Chapter 2

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❦︎ Naruto POV ❦︎

"Hey did you hear?"

"Naruto-hime is going to film a movie right?"

"Yea I hear its going to be a movie that will be directed by her brother"

"I still dont know how she can jugle all the things she have to do everyday"

"Yeah I mean she have alot of classes and meetings to go to and to add a film with it"

I hear alot of students gossiping to each other while I walk passed them with my bestfriend Tenten out of the Student Council Room.

"You know I knada agree with them, you are the Student Council President and the manager of the kendo club but you still look for more work. Dont you want to atleast have a day for yourself with worrying over something or another" Ask Tenten

"Well father and almost everyone expected me to agree so how can I say no" I sigh

"You really want to live in everyones expectation dont you" Tenten look at me as im crazy

"You do know I dont like disappointing my family right.. I already failed being the number one student and as expected dad ignored me for a full week when he came back only focusing to Menma" I said as if stating a fact which I did

"Well no one is on Shikamaru's level so what do you expect"

Nara Shikamaru the top student of Konoha High School. Despite being lazy and sleeping on most of the class he always get the highest score in every single thing. Shikamaru is one of the many scholars in this school together with Tenten. I heared that he also work after school to help his mother on raising his little sister since their father is unable to do so because of he bacame blind when Shikamaru is in middle school something went wrong on his work and ended up blind. I dont really listen to those rumors but when our teacher ask him on why he slept through clasess he did confirm those rumor and ended up having alot of fangirls.

" You could say the same thing to Shikamaru too you know. He goes to work, study, take care of his little sister and now he also became the VP of the student yeah Im not the only one overworking here " I said back

"I still think that the two of you are having a competition on who have the most hectic schedule" She deadpanned

"You could say that"

"Ne Naru?"


"What are you thinking?"


"Ohhhh I see. Looks like wittle Nawu-chan have a crush" She said in a teasing voice which ended up with me having a full blown blush

"I-its n-not like that!" I stutter wh

"Who have a crush on who?" I hear someone say from the distance

Please let it be someone else..please let it be someone else

"Oh look who's here" I hear Tenten say as I slowly turn around and see...








(A/N: I know its kinda annoying with something like this so im not going to make an extreamly long pause and I marely do it for suspence)

"Temari its good to see you"

I let out a sigh as I finally face Temari. At first as expect it to be Shikamaru since he somehow always pop out from nowhere whenever Tenten and I tease each other just like this one time when the two of us are talking about the new boy and he suddenly appear telling us that he was actually a good friend of said transferee or the time where we dont have a date for prom and he's suddenly behind us. Im telling you he is most likely a ghost popping out of nowhere.

"Hey, so who got a crush on whom?" Temari said back

"Nar-" Tenten started but I decided to interup her by putting my palm on her mouth

"Nothing nothing at all Mari-chan" I said smilling nervously

"Naru?" I see Temari looking at me suspicously before I could say something Tenten finally manage to take my hands off of her face

"Naru got a crush on Shikamaru" She said while pointing at me rather dramatically

"Really?! I knew it! Kankuro owe me money!" I look at her wide eyed, seriously betting on my love life

"No I dont!" I yelled good thing were the only one here

"You kept on talking about him AND glance at him when you think no one notices " They said simutanously. I blush because I know that what they say is true.
I wanted to deny it but on second thought I can just admit it and tell then that it wont work

"Fine you're right but if we do end up together it wouldnt last long"

"And why is that?" Mari ask while Tenten just sigh probably knowing what I am going to say next

"We come from two different world alright. I mean im rich, he's not. His parents appreciate anything he did and mine dont. He's confident and Im not THAT confident. He is liked for who he is and people only like me for the one personality that is just a mask. That and he liked you Mari-chan"

"No he dont"

"You know being rich or poor doesnt dictate on who you love right"

"I know that Ten-chan its just that I know that my father wouldnt even allow it. And he did like you Mari-chan I saw how he look at you alright" I said looking down

Temari and Tenten give each other a knowing look before both of them grinned and look at Naruto

"What if we prove you that Shikamaru did infact have a crush on you?" Temari ask

"You do know that you can just hide it from your father right? What he doesnt know would kill him anyway." Tenten said

I just look at them like they've grown to heads and shook my head while looking back at my phone seeing that my driver have arived and already waiting at the parking lot

"You to would just get me in trouble one day. But fine  Mari-chan if you're right then Im going to allow you to dress me up o  what ever you like and I would also buy you a whole cheesecake and a tube of icecream" I said looking at them seriously. I know that I would win I mean come on I saw how Shikamaru always look at her whenever she is with us

"Alright thats a deal. I hope you enjoy the ride Naru because ones the day ends you would be on a rollercoaster of emotion...not to mention trouble" They said with Tenten saying the last part. What have I gotten my self into. The look on their face would litteraly hunt me for a few days.

"Alright see you tomorrow girls my driver is already waiting, Bye" I said waving at them.

After she is not on sight anymore Temari ask while looking at the locker a few feet behind them

" So ready to confess? "

"Huh who are you talking to?" Ask a confuse Tenten while looking at the direction that Temari is looking at and see

" I guess so.. thanks for the advice by the way"

"S-sh-shikamaru...SHIKAMARU! How long have you been there?!" Demanded Tenten while looking at her fellow scholar

"A few minutes after Temari arrive"

"So you hear it huh" Tenten said

"What are you planning to do?" Temari ask while raising an eyebrow

"Wait a few days, get ready and confess? Though considering how stubborn that girl is I might court her first" Shikamaru said while he scatch the back of his head

"Good idea" Temari said

"We'll distract her while you do your thing" Tenten said before they separated to go to their respective home
A/N:  Hey guys hope you like the new chapter I kinda hope to make it a little longer but I decided to make a different chapter for my other idea so I hope you enjoy...bye!

Published: 08/24/21
Number of words: 1365

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