Chapter 1

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❦︎ Menma's POV ❦︎
"Kyaaaaa! Menma-kun is here!"
"Do I look presentable enough?!"

Why do I always have to suffer this headache known as fangirls, all I want is to go in my class but NO they kept on getting in my way. Geez...thank god my sister is not like them or I might kill myself. But then again my sister is always busy with either her studies, classes or just taking care of me. Now if you're wondering who am I then let me introduce my self.

The names Menma Namikaze the third child of the Minato Namikaze, little brother of Kakashi Namikaze who is a model and a famous movie director, I am also the little brother of Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze who is the heiress of the Uzumaki Entertainment Industry and she is also one of the top student in all yeah Im basically trying to crawl myself out of their shadow. Right now Im in middle school and one of the top students too so basically life is good for me atleast for now.

"Yo Menma!" I look up from where I am sitting and see Kiba. (A/N: Im pretty sure you know what the others looks like I will only put pictures of either Naruto, Menma or Kakashi and a few that is needed seeing that kakashi is pretty much a model)

"Hey bro, what do you need?"

"Oh nothing much just wanna ask if you have any siblings?" He ask rather loudly causing everyone in the room to look at us looking as curious as him might as well answer then.

"Hmm yeah I have two" Once I said that they all look at me surprise

"Brothers?" Ask the brooding emo

"A sister and an older brother, why?"

"Its just that you look a little similar with ya'know Kakashi Hatake?" Said Kiba with the other girls nodding

"Sure do, I mean he IS my brother" I said looking straight in their eyes while every single one of them even our teacher looked shock upon hearing it. I notice him walking in after kiba said I look like my brother.

"Wait...WHAT?!!" Yelled Kiba and everyone,..well not everyone since Sasuke and Neji just look shock and I really dont know about Shino.

"Then are you also connected to Miss Uzumaki?" Ask our teacher shocking the other students who run to their respective seats after noticing him.

"She's my sister"

"You are related to two models! How youthfull!" Screamed Lee

"Uhh I guess so?" Im really unsure on how to react with that one.

"Menma-kun?" I look and see most of the girls who look excited about something

"C-can I ask if you could ask your siblings to sign this?" I look at the papers one of the girls handed me and see that its actually a magazine with my siblings picture on it

"C-can I ask if you could ask your siblings to sign this?" I look at the papers one of the girls handed me and see that its actually a magazine with my siblings picture on it

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I completely forgot that my sister is actually a partime model and that she's also an actress and that my brother decided to make her the leading actress of his movie with him one of the characters

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I completely forgot that my sister is actually a partime model and that she's also an actress and that my brother decided to make her the leading actress of his movie with him one of the characters. He mostly try to not include my sister in his work as a director and actor since he felt like he's playing favorites but considering that alot of their fans wanted to see them do a collaboration then he decided to take her as a leading actress.

"Um sure I guess but I dont promise anything since I barely see my soster any more and Im not really close to my brother" Im not lying in that since ever since I turn twelve my sister decided to slowly distance herself from me. She might think that I dont notice it but I did. Back then Im really close to her since she mostly take care of me splitting her time in studying, going on business classes and taking care of me. Sometimes I see her looking at me with unreadable expression and smiling immediately after seeing that Im looking at her. I know she sometimes blames me for the death of our mother but even if she did she still took care of me even if she knows that it would hurt her but right now she is starting to distance herself from me like how father decided to distance himself from her. I heared from our maids that my sister looks likd the splitting image of our mother except for her hair color so he started to distance himself from her to the point of not looking or even praising her just brushing her off to the side while he focus on me and my brother. After I turn ten my older brother Kakashi decided to move out and barely even coming to visit me and big sis. Dad is always at work too so yeah me and my sister are all alone in the house with the maids,chefs and guards.

"All right class I want you to create a poem about your mother to have an early celebration of mothers day and you will read it in class tomorrow, and yes it is your homework make sure that it is good though sine it will be 15% in your performance" I hear the professor said right its 3 days before mothers day. So when he ask if we have a question I ask him if its alright if I right it for my sister instead since I dont really know my mother and I know that asking Naru will just make her sad and luckily he said that its alright.

~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~
I saw my sister going to her room after telling me to sleep early after Im done with my homework.

This is not of the night that rarely come anymore. The night where she would come to my room to help me with homeworks and asking me on what I did to school, a night when she would sing me to sleep. I know that Im already thirteen but damn I miss those days when she would sing me a lullaby and read me book before bedtime, those days that she would spend time with me telling me stories on how our parents fall in love even if she gets sad when she remember mother but she still tell me those stories to atleast know what is the woman who died giving birth to me is like.

I decided to go to my room and do the homeworks that is given to us while listening to the violin that my sister is playing in her room. After a few songs the music suddenly stop and instead all I hear is the muffle cry of my sister saying our mothers name over and over again. I decided to just finish what I am doing and leave her alone sine this mostly happen while neering the day of our mothers demise which is also my birthday the 15th of May.

After finishing what I am doing I decided to go to bed and pray for my mother to look after my sister from where she is now and sleep.

A/N: Well looks like I manage to write a chapter before the week end so I decided to publish this chapter for you guys the other chapters might take long since our computer is not working and Im sharing my phone with my little brother and my mother so I might not make chapter fast enough so yeah I thing a 1308 words might work for now. Thank you for dropping by and reading my new story and to be honest I only come up with this while doing the laundry.Oh and by the way I just decided that date out of nowhere so dont take it too seriosly.


Published: August 19 2021

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