Chapter 3

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A person is sitting in a dark room, with only the desk lamp lighting the room. 
The person  had knives and blades all over their desk, they grabbed the yearbook they had on they desk, as they flipped through the pages of it, they grabbed a knife off the desk and began to cut out a picture of what seemed to be Colin. He grabbed a thumbtack from the jar on his desk and stuck the photo of Colin on his board. They grabbed the knife and cut his finger, They used the blood and they  used the knife to draw a giant X over Colin's face. After getting a paper towel to clean off  they finger. They places the knife down on the desk and got up. They grabbed their wolf mask off the desk as they leaves and sticks it in his backpack. 

On the dartboard were pictures of ThrashVille High students from the yearbook. Tanner, with a red cross on his face, Stacy with a red cross on her face, Joshua with a red cross on his face. And recently Colin with a red cross on his face. There was a picture of Hailey, with a bloody heart around her photo. 

Hailey got out of bed, and as normal, she got on her laptop. She went into the chatroom and texted everyone

Hailey - "Yo, anyoen awake?"
Hailey -"anyone*"
Garret - "Been awake, stupid cat." 
Adrian - "Got no damn sleep last night"
Hailey - "aw that's sad to hear :(" 

Hailey noticed a text message from Colin, she checked it and saw a photo of him holding a black piece of hair under a street light.

Colin - "Your killer has black hair. take note of this."
Hailey - "thanks Colin! that helps a lot! hey lmk if you found anything else." 
She waited for Colin to reply, but got no response. "He's probably just asleep rn." she thought to herself, before copying the image and going into the main chatroom, pasting the image into the room.

Garret - "What is that?"
Hailey - "Colin sent it to me. It's a black hair strand, he told me that the killer's hair is black"
Garret - "How did he get that?"
Hailey - "Must have come off when the mask was off. Let's go there alright?"
Garret - "Alright, let's see if there were any clues he missed"
Adrian - "Let me get ready. My wrist hurts so I'm gonna try my best to get out of the house."

Hailey ran downstairs after getting dressed and left a note on the table saying she's gonna be gone and ran to meet with Garret and Adrian, who were near the street.
"Alright, you guys ready?" Hailey asked
"Not sure what other clues could be found there," Adrian said
"Who knows. I'm gonna ask Colin if he has any more clues." Hailey said, getting her phone out and going into Colin's chat, texting him.
"He isn't responding and it's annoying me," Hailey said after sending him another text, they continued to walk down the street, before Garret saw something on the road, he pointed at it. 
"Maybe that's why," Garret said as Hailey looked up from her phone to see Colin's mangled body on the road, his head squashed, two of his legs with his jaw on the other side of the road.
"What... the.... fuck...." Hailey said backing away
"What happened to him?" Garret asked.
"He looks to have been ran over," Adrian said, taking notice of the jaw on the road. He walked towards the jaw and picked it up.
"What the fuck is that?!" Garret yelled out
"It's his jaw. Now, what in the world could have been so powerful that it ripped his jaw off?" Adrian said as the tongue fell to the ground. "There's a hole in the tongue."
"I, I can't. I have to step back" Hailey said as she walked back and began to hurl on the ground.
"Poor Colin. He tried to be the hero, but the stalker wasn't going to let that happen. I'm curious as to what could have been so powerful it ripped his jaw and tongue off." 
"My guy, how are you not freaking out at the sight of a dead body?!" Garret yelled at Adrian
"I have seen 3 dead people at this point. Chef, Joshua, and the driver. This is my fourth. I've become desensitized to this." Adrian said, wiping some of the blood off his hand.
"I'm calling Charlotte," Hailey said as she got her phone out and began to call Charlotte

"Hey girl what's up?" Charlotte said on the other end
"You know how Colin said that he was gonna find the stalker?"
"Yeah what about it?"
"Stalker got him first." 
"Wait what?! he's dead?!"
"Yeah... super fucking dead." 
"Do you know how he died?"
"Not exactly but he's missing his legs, his jaw, and his head looks like someone dropped a melon off the roof."
"What the fuck?!" 
"I don't know man."
"Also, did your parents get a call from the school? Apparently, we have to go to school tomorrow."
"Are you serious?" 
"Yes. Miss Bitcher requested that students go to school or else she will sue the police department." 
"Are you actually serious?"
"Guess a whole lot of murders is gonna happen now. Shit, I have to go, see ya, Hailey!" Charlotte said before she hung up on the phone.

