Chapter 2

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Hailey was in her bed, it was hard to sleep for her. She got up and went downstairs, she opened the fridge to get herself a jar of pickles. Pickles usually help her sleep, as she goes upstairs and places the pickles on her nightstand. She looks in the corner of her room, it was a man sitting in her chair by her mirror. Hailey recognized the man, as he was looking down. 

"Tanner?" She called out his name, but he did not respond. "Tanner is that you?" Hailey slowly approached the man, he looked at Hailey, with blood running down of her eye. 
Hailey stumbled back. As Tanner got up from the chair, He groaned "Hailllleyyyy..."

As Hailey turned around in fear she saw a blonde girl in a cheerleader costume, with blood coming from her knee, and her face split in half, revealing her brain. The two approached Hailey as she kept looking around in fear, before running out of her room and downstairs, as she got near the table in the dining room, she looked at the chairs at the dining table, to find her mom and dad's throats cut open, and behind them was the Stalker. As the Stalker ran towards Hailey, wielding an axe in his hand Hailey bumped into the fridge, and the Stalker slammed the axe into Hailey's face

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!" Hailey woke up from her bed, screaming out of fear. Her door opened as her mom and dad came rushing in
"Hailey are you ok?!" Her mother asked her, Hailey looked around in the corners of the room, no Tanner, no Stacy. Her parents were right in front of her too
"I-I just had a nightmare... that's all." 
"Alright.. remember, no going out today got it?" 
"Mom... would you be ok if I went outside and me, Garret, and Adrian, were with a cop?"
"A cop?.. well, I don't know."
"I have a cop friend. his name is Kenny, we met him at school when he told us about the deaths. Please, mom, I'll be safe, I promise." 
"Do you know where he lives?"
"Yeah... he gave me his card." Hailey reached into her pocket and grabbed the card, her mom took the card, and looked at the front, and looked at the back to see the address. 
"Alright... I'll take you there. but promise me you'll be safe, you got it?" 
"I promise mom." Hailey walked upstairs, and down the hall, to enter the bathroom. She unzipped her jacket and put it in the basket by the chair, she grabbed a towel off the towel rack and laid it down on the floor near the shower. She grabbed the bottom of her shirt and pulled it up, laying it in the laundry basket, she looked in the mirror. She finished undressing and got into the shower, turning the water on. 

After getting done with her shower, Hailey stepped onto the towel, and grabbed her robe, and put it on her, She opened her mirror cabinet at the sink and grabbed a tube of toothpaste, and a toothbrush. After closing the mirror an image flashed before her eyes, the Stalker behind her with a knife to her throat. she blinked and the image was gone, she was looking around to make sure no one was there. She sighed, then she started to brush her teeth.

Hailey walked downstairs, with a black skirt, white shirt with a black skull on it, her favorite hoodie, this time up on her shoulders, she had the same pair of glasses on, and she tied her hair into a ponytail. "Alright mom I'm ready"
"Alright, let me get the car started up." Hailey's mom opened the door and walked to the car, unlocking it with her key. She opened the door and got in, putting the key in the ignition to get the car started. Hailey got into the car, she reached into her bag to get the card out.
"This is where he lives mom"
"I'm not too sure about this hun"
"He's a real cop mom."
"I'll see for myself." Hailey's mom started to drive off and down the street.
"Did he tell you how they died?" Hailey's mom asked her. "Oh wait! I'm sorry, that's insensitive of me to ask"
"No no! It's fine mom. I didn't really care for them that much. Kenny told me that Tanner was found dead with a missing eye. Stacy's face was split open."
"Oh my god. That's horrible!"
"I had a dream of them last night... Tanner and Stacy were there, dead, but they were like zombies you know? and then I walked downstairs, and... you and dad were dead. Then I saw him. He ran an axe into my face before I woke up screaming"
"Oh hun, don't let those nightmares get to you. No matter what happens I will ensure you stay safe." Hailey's mom drove into a driveway "I think this is it."

