Chapter 4

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A man is driving at night, he comes to a stop at a middle school, a little girl with short brown hair and glasses opened the car and got in. 
"How was the after school program Hailey?" The man asked her as she put her backpack on the floor and fastened her seatbelt
"It was alright. I don't know why it has to go on for so long." Hailey said fixing her glasses.
"It only seems like that because its winter, meaning night comes sooner. Its like, 5pm." The man told her as he begin to drive off
"I still think that's too long Nathan."
"Eh don't worry about it. You can ask mom about it when you get home. So what do you do in the program?" 

"We mainly just play sports and draw. it's pretty lame." 
"Eh, well at least its over now Hailey. Here lets listen to some music" Nathan said turning the radio on 
"Carry on my wayward son! There'll be peace when you are done. Lay your weary head to rest. Don't you cry no more." Came on the radio

"Ah shit, i love this song. reminds me of my middle school days."  Nathan looked at Hailey

"Its alright I guess."
"what kind of music do you listen to? " Nathan asked
"I dunno." Hailey said shrugging her shoulders
"Come on there has to be someone you like."

"Good pick, lets see if they have any of his stuff playing right now." Nathan finished as he looked at the radio and began to turn the knob, the music changing from channel and channel
"Watch out!" Hailey yelled out as she saw a cat in the road, Nathan tried to turn the car before it drove into a traffic pole. Glass shattered everywhere, the airbag on Hailey's side came out as she pulled her head back slowly, her glasses broken. Her vision was blurry with a ringing in her ear as she heard a long going honk come from Nathans side. 
"Nathan?..."  She groaned before falling back on the airbag, the last thing Hailey could remember was her mother and father crying while an officer told her parents what had happened. 

"And since that day. My mom has been super protective of me" Hailey told Garret, Adrian, and Charlotte. They were all sitting at a diner table in the middle of the diner, menus were on their table, Charlotte looking through one. 
"I'm sorry to hear that Hailey." Adrian said to her, fiddling his thumbs around with his elbows on the table.
"All because of a fucking cat." Hailey said as she grabbed a menu and began to flip through it. 
"My mom was killed by a drunk driver." Adrian said "I saw it happen in front of my eyes. The reason I haven't been hanging out with you guys recently was because i still don't feel right. I felt closer to my mom than my dad. I just don't feel connected towards my dad." Adrian continued as he closed his menu. 
"I feel sad for Colin. He was trying his hardest to help us. And then..." Hailey said, staring down at her menu as a blonde waitress came to the table
"Hello! Are you ready for me to take your order?" She asked the four
"Uh, i think so. You guys ready?" Hailey asked the three
"uh huh"
"mhm" the three said.
"Great! Ill start with drinks!" She told them as she opened her notepad.
"I'll just have a water" Hailey said
"I'll have a coke." Adrian said
"Same here" Garret said
"I'll have a coffee." Charlotte said, The waitress writing their drinks.