"Hey, guys guess what."

"Yeah?" Garret said

"We have to go to school tomorrow," Hailey told Garret


"Thatcher that's why." 

"I hate Miss Thatcher." Adrian said, throwing the jaw off to the side

"I'm calling the cops on this." Hailey said as she started to dial 911

After she told the cops what happened on the phone. She hung up and looked at Adrian and Garret.
"Fuck, this sucks. This really sucks."
"It does." Adrian said
"I'm just wondering one thing." Garret wondered
"What's that?" Hailey asked Garret
"Is this the first time a killer has shown up in this town?" Garret wondered to himself
"This town is probably years old. Every town has a killer." Adrian said as he got his phone out of his pocket and went onto the internet started to type on his phone. 
"What are you doing?" Garret asked as Adrian pulled up news articles of the killings and showed them to the two
"Strange, the only news articles shown are the ones of the bodies found of Tanner, Stacy and the rest." Adrian said
"Well because those just happened dummy, here give me that" Hailey said grabbing Adrian's phone out of his hand, and typing something. "Here." She gave it back
"Way back" Adrian said, looking through it
"Its an archive of news articles and websites. You go into the search, and type the keywords. It then takes you to news articles from anytime." Hailey explained as Adrian typed into the search bar
"ThrashVille killings. In 2015 a man stabbed and murdered a little 6 old girl. Shot by police soon after." Adrian said as he scrolled through the articles "In 2014 some kind of masked killer murdered 4 people in a retirement home." 
"What was the mask?" Hailey asked
"Just some kind of bag head, he has some kind of lumberjack shirt." Adrian kept scrolling. "Cant find anything about our stalker. Outside of the murders on Halloween." 
"So that means he's new then." Garret said as a police car showed up to the scene, the car stopped as the door opened and Officer Kenny hopping out
"What the hell happened here?" Kenny asked as he saw the dead body on the floor
"Oh my god i forgot about that" Hailey said as she jumped back
"Whos this?" Kenny asked as he kneeled down to the ground to look at the body
"Colin, he said he was going to investigate this area. I guess the stalker found out." Garret said
"How the fuck did he even die?" Adrian looked at the body
"This is way too much, this all happened in a week." Kenny said, hitting the walkie talkie on his shoulder "I need backup." he let go of the button on the walkie talkie and told the kids "Go on and get. This is a cops duty." 
"Yes sir." Hailey said as she began to walk away, Garret and Adrian walking after her.

