Huh, that's weird. He didn't even ask for his pay." Aaron says. "Speaking of pay, we should probably get back to our jobs." Ein says. "Oh, right! Zane~Kun has a shift with Michi~Chan!" Zane~Kun says. He then notices Nana hiding behind some crates. "Nana~Chan! What are you doing?" Zane~Kun asks. "What does it look like I'm doing? I'm... Inspecting these suspicious crates!" She says. "Well, at least give Zane~Kun a hug! He knows you're just going to hide away in your house!" Zane~Kun says. "No, I'm not! I swear!" She says. "Hm... Zane~Kun will believe you, for now, because he knows you have a shift! But at least give him a goodbye hug!" He says. "Ugh, fine." She says, coming out from behind the crates. This revealed that she was tanned. "Nana~Chan!" Zane~Kun says. "What happened?" Aphmau asks. Kim and Nicole just laughed. "Shut up! It happened on the way back home. I fell asleep on the deck for a few hours, and I tan easily!" Nana says. "Alright guys, as funny as this is, she's Zane~Kun's friend. So, let's not make fun of her." Aaron says. "And Zane~Kun thinks it looks good on you." Zane~Kun mutters, as he blushes. "What?" She asks. "N-nothing!" Zane~Kun says, covering his face. "Anyway, Aaron, are we going back home?" Aphmau asks. "Y-yeah! I'm really excited!" Aaron says. Alexander barks. "Aw, and I'm sure you are too, Alexander." He says.

"Greetings, and welcome: demolition crew! We are here to say goodbye to this neighborhood! As you all know, we've been hard at work all summer, due to the mysterious disappearance of its residents! Now, I, Chad, as mayor, and formal principal of Phoenix Drop High declare this neighborhood closed for my new future puppy hospital! Now, here to explode the neighborhood is the newest member of the puppy hospital! Come here, you cute puppy!" Chad says. "Uh, sir... Puppies can't explode neighborhoods." A bodyguard says. "Why not? I want to upload it to my YouTube channel! It will be positively viral!" Chad says. "Sir. It's unethical to make an innocent animal do that." The bodyguard says. "Oh, true, true. Fine! It was my idea, so I'll human up and do it! I declare this unpopulated neighborhood, that has been thoroughly evacuated: exploded!" He says. Then, another bodyguard pulls a switch, and the neighborhood blows up.

Nana, Aphmau, Aaron, Lucinda, Katelyn, Nicole, and Kim were standing in front of a destroyed house. "No! My door!" Kim says, as she falls to her knees. "Forget the door! Our house!" Nicole says, also falling to her knees. "How...? Why did this even happen?! We were only gone for the summer!" Lucinda says. Nana then laughs. "Oh, yes! Writhe in pain from the destruction of your houses! Meanwhile, mine is safe and sound, because even though I was part of the neighborhood watch, my house is on the other part of the neighborhood! Good luck!" Nana says, before laughing. "Ugh, I take back ever standing up for you! Let me at her!" Aaron says, before Aphmau grabs him. "No! She's not worth it!" She says. Nana laughs again. "Oh, I'm so sorry. Old habits die hard." She says, continuing to laugh. Somehow, a stray explosive also blows up her house. "M-M-M-MY HOOOOOUUUUUUSSSSSSSSE!" She exclaims. "That's karma for ya." Aphmau says. Aaron then laughs. "Ugh! You're so lucky you're Zane~Kun's friend!" Nana says.

(Everything from here stays relatively the same, minus Laurance and Melissa, for obvious reasons. Until this point:)

They had arrived at their temporary house, and Garroth got a call on his phone. It was his mother. "U-um. Hang on a second, you guys. I need to take this!" He says, before walking out of the back door. He then answers the phone. "Uh, hey mom!" Garroth says. "Ah, GarGar! It's nice to hear from you! I've been meaning to ask... how are things going with that new job of yours?" Zianna says. "I-it's just a side job, mom... My friends needed help." He says. "You know, Garroth. You wouldn't have to get a side job if you'd just come work with me." Zianna says. "Mom, I already told you, I-" Garroth starts to say, before Zianna interrupts him. "I know, I know... You aren't fond of the business, but... you're the only option I really have. I love your brothers, but... Zane is a bit... Much, and Vylad is a bit lazy. Scratch that, a lot lazy." Zianna says. "I-i get that, mom, but I'm just not r-ready to be a businessman. I barely e-even manage to talk to people as it is." Garroth says. "Well, whenever you're ready, I suppose. I just want you to be able to live comfortably, GarGar." Zianna says. "I know, mom. And I'll... Try to get better." Garroth says. "Okay, well, call me whenever you're ready. I love you, GarGar." Zianna says. "I love you too, mom. Bye." Garroth says. He then hangs up, before sighing. "Was that mom?" Zane~Kun asks. "U-um, yeah... She still w-wants me to be a part of the business, and I feel like... I'm disappointing her." Garroth says. "Garroth, it's okay! Zane~Kun is sure mom understands!" Zane~Kun says. Garroth then sighs. "I just wish you could do it." He says. "Zane~Kun would love to help you, big brother, but... He's not good when it comes to business." Zane~Kun says. Garroth sighs. "I know..." He says. "Garroth, Zane~Kun! I just thought of something. We probably need to go shopping!" Aaron says, running into the backyard. "Oh, right! Zane~Kun probably needs some new clothes!" Zane~Kun says. "Y-yeah. I could probably use some too." Garroth says. "Great! Let's go." Aaron says.

Aphmau, Aaron, Lucinda, Kim, Garroth, and Zane~Kun were shopping for clothes at the mall. They then run into Garte. "Oh, hello boys! It's great to see you, and your friends!" He says. "Dad!" Zane~Kun says, before running up to him, and hugging him. Garroth was too embarrassed to do the same, so he just said: "Hey dad. Uh, what are you doing here?" "I was just here to get something for your mother, but I'm glad I found you! I have something to tell you! I have a way for your friends to get all new houses!" Garte says. "Really?!" They all exclaim, except for Garroth, because his house was completely fine. "Yes! Your mother and I have a partner who specializes in realty, and they have two neighborhoods that have two open houses next to each other! To simplify what I just said: It means you can all buy new houses!" Garte says. "Yay! But that means..." Aaron then starts to cry dramatically. "We need to move our stuff again..." He then groans, before falling onto the floor.

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