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After Cameron came back, I was okay. I didn't have my manic depression, I made it to the archery finals and won for our school, and the Magical Mockingjays is know for the school band. Everyone at school loves out band and the music we play. We even have our own blog! How cool is that?

Carla isn't the bitch she used to be. After we got the blog for our band, Carla joined. She's on vocals. Willow, Amandla, Emerald, Rini, Carla and me. Together, we are the Magical Mockingjays. We even held a concert!

Cameron helps us with the blog. After I showed him the slide show, he wanted me to teach him how to do all that computer stuff. My powers are still secret from the world. Well, maybe not the entire world. It's only Jen, Josh, Cameron and the band that knows. And I plan to keep it that way.

About the issue with Nicholas Hoult, he tried to kill me. Yeah! He tried to kill me! He wanted to get revenge on Jen and Josh. When he thought he killed me, I threatened to use my strongest lightning spell. He thought I was bluffing. I showed him my powers and he flipped. He tried to tell the cops, but they just assumed he was mentally ill. Now he's in a mental home for who knows how long. I doubt we'll be hearing from him anytime soon.

Jen and Josh do whatever they can to make sure I'm alright. And get this: There's going to be a movie based on how we became a family! Starting from the day I was abandoned, to the years of being bullied, to the day Jen and Josh adopted me, to the day I met Damsel, to the day he left, through the time he was gone, all the way through the time Cameron came back. Basically our whole story.

The band is doing great. We keep writing our own songs and music and adding more things on our blog. Things like when our new songs are coming out, what our new clothing is, stuff like that.

And as for me, my powers remain secret, like I said. I saved the band and and family. Nick tried to kill them when they tried to save me. We all saved each other. Since they play music with me and one of my powers is music, when we played a logical counter spell, my music power spread into the Magical Mockingjays band members. We all share my music power now. And here's the best part: Because of that, whenever we play, we transform with these bird wings and tail feathers that start at the ends of our hair. It's exactly like in My Little Pony. Except we transform into these bird like humans and not pony like humans.

We're all okay now. Everything's okay now.

A/N Let's just say that there will be no more A Whole New Life books after this. This is it. Thank you all so much for reading

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