Chapter 10

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Everyone was silent.
"Who are the others?" Charlotte asked
"You said there was more than one stal-"
"Oh that. I lied, i lied about the multiple stalkers. And you guys took the bait. I find that funny, you took the bait so easily."
"Why? Why did you kill them?" Hailey asked in despair
"Well, you want the full story? it all began the week before Halloween. My mother was killed in a drunk driving accident, so the driver went to court, but then he was let free. So then when I went to meet up with you guys on Halloween, I took out his eye and his slut bitch."
"What?... Wait, Tanner killed your mom?" Garret asked in confusion
"What? No one told you? I thought the motive would be obvious. Tanner killed a woman in a drunk driving accident, it was all over the school hello?!" 
"No one told us about this. But why did you kill Stacy, the chef, DJ and Morgan!" Charlotte yelled out
"Stacy was just annoying, thought she was the best in the world, so I chased her and killed her. The chef? To be quite honest with you, I forgot. After I killed Joshua I just stopped caring, so I killed DJ, Morgan, Colin, his brother Sam! It was just so fun! I was a nobody and now! I'm someone! I am the real life horror slasher!" 
"This isn't some fucking movie Adrian! Real people died!"
"Look at my face, Do I look like I care?
"You... you are a monster Adrian."
"We are all monsters inside Hailey, we just keep the monster locked in, all it takes is one bad day and the monster is let loose. " Adrian did another laugh, like the psychopath he has become. "And now!" Adrian the gun off the floor "Its time for you to die!" Adrian tried to pull the trigger but it clicked.

"What the?"
 Garret punched Adrian in the face which knocked him back, Hailey ran in and kicked Adrian in the gut. Hailey, Garret, and Charlotte ran out of the house as quickly as they could before Adrian could he could attack them. They ran into Charlottes house and thought of a plan
"Ok, this motherfucker has gone off the rails, we have to think of a plan." Garret said before they saw Adrian standing right there.
"Hello everyone." Adrian said, before he ran at them, swinging his knife around. Hailey tried to get a hit on Adrian, but he slammed his knife into her hand and she let out a crying scream. Garret hit Adrian over the head with a lamp which knocked him to the ground, his hand grabbed onto the stove nob, turning it on by accident. Garret took the knife out of Hailey's hand and threw it to the ground. He took Hailey over to Charlotte
"Get her a bandage. Adrian is mine." Garret said, Charlotte nodded, she tore a piece of her dress off and wrapped it around Hailey's hand. Garret looked at Adrian, who seemed to be knocked out. He walked closer to him, looking down on him. Garret's phone began to ring, he reached into his pocket and declined the call. Adrian got up and rammed the knife into Garret's gut. 
"No!" Hailey screamed out, she ran from Charlotte and kicked Adrian back. Adrian fell back and grabbed onto the stove grate, the cloth of his robe fell into the fire and it quickly spread. Adrian lit up in a blaze, and he quickly began to scream. Hailey grabbed Garret and brought him over to Charlotte
"Call the fire department! Bandage that wound up quick!" Hailey wrapped her arm around Garret. She looked back and saw Adrian grab onto the curtains, the fire spread from his robe to the curtains, and soon enough the entire house caught on fire.

The house's bright fire lit up the dark night. Firetrucks and ambulances  with their sirens wailing and lights flashing rushed to the scene. Two paramedics got out of an ambulance, They pulled out a stretcher and laid it on the floor, Charlotte laid Garret on the stretcher and they carried him away. The firemen sprayed water at the house, which was putting it out, a fireman walked into the house. 
"What's going on? How did the fire start?" A cop walked up to Hailey, who was staring at the fire, which lit up the night
"We did it, the stalker, he's no more." Hailey began to laugh, she finally killed the stalker.
"The stalker? He's in the house? We were called to the school about him." 
"Burn motherfucker! Burn!" Hailey yelled at the house, ignoring the cop, the fireman walked out.
"Is anyone inside?" A fireman yelled out
"No one was found, The backdoor was open, and it lead to the pool, they possibly got out and was put out by the water." The fireman explained to the other, Hailey's eyes widened as she heard it, she forgot there was a pool.
"No no no! No!" Hailey ran to the fireman "He has to be dead he has to be!" Hailey yelled out 
"Ma'am calm down, We didn't find anyone in there." 
Hailey looked at Charlotte, Charlotte had a pissed look on her face. 
"Adrian!" Hailey screamed at the top of her lungs "I will find you! I will make you pay hell! You understand that!?" Hailey screamed out at the night, her arms were out. 

A middle aged man is sitting in his chair, watching tv, The news was of the fire.
"Jesus, a fire?" The man said, he got up and walked over to the fridge, the front door opened, and in walked a burnt Adrian, he was limping in.
"Adrian! Oh my god what happened to you?!" The man rushed to Adrian, since he was his father.  "Are you ok?!" His father asked him, but no response, The tv said something which caught his father's attention. 
"The ThrashVille stalker's identity has finally been revealed. According to 16 year old Hailey Jefferson, The stalkers identity is of a 17 year old kid named Adrian Thompson, who goes to ThrashVille high." A news reporter said, she was standing in front of the fire. Hailey pushed her and grabbed the mic
"Adrian if you are watching this there will be hell to pay! You will burn in hell!" Hailey yelled out. Adrian's father turned off the tv, The father looked at his son.
"Son please don't tell me this is true." He looked at his sons outfit, which was the robe the stalker wears
"Hey, listen, we can just move out. We can, start over again. Ill go get on packing." His father went to put down the remote, he turned and saw Adrian wielding a knife.  
"I wont tell anyone, i swear! Please son!"
Adrian got closer to his father
"Adrian! please!"
Adrian got closer

Adrian got closer and raised his knife in the air, His father screamed out. 

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