Chapter 12: All My Exes

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"Come on, Kasey, don't be such a baby." Sharon stood on the opposite corner of my room, hands on her hips, spitting her words at me like they were poisonous and that the very act of speaking to me was beneath her.

"You cheated on me, Sharon. We were together a year, and you cheated on me." I stared at her, attempting to process the information but every time she opened her mouth, she only made it worse.

"More than once." My eyes shot to hers once more. Thankfully, however, my initial tears were burning away into a fiery, hot, anger, and it was getting much easier to control my emotions since the fury was taking over.

"Are you kidding me?" I jumped to my feet, clenching my fists. Sharon just shrugged her shoulders.

"You didn't even notice; all you do is work." My outrage was growing by the second.

"We do important work, Agent Carter." I spit her title at her disdainfully.

"Yeah, and pleasing your partner is important work too, Winter." I scoffed.

"You didn't have any complaints." Sharon sneered at me and rolled her eyes.

"Yeah, when you were there. What, once or twice a month? What did you expect?" I slammed my fist down on the corner of my desk, immediately feeling the sting of what felt like at least one broken finger, but ignoring the pain.

"A conversation? Some honesty? Fucking break up with me, don't just go sleep with half the agency." Sharon shook her head.

"When? When were we supposed to have that conversation? During the one day you're home in two weeks?" I sighed. This conversation was not going anywhere.

"I get it, it's over. Just get out of here." I turned away from her, willing for her to disappear.

"Kasey, come on. Don't be like that." I heard her footsteps approaching behind me, but was spared any further response by the sound of my door banging open against the wall.

"I think she asked you to leave." Natasha stood in the doorway, glaring at Sharon.

"Of course. Your psycho best friend to the rescue." My eyebrows lifted as I glanced over at Natasha. Did Sharon want to die today? Instead of the reaction I was expecting, however, Natasha smiled at the blonde in a sickeningly sweet manner.

"Sharon, I was meaning to ask. What's it like dating a guy who's still in love with your aunt?" I blinked rapidly, staring between the two women. Sharon glared at her, but didn't respond. Maybe she had a few brain cells left, after all. Sharon walked across the room, stepping past Natasha and out into the hall.

"It didn't have to be this way, Kasey," she called. Natasha blocked her access back into the room, and her sight of me.

"I think it did." Natasha closed the door in her face, jumping back onto my bed and holding out her hand expectantly. "Now give me your hand, you moron."


As Sharon and I shot visual daggers at each other, Yelena glanced back and forth between us warily as we both rose to our feet. "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked the agent, still standing with the front door open, keys in hand, staring into the living room.

"Relax, Winter. I just came by to grab something." I rolled my eyes, and Yelena moved slightly closer to me, jutting her chin towards the intruder.

"Who's that?" She asked. I sighed, watching Sharon like a hawk as she entered the room and retrieved something out of the hallway closet.

"No one," I muttered, angrily.

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