Hailey and her mother got out of the car and walked up the steps to the front door. Hailey knocked on the door three times. They waited before the officer opened the door.
"Hannah! I didn't expect to see you here. is there an issue?" Kenny asked
"It's Hailey, and... well a few things. My mom wanted to meet you"
"Hi my name is Margret, I'm Hailey's mother." She reached her hand out to Kenny
"Officer Kenny Swanson. At your service." Kenny shook her hand
"Hailey wanted to hang out with her friends, but due to what happened last night. We think it would be safe if you were with her and her friends for the day."
"Wait, what happened last night?" Kenny asked
"I saw the killer. I ran into him while walking home, and he showed me a picture of Tanner and Stacy, I hit him with the jug of milk I was carrying home and ran, he killed a driver in front of me.."
"Wait, hold on, you saw the killer? what did he look like?" 
"He had a mask on, some kind of wolf mask, and he was covered in black. I think I knocked his mask off, but I was too scared to get a good look at him. If I saw his face he would have gutted me." 
"Hailey!" A voice yelled out behind her, Hailey looked back at the voice
"Oh, hi Garret" 
"So, what's the plan for today? Oh hi, my name is Garret, I don't think we met before." Garret greeted Hailey's mom, shaking her hand
"Where did this happen, Hailey?" Kenny asked Hailey
"It was near the first corner on the way back from the gas station down here. There's probably milk all over the place. If we get into the car and drive to the gas station and down the road, we can find it." 
"That's right. you saw him." Garret said. "How are you doing Hailey?"
"I'm doing.. better. I had a nightmare last night about it."
"Alright, well, it was nice meeting you, Margret. I'll have your kid home by tonight" Kenny told Hailey's mom
"Yes please, thank you. Hailey, please stay safe out there."
"I will mom. I love you"
"I love you too Hailey" Hailey's mom kissed Hailey on the forehead, before getting into her car and driving off. 
"Alright. Let's get in the car and find where it happened." Kenny told the kids, as he got to his car, and opening the door for Hailey to get in. Hailey got into the passenger's seat.
"Thank you," She told Kenny as he closed the door, going to the backseat door and opening it for Garret. Garret got into the backseat 
"Thank you as well." As Kenny closed the door when he got in. After Kenny got into the driver's seat he looked at the kids and said
"You guys are welcome. Remember seatbelts, I am an officer of the law after all."
"Oh sorry, my bad" Garret said as he fastened his seatbelt
"Never forget your seatbelt Garret, you dork." Hailey snickered as she clicked her seatbelt in. "Hey, can we go pick up Adrian real quick?" Garret asked Kenny
"Is he one of your friends?"
"Yeah, we've known him for a while," Garret responded
"Where does he live?" Kenny asked
"Oh it's the blue house, it has a tow truck in the driveway. Should be around the corner, just keep driving until you see it" Hailey told Kenny
Kenny drove away and made a left turn around the corner.

Kenny slowed down as he saw a tow truck in the driveway of a blue house. "Is this it?"
"Yea! this is his house. We should play a prank, this is a cop car right?" Hailey asked
"Yeah. I am a cop after all"
"You should run the siren and tell Adrian to get out of the house, thinking he's in trouble," Hailey suggested
After a minute of silence, Kenny told Hailey
"Alright, but just this once, I don't want to stress out his parents and think he did something bad alright? today is my day off so hopefully, I don't get in trouble for doing this." Kenny turned the sirens on, and got on the voice com, and yelled "Adrian..." He turned back to Hailey
"What's his last name?"
"Adrian Thomson get your ass out here immediately!"
A middle-aged, slightly overweight man walked out of the house, wearing a plaid shirt and tight blue jeans.
"What's going on?" The man asked
Kenny signaled the man to come over to the car, and the man did so
"We are just playing a prank on Adrian. Don't worry about it he didn't do anything bad"
"Oh thank god. Almost gave me a heart attack, Name is John Thomson, nice to meet you. And I'm assuming that beautiful young lady next to you is Hailey."
"I'm assuming you are Adrian's father, nice to meet you. This is Garret, we are Adrian's friends."
"Hi" Garret greeted John
Adrian came out of the house, moving slowly and he was visibly shaking.
"W-what's g-going on?!" Adrian asked, stuttering. He was also sweating a bit. Hailey came out of the window and waved at Adrian
"Don't worry! you aren't in trouble! We just messing with you!" 
Adrian sighed, and shoved something back into his pocket. "I hate you guys." He laughed nervously as he got into the backseat of the car
"Can I ask why you are driving three kids around?" John asked
"Hailey's mother request that I'm around them to make sure they are safe. Hailey was chased around by a killer last night."
"That's right, you told us, Hailey. How are you handling it?" Adrian asked her
"I'm, doing alright."
"Alright, well we have to get going now. We'll see you later John" Kenny told John
"Alright, stay safe Adrian! Dad loves you"
"Uh-huh, yeah I'm sure," Adrian told his father as Kenny drove off

"Hey, Adrian, where did you get that bruise on your cheek? looks brutal." Garret asked Adrian
"I was messing with something and rubber bands, let go on accident and smacked me in the face"
"Ooh ouch, does it hurt?" Hailey asked
"Nah Nah, not really, I can deal with it."
"So where first?" Kenny asked Hailey
"Stop and shop. I need to do something."  Hailey responded As Kenny started to drive to Stop and Shop.

