Chapter 5

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"I mean it. I like you Naruto Namikaze"

Those words kept on echoing on her head every damn minute and she cant concentrate on what she is doing. Menma is getting worried on how her face kept on getting red and even ask if she needed a doctor which she denied.

Dressing up she decided to go and visit her aunt and grandmother to ask for some advise.

Her grandmother Tsunade and her aunt Shizune were the ones Naruto trust the most out of her whole family mostly because they are the only female relative that she could go to

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Her grandmother Tsunade and her aunt Shizune were the ones Naruto trust the most out of her whole family mostly because they are the only female relative that she could go to. Her aunt was the one who she could come to if she have a problem mostly when she feels upset about her father since if she tell her grandmother about it she would most likely hurt her father. And lets be honest she is closer to her grandfather than her grandmother but their still close its just her grandfather is a carefree man while her grandmother is the strict one in the family.

Arriving on the hospital that her grandmother own she immedietly go to her aunt's office to talk to her. Unfortunately turns out that Shizune is currently operating someone and she can go to her grandmother because she is also rather busy. Deciding to just wait patiently for her aunt to come she think on how she is going to respond to Shikamaru's confession. She got lucky when the bell rang and Shikamaru said that he would wait for her answer but that doesnt mean that it would stop him from helping her and courting her.

_______SHIKAMARU's POV______

Waiting for the one you confess to is kinda nerve wracking but I could deal with it.

Its currently sunday a few days after I confess to Naruto and right now Im currently on my work with my mother taking care of dad and my sister. I have to work harder since it is nearing my little sister's seventh birthday and I want to make it special for her.

Smiling at a new costumer I ask her what I could get for her. Seriously I don't know why my boss always told me to become a cashier for the cafe. With most of the costumers female I am being forced to be either a waiter or a cashier. Boss just give me a promotion and making me the manager of the cafe infuriating a few worker at first who worked here longer than me but they then accepted it saying that I needed it more. A few moment later the bell ring signalling everyone that a new costumer came in I looked up and saw Naruto and a woman who looked a little like her must be a relative.

"Welcome to Thunder God's Cafe what can I get you" I said politely smiling at the two of them I saw Naruto look at me in shock before a tint of pink caught my eye and I smirk. Heh, looks like she's just indenial then. The woman next to her ordered and the two of them walk to find a seat.

"Does Shika-chan know them?" I hear someone say behind me I look behind me and saw the daughter of my boss Nova Dreyar

"Does Shika-chan know them?" I hear someone say behind me I look behind me and saw the daughter of my boss Nova Dreyar

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Nova Dreyar is like an older sister to me always trying to cheer me up. She's actually the one who convinced her mother Mrs. Mirajane Dreyar to allow me to work here at the cafe. She is currently 19, just two years older than me. I hate it when she calls me 'Shika-chan' makes me feel like a kid.

"Just the blonde one Nova-san...and stop calling me that!" I answered

" I told you to call me Nee-san. Soo..I saw the look you gave her. Is she the girl you kept on talking about?" She ask me grinning slyly. And as if on cue her mother my boss suddenly appeared beside her wearing the same expression as Nova.

"Maybe" I answered since they already know. I remember the day that my boss somehow manage to force me to tell her about my interest on Naruto and she told her daughter about.

"Oooh, so did you finally confess?" Said Mirajane Strauss Dreyar.

I nodded and they started to bounce around trying to contain their excitement while the other waiters and cashiers just shook their heads before returning to work.

"What did she say?" Nova asked

"Nothing, the school bell rang and she just ran away from me" I answered back then told them that she return to ask for sometime and the mother-daughter duo just nodded their head and started asking me other question. The two of them are really invested in their matchmaking hobbies.

"Mirajane stop harassing your employee" I heared someone said before seing a red haired woman with brown eyes and a frown on her beautiful face.

"Oh Erza I am doing no such thing" I heared Mirajane said smiling sweetly.

Erza Fernandez is a great friend of my boss and our best costumer yet she can eat all our stock of strawberry cheesecake if Mirajane or her husband would allow her to.

"Then stop trying to meddle into their lovelife you she-devil"

"Like you could do something about it Titania did you forget that Im the reason you ended up marrying your husband"

What a great friendship they have.
A/N: Hi guys! Sorry if I only updated today. I kinda have a major writters block and it took too long to have an idea on how i am going to write the story. It kinda annoys me that I ended up having multiple idea on starting different stories but not on this story. And of course I wont write them yet just the Ideas so I woudnt forget them.

Sorry for the short chapter!

Published: 09 / 06 / 21
Words: 984

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