Chapter 7

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                                                                       Friday, the 13th.
Charlotte, Hailey, Garret, and Adrian are all walking down the street. 
"Yeah my car broke down sadly. So its getting fixed." Charlotte said holding her books in her hands.
"Hey Charlotte? What's with the ups trucks near your house when we came to your house? Been meaning to ask that." Hailey asked Charlotte
"Oh! We are moving." Charlotte said
"Moving? Where?" Hailey asked
"Oh, just down the street. Everything is out of our house by now, its just furniture we don't own that's left in there." 
"Oh, alright. Was worried you would be moving out of the town." Hailey laughed nervously.
"With this stalker shit that's been going on. I wish. But, i cant leave you guys here. Not now."
"Even if you did move, the stalker would probably go and try to find you." Adrian commented. The four all got to the entrance of ThrashVille High. They all entered the building and there were tons of kids in the hallway, they saw Morgan and DJ next to each other, they approached them.
"Oh, so it seems you two got along." Charlotte commented on the two standing next to each other
"Yeah, he told me everything." Morgan said
"I got a new best friend haha." DJ said, the bell rang and everyone started to walk towards their classroom.
"Today feels, different." Morgan stated
"Why?" Hailey asked
"Thatcher hasn't gotten on us today."  DJ continued off of Morgan's statement.
"Maybe you two just didn't do anything stupid." Hailey remarked as she got to her classroom. "We will talk later. See ya!" Hailey told the others as they walked off to their class, Hailey sat down in her desk and unzipped her backpack to get her books out. 
"Alright I know you are all excited for tonight's prom, but it's still a normal school day. Turn to page 46 in your math book" The teacher at front said to the class, everyone turning the pages.

30 minutes of the class have passed, Hailey was writing down notes in her notebook. She got a vibration from her phone. She checked her phone, stealthily, and saw a text from Sam

Sam - "I have something to tell you about the stalker. "
Hailey - "That's cool and all. in class rn, will have to txt you black later"
Hailey - "Back* idk why it autocorrected to that"
Sam - "Just text back when you get the chance." 

Hailey put her phone in her pocket, and then the teacher called on her.
"Hailey! what is Tan of 30 degrees?" The teacher called on Hailey, she looked at the board and it had complicated math stuff.
"Uuhhhhh... one over root three?" Hailey responded, she was unsure.
"Correct! Never fail to impress me Hailey." The teacher sounded proud, he grabbed his marker and began to draw on the board, explaining the math problem. Hailey watched and did a quiet yawn. She looked at the clock, she just had 15 more minutes of class left. Her fingers were taping on the desk, She looked out the window and saw something. Her heart stopped, she saw the stalker standing there, holding a machete, starring at her across the street, She looked at the teacher and looked back, to see the stalker was gone. She looked around the environment, there was no way the stalker would have vanished that fast, could it have been a vision?  She placed her hand on her head and rubbed her forehead, she took a deep breath and got back on track. 

The bell rang and everyone got up.
"Remember! No homework tonight due to the prom and well, it being Friday. Have fun!" The teacher yelled out as all the kids left. Hailey walked down the hallway and met up with her friends.
"Hi Hailey" Charlotte greeted Hailey as she came to her locker
"Did you guys see him?" Hailey asked the others
"See who?" Garret asked 
"the stalker." 
"You, saw him?" Adrian questioned
"I think i did, when i looked at the teacher, he was gone. But it was only for a split second." Hailey opened her locker and a note fell out. She bent down to grab it
"You are probably just seeing some things." DJ told Hailey "Trust me i see shit all the time. Sometimes there be these scraggly lines in my vision, and every time i try to look at them, they float away"
"Those are floaters, we get those all the time." Morgan told DJ
"Oh. Thought i was just high off my shit." DJ said, Hailey opened the note and the letter read, "YOURE NEXT." 
"If the stalker is coming to the prom tonight, I'm going." Hailey said, folding up the note and putting it in her pocket. 
"Why? That's a great a way of getting your ass slashed up." DJ asked
"If the stalker is there, then we will take him down. Its time for us to do something." Hailey checked her phone

Hailey - "Out of class. What was it?" 
Sam - "So you know how i said the stalker is gonna be at prom tonight?" 
Hailey - "Yes, we were just talking about that."
Sam - "Well, there's a high chance that he might come, unmasked. Be careful of everyone there."
Hailey - "What proof do you have?"
Sam - "Well, think about it, he would stick out like a sore thumb if he wore the clothing he usually wears. He might come unmasked to blend in perfectly."
Hailey - "Ohhh, that makes sense."

Hailey put her phone in her pocket.
"Stalker might come unmasked. Be careful." Hailey said to the group
"Unmasked huh? To blend in with the crowd?" Adrian questioned
"Correct.  It might be more dangerous now, but, he could also come in full clothing." Hailey proposed.
"Why would he come in full clothes?" Morgan asked
"He would probably still want his identity to be a secret. And with all the kids at the prom, he might go unnoticed." Hailey answered Morgan. "So. whos going?" Hailey asked everyone
"I'm going, of course, since well, Hailey wants me to." Garret said 
"I would go but, i don't have anyone to go with, so it's like what's the point?" Adrian said
"Hey, I could go with you." Charlotte told Adrian
"No no its fine." 
"Come on. Its prom night and i don't want you to feel left out Adrian." Charlotte smiled at Adrian 
"Alright, fine ill go." Adrian smirked and laughed a bit.
"I'm going with Todd." Morgan said
"I'm staying behind. Got no one to go with, and well, since I'm a little" Dj made a whistle noise to follow up his sentence "No one will really want to go out, so. Yeah."
"Makes sense. We will have you be backup, just in case anything goes wrong. Alright?" Hailey told DJ
"Got it."
"What about Sam?" Garret asked 
"Leave Sam. I don't trust that guy one bit." Adrian said itching at his shoulder. 
"We might need him. I'll text him to come to the school to be on lookout." Hailey said
"And if he tries to do anything funny i wont hesitate one bit to blow his goddamn brains out" Adrian responded, the bell rang.
"We will talk later." Hailey started to walk towards her classroom, everyone else departing.

School had ended and everyone got out of school, Hailey and the gang were walking to the front of the school
"Thatcher hasn't even shown up to school. I didn't see her in the office." DJ said to the group
"She's probably dead then." Adrian said, sternly and coldly.
"She might not be, you are never sure" DJ said
"Well last time two people didn't show up to school, they were found dead on the street." Adrian told DJ
"Tanner, Stacy, Joshua, Colin, Kenny, and now Thatcher. Plus the chef, driver and other people he has killed. Tonight is the night that ends. Tonight, we bring the stalker to justice." Hailey said as her mom drove in. She walked towards the car and waved bye to her friends, she got in the car, she smiled and looked into the mirror.

Hailey knew that tonight was the night that it all ends, tonight was the night where thrashville could be normal again. 

                                                             Tonight, was the night evil dies.

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