After arriving there in 10 minutes, Everyone got out of the car
"I left my wallet at home sadly," Garret said
"We aren't here for shopping. Follow me" Hailey said, as she started to walk down the street, Kenny, Adrian, and Garret perusing chase. 
"So what's going on?" Garret asked
"You'll see," Hailey said after making a turn around the corner. "Here," She said, pointing at the milk on the floor.
"What's so special about this?" Adrian asked Hailey
"This is where I saw him, see that broken milk jug?" She pointed at the jug
"You said you hit him in the face with a milk jug correct?" Garret asked
"And his mask came off," Hailey responded
"Did you get a decent look at his face?" Adrian asked
"No, I didn't. I ran that way as fast as I could" Hailey said, pointing at the street. She took notice of the car on the road "Wait right there!" Hailey yelled out after running towards it
"Wait, Hailey!" Garret called out after running towards her, Kenny and Adrian chasing them as well.

"Right there that car!" Hailey said after coming to a stop, panting. "I saw the driver get killed" 
Kenny moved towards the car and saw a blonde guy with a hole in his neck, blood from the neck down sitting in the driver's seat. 
"Is this him?" Kenny asked Hailey
"Y-yes. that is him. I asked him for help before the killer grabbed him and stabbed him through the neck." 
"That is the second dead body I have seen in the span of 2 days.. its sickening," Garret said
"Where did you run to next?" Kenny asked her
"I kept running home, and he continued to chase me after that. I think he stopped though, I didn't see him further."
"You're mom called the cops to investigate this area correct?"
"Yes. she did"
"I'm gonna leave it up to them to do it then. We shouldn't be worrying about this, it's my day off, and you guys are supposed to be having fun. So, where to next?" Kenny asked the three
"There's a party tonight at Charlotte's house. We could get ready for that" Garret suggested
"Oh yeah! I was hoping to go tonight! Will you take us there Kenny?" Hailey asked
"I hate parties.." Adrian said under his breath
"As long as there isn't drugs, drinking, or any other shit like that. Got it?" Kenny told them
"Charlotte doesn't like drugs for personal reasons. and I don't like drinking" Hailey said
"Me either," Garret said
"I hate drinking as well," Adrian said
"Alright. well, that's good, what time is the party?" Kenny asked them
"Should be at, 7:00 tonight?" Garret said
"It's 3:00 currently," Kenny said
"Wait, it's 3:00? I must have woke up late then.." Hailey said
"We have a few hours before it starts." 
"You guys want to hang out at big burger?" Garret asked
"Sure! hey Kenny you know where the big burger is right?" Hailey asked
"Yeah, I go there for my lunch breaks," Kenny said
"Alright well. let's go!" Hailey said as they walked to the car which was parked at the end of the road

A few hours later.
It was 7:00 pm and Kenny was driving the kids around, when he drove up to a house that was full and noisy, blasting music.
"This it?" Kenny asked
"Yep! thank you so much!" Hailey said as she got out of the car
"You gonna stay?" Garret asked as he got out of the car as well.
"Nah, I'm going to trust you guys with this. Do not do anything stupid. Understand?" He told the kids
"Of course," Garret said as Adrian got out of the car.
"Stay safe!" Kenny yelled out, and he drove off
"Ready?" Hailey asked her friends
"Yep!" Garret said
"I just hope it's not too loud," Adrian said as they walked in
In the house was a bunch of kids from their classroom, making out, dancing to the music which was "Without Me" by Eminem. In the kitchen, there were football jocks playing beer pong.
"I already hate this" Adrian said
"Come on! It's gonna be fun!" Hailey said, as a dark-skinned African girl walked up to Hailey, she had dreads
"Wassup girl!" She asked Hailey
"Hi, Charlotte!" Hailey greeted her
"How are yall doing?" Charlotte asked
"I'm doing fine," Garret told her
"I don't like it here. I get nervous around large crowds." Adrian said, looking at the ground
"I... was chased by the man who killed Tanner, Stacy, and the chef last night," Hailey told Charlotte

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