Chapter 7

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"So father say that huh"

"Yeah, and he really sounds upset too. Maybe...maybe we really pushed her too far" answered the guy on the other side of the call

"Hm I guess we do"

"Mr. Namikaze.." A woman called knocking in the door

"Yes what is it?" Minato Namikaze ask looking at the window deep in thought

"Well I guess I'll hung up now you do your job dad" the guy on the phone said before hunging up

"Your mother is here sir, do I let her in?" that surprise Minato as his mother doesnt visit often like his dad

"Let her in"


A few weeks had past and Naruto still didn't give him the answer. She kept on avoiding him and when she did look at him she and got caught doing it she would have a full blown blush on her face prompting Shikamaru to laugh quietly.


A few more day passed and Naruto stopped going to school. The teachers and students don't know why and Shikamaru is starting to think that Naruto is avoiding him more. Day by day he would go to school to work and finally to his home and that routine started to happen everyday. Tenten and Temari can't contact her and everyone is starting to get worried.

After a few more months a the movie that Naruto is going to lead has finally come out. This make her friends stop worrying. They all go to the premiere of said movie but they can't find her in the crowd.

A few days later Temari got a message from Naruto

"To: Mari-chan

Ohayo Mari-chan, I have to go to New York for a few years. Grandpa wanted me to Star on one of his movies with my older brother. I wouldn't be coming back to Japan too since my father already made up his mind that I would start home schooling. Father also said that I also have to delete all of my social media accounts to have a fresh start. See you in a few years Mark-chan and tell the others I say bye.

From: Naru-hime"

That upset all of them but what can they do, nothing


"You need to move on shikamaru" They always say that and I know that I have to but... I just can't. Five years has passed and here I am waiting for her to come back hoping that she somehow forget that she still have to give me her answer. I know it's silly but hey! I'm serious when I told her that I would wait even if she ended up needing a thousand years to contimplate about it.


'It's been five years, I wonder how they are all doing?' Naruto thought to herself

'The last time I've  be seen them is before I started filming the last movie in Japan...'

"Big sis you okay?" I look at Menma who is sitting beside grandpa. We're actually eating dinner right now

"I feel like I forgot something" I said

They all look at me before father said "And what is that?"

A few days before we started filming the last scene of the movie back at Japan father apologised for neglecting me and Menma and promised that he would try to make up for it and he did. Turns out that grandpa told grandma about how dad is treating us and she started interrogating my aunt before storming to dad's office and started lecturing him. His assistant manage to film it and give said recording to auntie for a blackmail material.

"I feel like it has something to do with my friends back at Japan" I said before auntie seems to remember something

"Is it about your boyfriend?" After auntie utter those words Grandfather, father and by brothers sit up straight staring at me really hard that I started fumbling on my clothing

"What boyfriend!" They all yelled at the same time

"I don't know!" I yelled back before the gears in my head started turning






"Shit! I forgot about Shika!?!!!"

A/N: Hey guys I started running out of ideas for this story so it might be the last chapter that I would do for Never Enough

At the first and second chapter I have multiple ideas on how I wanted the story to happen but I started losing motivation on writing this sooooooo..... this is it my shortest Chapter of all time

Even though this is the last chapter I still like how I ended it. Its kinda amusing on how Naruto forget that Shika confessing to her.

AND if you are wondering I seem to like my new story. Its called  "Into the World of Mages" Its a Fem Naruto x Shikamaru story. A crossover between the anime Naruto and Fairy Tail and I already wrote a prologue and the first two chapters and I really really really hope that I can make it entertaining for all of you and I sure do hope that I could make it a long one

Published : October 02 2021

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