"Why do we have to go to school during a time like this?"  Adrian asked
"Because for some ungodly reason Thatcher has the power to literally sue the fucking police department." Hailey said as she got a paper out of her pocket
"What's that?" Garret asked
"Homework that was supposed to be due, but school got shut down. With school starting up again that means i can turn this in." Hailey explained to Garret as a gust of wind hit the paper and it blew it out of her hand, it landed in a window of an old run down house, with police tape on it, and the windows bordered up, the three looked at the house as Charlotte ran up to them
"Hey what's going on?" Charlotte asked the three, looking at the house. 
"My homework just flew into that house." Hailey said pointing at the house 
"Ok well get the F because we are not going back to getting it." Charlotte said, looking at the house. The four stood there in silence, the house has a creepy ambience to it, the old rotting root, the broken stairway, the police tape around the beams of the house. the broken windows with the wood planks covering it.
"I'm not failing school" Hailey said climbing the fence of the house and walking towards the door
"Hailey! Come back here!" Charlotte screamed out, Garret climbing over the fence too and following Hailey. "Garret not you too! Adrian don't go in there please."
"Sorry but, I aint leaving them." Adrian said as he climbed over the fence and began to walk to the door
"Oh for fucks sake." Charlotte said as she climbed over the fence and walked over to the door as well
"How do we get in?" Garret asked
"You say a curse and pray to the gods above. How the fuck do you think you open a door?" Adrian said, grabbing the doorknob and pushing it open.
"jeez, okay don't need to be that aggressive."  Garret said as the rest entered in, Garret went to turn on the light switch but no power was on. All the windows were covered up and no light as shown, the door slammed shut behind them.  Hailey tried to open it but had no luck
"Maybe there's another way out." Hailey said as she turned on the flashlight on her phone.
"What even is this place?" Charlotte asked as she shined her flashlight around. 
"It's an abandoned house." Adrian said. "You three stay here, I'm gonna get your homework Hailey." Adrian said as he walked upstairs, the floorboards creaking as he walked up them.
"So what now?" Hailey asked
"The basement door is open. we should go down there," Garret suggested
"Why?" Charlotte asked as the three looked down at the basement door
"It looks like it has light." Garret said, Hailey grabbed onto Garrets arm.
"What the?" 
"Sorry, I'm just, a bit scared" Hailey said as she let go, she walked down the basement stairs
"If i see the slightest scariest thing I'm getting the fuck out of here" Charlotte said as they walked down the stairs. Hailey went to go turn on the light switch, as a spider ran across her hand and she screamed and jumped back.
"You ok?" Garret asked
"Yeah, just a... spider." Hailey said as she shined her flashlight at the light source, it was two candles on top of a desk. "what the?...." Hailey said as she looked at the table, she saw a knife, and she looked through the yearbook on the desk.
"A yearbook of thrashville high of last year." Hailey said as she skimmed through it, she noticed a few pictures were cut out. She looked at the wall and saw multiple pictures on the wall, Tanner, Stacy, Joshua, And Colin.
"Those are all the people who died so far..." Garret said 
"I think we found the killer's location. Or where he at least stays." Hailey said as she took photos of the room, the wall, and the desk. They heard creaking come from the stairs and they darted their attention to it.
"Whos there?" Hailey pointed her flashlight at the stairs, revealing Officer Kenny
"Kenny? What are you doing here?" Hailey asked. 
"I heard suspicious noises coming from here, and I went to check out what was going, what you kids doing here?" Kenny asked
"My homework flew in here. and we had to get it, and we found this." Hailey shined her light at the wall, Kenny getting closer to the wall
"He's keeping track of everyone he kills. He has some sort of... kill count" Hailey said
"Goddammit, so not only does the killer have a hideout, and he's insane, but he's also a fan of Dead Meat." Charlotte said as the three looked at her
"Who?" Garret asked
"He's a youtuber I watch." Charlotte said

"That doesn't matter, I have pictures of this now. Meaning I can send this to you and then you can use this as evidence." Hailey said as she looked back to see good old wolf mask wielding an axe
"Kenny! watch out!" Hailey exclaimed as Kenny looked back and the stalker slammed the axe into Kenny's shoulder 
"AAAAA!" Kenny screamed out as he fell to the floor, he reached for his gun and started to shoot at the figure, only one bullet hitting them in the shoulder. "Get out of here!" 
"Kenny!" Hailey screamed out as Garret and Charlotte ran out of the basement
"I said go!" Kenny said trying to fight off the wolf mask killer's axe, Hailey ran upstairs, and she looked to see the stalker push Kenny to the ground, slamming their axe into Kenny's back three times. Hailey ran up and outside
"Is Kenny okay?!" Garret asked, as Hailey began crying as she fell on the floor
"Oh my god. He killed Kenny." Charlotte said realizing why Hailey was crying
"That bastard." Garret said as he helped Hailey up. "Wait a minute did I seriously just" 
"Yes, yes you did." Charlotte said as she started to walk away, before they heard Adrian screaming from upstairs.
"Fuck. Adrian, we cant just leave him in there." Hailey said, wiping her tears and going back inside
"I swear to fucking god" Charlotte said as she ran behind her, Garret following chase.

