Confidence Building

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I drive up to Zane's house and feel my anxiety welling up. "It's okay, Garroth... It's not like high school, or university. You'll probably only have to deal with four people, at most." I say, trying to calm myself down. "Besides, you have to do this... He's your younger brother, and he wants to see you..." I say to myself. I take a deep breath in through my nose, and out through my mouth, before I open the car door, and walk towards the front door of the house. Eventually, I build up the courage to knock on the door. Zane opens it. "Hey big bro! Zane~Kun missed you!" He says, before hugging me. "Y-yeah! I-I missed you too. S-sorry for not visiting more. I've... been kinda busy..." I say, as I hug back. "It's fine! Zane~Kun is just glad you found the time to!" He says. We stop hugging, and he drags me into the house by my wrist. "Zane, please don't drag me by the wrist. I can walk in, perfectly fine, by myself." I say. "Oh, right. Zane~Kun is sorry. He's just really excited!" He says, before letting go of my wrist. "It's fine, Zane..." I say. "So, what were you planning on us doing today?" I ask. "Uh... Zane~Kun didn't really think that far ahead..." Zane says, before chuckling nervously. I laugh. "It's okay, bro. Maybe we can just... play a game or something?" I say. "Wait a second! Zane~Kun just remembered! Didn't you have a crush on that one person back in high school?" Zane asks. I can feel myself blush.  "Y-yeah... I-I did... Why do you ask?" I say. "Well, they're our next-door neighbor!" He says. "W-what?! Y-you couldn't have told me that before I came here?!" I say. "Sorry, Zane~Kun didn't think to... But now he can help you finally build up some confidence!" He says. "If I couldn't talk to her then, what makes you think I can talk to her now?" I say. "Well, Zane~Kun figures that both you and her are older now! Plus, it's about time you came out of your shell!" He says. "But, I-I..." I sigh. "Fine..." I say. "Great! Now let's go!" He says, before grabbing my arm. "Wait, right now?" I ask. "Yep! Zane~Kun isn't going to let you prolong this any further, big bro!" He says, before dragging me out of the door.

Zane knocks on the door to the house, as I wonder why I let him do these things. And, just my luck, she opens the door. "Oh, hey Zane~Kun. Who's this? Wait, no... I think I recognize you. Um, don't tell me... Your name is... Garroth, right?" She says. "Um, yeah..." I say.  "Well, I assume you remember me too. I imagine I was pretty well known." She says. "Y-yeah... I remember you, Kim." I say. "Hey, why don't you two come on in? The other girls are off doing their own thing, so the house is free!" She says. "I... Um..." I start to say, but Zane interrupts me, saying: "Zane~Kun and Garroth~Kun would love to!" He says. "Okay then. Come inside you two." Kim says. We walk inside, and then Zane says: "Oh wait, Zane~Kun just remembered! He forgot that he was supposed to clean the kitchen today! You two have fun!" He says, before bolting out of the door. "Zane! Ugh!" I say, looking toward the door, as I quickly realize that he planned this. Kim chuckles slightly. "Zane~Kun's a funny one, isn't he?" She asks. "Y-yeah, I-I guess so... Even if he can be a pain sometimes..." I say, looking back at her. "Regardless, I'm sure he loves you, considering how much of a great brother he says you are." She says. "Yeah, I love him too... I... I just... wish he wouldn't throw me into uncomfortable situations like this... I mean, I get he's trying to help me, but...  I think he's going about it wrong." I say. "Are you saying I make you feel uncomfortable?" She asks. "W-what?! No! It's not that! W-well, maybe a little... I'm sorry... I'm not that great at... socializing..." I say. She then puts a hand on my shoulder. I can feel myself start to blush. "Hey, it's okay. I understand. Well, maybe not fully, but somewhat!" She says. She then seems to notice me blushing. "Woah, hey! Are you okay? Your face is gettin' pretty red there." She says. "Huh? O-oh! Sorry!" I say, covering my face. "What are you apologizing for? Blushing is a normal thing. You can't help it if I make you feel flustered." She says. I can feel myself start to blush more. "Oh, I'm sorry! I don't think before I speak sometimes!" She says, taking her hand off of my shoulder. "O-oh, it's fine... I guess..." I say. "Anyway, um, is there anything you want to do?" She asks. "I... um... I don't know... Zane just kinda threw me into this situation, so..." I say. "Well, if you want, we can just sit on the couch, and talk." She says. "Sure... That sounds... fine, I suppose..." I say. "Okay then, come on." She says, before leading me to the couch. Then, we both sit on the couch, and start talking. Mainly about life, and memories from high school. "Yeah, I um... I remember this one time when a potion went wrong, and I... turned into a meif'wa for a while..." I say with a small chuckle. Kim laughs. "Do you happen to have a picture of that?" Kim asks. "Nah... even if I did... I'd... probably be too embarrassed to show it..." I say. "But Zane~Kun wouldn't!" I hear Zane say from behind me. I look behind the couch, in surprise. "Wha- ZANE? HOW-" I exclaim. "Zane~Kun has his ways, big brother!" He says, before jumping over the couch, and sitting down on it. "Now then, Kim~Chan wanted to see a picture, right?" Zane asks. Kim giggles. "Um, yeah." She says. "Well, luckily for Kim~Chan, Zane~Kun just so happens to have a picture of that exact moment!" He says, pulling his phone out. "Zaaaane!" I say, embarrassed, just as he shows her the picture. She laughs. "Awww! You look adorable!" She says. "Zane~Kun could make another one of those potions, if Kim~Chan would like!" He says. "Okay... sorry to cut this short Kim, but I think me, and Zane need to have a talk..." I say, dragging Zane to the door. "Oh, okay. Be seeing you!" Kim says, with a wave. "See you later." I say. I then drag Zane out of the door, and onto the sidewalk. "Zane, I get that you're trying to help me, but... can't you see that I'm just not ready for this type of thing yet?" I say. "Then, when will you be ready, Garroth? It's always eventually, eventually, eventually! I don't want you to live an unfulfilled life! I care about you too much to let that happen." He says, as he starts to tear up. "Hey, hey... It's okay, Zane... " I say, hugging him. He hugs back. "I... I'm sorry... I'll... try to put myself out there more, okay?" I say.  "Okay. That's all I ask..." He says. We then stop hugging. "Now, why don't we go back to your place and just eat some sweets, huh?" I say. "Of course! Zane~Kun would never say no to sweets!" He says. I laugh slightly. "I figured you'd say that." I say, before we walk back to his house.

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