After they all told her what they wanted, she walked off. 
"Remember, we have to go to Party Time after school to pick up supplies. Oh wait we have school. Dammit" Charlotte remembered, dragging her hand on her forehead
"Lets just get the day over with." Hailey said, as she got out her phone and began scrolling through a news report.
"Cop found dead on street. Reported to be Deputy Kenny Swanson." Hailey sighed
"I forgot that happened." Charlotte said
"On the street? but we saw him get killed in the house." Garret was confused by the report
"Well. The stalker goes there quite often i assume. He probably moved the body so they wouldn't find his hideout." Adrian said as the waitress came in with their drinks
"A water, 2 cokes, and a coffee" She said as she gave everyone their drinks
"Thank you" Everyone said to her as they got their drinks
"I heard you guys were talking about a stalker right?" The waitress sighed "He killed my sister on Halloween." 
Everyone's eyes widened 
"That means there were more victims than Tanner and Stacy." Garret said 
"Stacy was my sister. I couldn't believe it when I heard what happened to her..." A moment of silence went by "Sorry. Ill go get your food now." The waitress walked off
"That's Stacy's sister?" Charlotte asked before she blew on her coffee, and slurped some of it. 
"Seems like it. I feel bad for her. Losing her sister. I feel bad for Colin's sisters too." Hailey said, looking at her water. 
"The stalker is cruel, isn't he? Taking away people who had loved ones. And for no reason it seems." Adrian's eyes widened "All of the victims so far, outside of the driver and Kenny have been students of our school right?"
"Yes, Everyone who died so far, outside of those two have been victims of ThrashVille high" Hailey grabbed her water, her hand was noticeably shaking, she took a sip of water, and sat the water down on the table slowly.
"Than this means that the killer, is a student, or quite possibly. A teacher." Adrian told them
"Why would a teacher kill their own students?" Garret asked, before going to take a sip of his coke, only to realize that the straw was missing. "Forgot, its 2020. we need to ask for an effing straw now." he mumbled under his breath
"Well, Tanner, Stacy, Joshua. All troublemakers at the school. Colin was going to find out who the killer was so he had to go. The driver would have saved Hailey so he went. and the chef, who fucking knows maybe he banged someone's wife?" Adrian said, pulling a year book out of his bag.
"The yearbook from last year, where did you get it?" Hailey asked as he opened the pages
"This morning, before I got here, knowing the stalker hunts at night, and with my gut instinct the killer is a student or teacher. I went to the place. I went into the basement and i snatched it up, but I also snatched this up" Adrian said, slamming a picture of Hailey with a bloody heart around her face on the table
"What the?..." Hailey took the photo and looked at it.
"The killer has an obsession with you Hailey. oh! and another thing." Adrian got out his phone and showed a picture of a man with black hair dead on the floor, he was almost naked, his throat was slit. "He snatched another victim." 
"What the?.. Why is he naked?" Garret asked as he took the phone out of his hand and looked at it more,  before giving it back to Adrian and Charlotte taking it to look at it.
"Well, the dumbass stalker ran into the door and knocked himself out right?"
"That's right. I noticed that he was acting weird. He was a lot more clumsier and it looked as he had a hard time trying to see, also he almost fell when he ran out of the door."
"I found the body in that same spot the stalker ran into."
"Are you saying that the stalker is dead?!" Hailey asked
"No, what I'm saying is that, based on the knowledge he's inspired by horror movies" Adrian sniffed and cleared his throat. "Has anyone here seen Scream?" 
"That's the one where he calls people right?" Hailey asked as the waitress brought over their food.
"Here you guys go, sorry for the wait." The Waitress said as she gave everyone their food. She gave Adrian a plate that had an omelet on it, Hailey had a sandwich which consisted of toast, eggs, and bacon. Garret had just French toast and Charlotte had sausage's with sunny side up eggs, and toast.
"Thank you" everyone said to her as she walked away, Adrian breaking his graze from her and looking at the rest.
"As I was saying. Our killer is inspired by horror movies, and what I'm assuming from the position of the body. Our killer is taking a page out of Scream and there's a possibility there are two killers." Adrian said, sticking his fork into the omelet and cutting at it.
"Two stalkers? Fuck off." Hailey said
"Well, now there is one. the body I found was in the same position was when the stalker fell over. But he's probably using other people to pretend to be the stalker that way he can be in the same room with the killer. clearing him." Adrian took a bite of the omelet, and then drinking his drink.
"And how the hell does he manage to do that?" Charlotte asked, taking a bite of her sausage
"Easy. He holds them hostage, and if they don't succeed in the mission." Adrian dragged his finger across his neck. 
"Dammit, so that makes it harder to track down who the killer is." Hailey said, taking the toothpick out of her sandwich and taking a bite out of it. 
"Well, for now at least. that means we can track down who it is." Adrian said, taking another bite of his omelet. 
"Oh shit, its almost time for us to go." Hailey said checking her phone, The waitress was walking by the table "Hey can we have boxes to go please?"
"Sure! Do you want your check too?" She asked as Hailey nodded
"Lets go back there tonight. alright?" Garret said
"That wouldn't be so safe. That's the stalker's hideout." Adrian said as the waitress came over and put the check on the table and same with the boxes. Hailey grabbed it, and looked at the total bill, she opened her wallet and grabbed the money and put it on the check. 
"We'll come armed." Hailey said as she dumped her food into one box, everyone else putting the rest of their food in boxes and getting up.
"Alright. Well, see you guys at school!" Adrian said as he walked out
"Oh shit, Party Time is closed for today. We'll have to go there tomorrow sadly" Charlotte said checking her phone.
"Why is it closed?" Hailey asked
"Doesn't say. We'll ask tomorrow."  Charlotte said as all three walked out of the diner. 

At school.
Hailey walked out of the classroom and down the hallways, where she saw Garret, and Charlotte with her friend, Morgan.
"Hi Morgan!" Hailey said as she walked up to the three
"Yo" Morgan replied "I heard what happened to your cop friend and I just want to say I'm sorry for your lost."
"Thanks.." Hailey said, as a bunch of men started to laugh
"Nah bro nah bro! that's gay as fuck! 'Shut your ass up before i grab your balls' We don't do that fool." An African man with dreads was laughing with others 
"Ugh. DJ." Hailey said rolling her eyes and looking back at the crew
"He's always saying stuff like 'nah bro that's gay' and always acts homophobic." Morgan said as they looked at the crowd.
"I'm telling you bro! If you look at another bros dick then that means you are gay." Dj said stomping his feet on the floor laughing 
Hailey rolled her eyes "Whatever. Lets just ignore him." 
"Tanner, Stacy, Joshua, and now Colin dead. I can't believe it." Morgan said as the four walked down the hall and ran into Adrian. 
"Oh hi Adrian!" Hailey greeted Adrian
"Hi Hailey."
"Oh, Charlotte, Any news on why Party Time closed?" Hailey asked
"Well, going into it, its going to be closed due to the reports of the wolf masked killer. They are gonna be closed for a few days. Turns out they have a massive haul of the wolf mask, and the police requested they keep it closed until all of them are gone."
"Wait! they have security cameras right?" 
"We can see who bought the wolf mask."
"How can we be certain that the wolf mask is the one the killer wears?" Adrian asked "and how did they even know that the killer wears a mask in the first place?" 
"Well, they found Kenny's body right? They probably found the wolf mask in the house" Hailey answered Adrian
"But they found his body on the street. How would they know where the house would be?" Adrian raised a question
"They probably saw the house and investigated it. It looks like a serial killers hideout."  Garret said
"Anyways, we know they have the mask in stock, we can see who bought the mask." Hailey said
"And the black clothing too." Garret followed up Hailey's statement
"Lets go there tomorrow. Y'all want to hang out after school?" Hailey asked the four
"I would love to" Adrian answered
"Heyyy finally Adrian is joining our hangouts" Garret teased Adrian as Adrian lightly hit him on the arm "I'd be down to hang out." 
"What about you Morgan? I'm going" Charlotte turned to Morgan
"Sorry, gonna be a bit busy today. Maybe tomorrow?" 
"That's fine!" 
"Alright, catch Y'all after school." Garret said as everyone walked off and waved bye at each other.

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