Hailey, Garret, and Charlotte slowly walked up stairs, they turned their heads to see the stalker enter a room, where it was heard that Adrian was screaming
"We cant let him die here." Hailey whispered to Garret
"Charlotte, get your ass up here." Garret said to Charlotte who was downstairs
"Adrian said this motherfucker was inspired by horror movies right?" Charlotte said
"What does that have to do with this?" Garret asked Charlotte
"Black people always die first in horror movies." Charlotte told Garret as they heard a scream come from the room. Garret and Hailey walked to the room and opened the door to see Adrian on the ground, screaming.
"He's bleeding!" Hailey ran in and grabbed Adrian "Lets go!" Hailey said trying to run with Adrian as the Stalker ran out of the room.
"Run!" Garret said as they ran downstairs and out the door. the stalker was pursuing chase but they ran into the door way and fell back
The 4 ran out of the house, and got far before stopping and catching their breaths 
"Adrian are you okay?!" Hailey yelled out, before hugging him
"Y-yeah. I'm fine, he stabbed me in the shoulder though." Adrian said trying to push Hailey off.
"Woo, holy shit. A lot just fucking happened right now." Charlotte said
"What about Officer Kenny?" Adrian asked
"He didn't make it..." Hailey said, the four sat down and looked at the sky. They realized it was night. 
"Whos gonna protect us now?" Garret asked, seeming scared. The deputy, the police officer who they trusted the most was now gone. Hacked to bits by the stalker.
"I don't know." Charlotte said, as she got a text message from someone on her phone

??? - "Yo."
Charlotte - "What is it Morgan?"
Morgan - "Turns out we have to bring our own materials for the prom. Plates, cups, food. School is too low budget to afford it I guess." 
Charlotte - "Shouldn't be too hard. Ill get plates and stuff at Party Time tomorrow. We just had a hell of a night"

"Who was that?" Hailey asked
"It was Morgan, she said we have to bring our own materials to the prom. So tomorrow we are gonna head to party city. You guys wanna come?"  Charlotte asked
"Sure..." Hailey said
"Got nothing better to do" Garret responded
"I'd rather not. I was just stabbed in the shoulder by the stalker and I need a bit to myself." Adrian said
"I hope you recover soon Adrian, Ill walk you home." Charlotte said
"No no its fine" 
"No, I am going to walk you home because you are injured, your dad will help you alright?"
"Fine." Adrian said as Charlotte hoisted him up over her shoulders and began to walk
"See ya guys." Charlotte said as the two walked off.
"I'm going to walk home too." Hailey said
"Need me to walk you home?" Garret asked
"No, its fine..." Hailey before walking off.'

Hailey got home and walked upstairs, she opened her door and walked in, laying on the bed.
"He's really gone huh? Kenny Swanson. The man who was going to protect us, who was going to find who the stalker was. Was killed." Hailey thought to herself. "And the stalker himself. He seemed different after he killed Kenny. He didn't kill Adrian, which I'm glad he didn't but, why? He also ran into the door like an idiot. And he didn't have a weapon. Something fishy is going on with that stalker." Hailey thought to herself more before slowly drifting to sleep.

The stalker was laying down on the floor, before they got up, they looked around and saw someone enter the door. They got up and removed their mask and handed it to the person, also taking off their robe, shirt, pants, and gloves, and neck cover.  handing it to the person, the person laid their backpack on the floor and shoved all the stuff in it. 
"Can i go now?" The person who just took off the clothes asked the person who entered. "i did what you asked please let me live!" The person said before the other person grabbed their head and cut their neck open, blood dripping on the floor. His body hit the floor, as the real stalker, fully unmasked, unclothed, left the scene. Closing the door behind them they got into a parked tow truck and began to drive off. 

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