Chapter 6

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"So let me get this straight, the boy you like confess to you..yet you decided to run away" A black haired woman in a doctors outfit said

"I didnt run away,.I-I told him that I needed sometime to think" Said our blonde protagonist

"In short, you ran away"

"Shizune-oba, can you please stop repeating yourself and as I said I ask for sometime" The now named Shizune merely raised an eyebrow before sighing

"You ask for sometime to think AFTER you ran away. Why did you run when you get confessed to alot of time..seriously you sometimes remind me of your father when he is your age" She clarified getting a nod from the blonde but whispered the last part so she wouldnt hear. Its best not to mention the blonde man at times like this

"Er, you know I just need some advice I dont need you lecturing me on how I should react on being confessed to by someone I like"

"But that is the same thing" Shizune said

"You know what can we just stop talking about why I ran" Naruto pouted

"Yea sure come on Im hungry lets talk about it while eating" Shizune said dragging the pouting blonde behind her.

Arriving on a well known cafe just a few blocks away from the hospital the two decided to order when Naruto looked up she came face to face with a very familiar face and ended up blushing which is seen by her aunt and said familiar faced stranger. After the two ordered they leave the cashier/order station to look for a table that is unoccupied.

"So thats him huh" said Shizune while smiling slily at he niece who just kept her head low blushing in embarassment

"Yea, thats him" Naruto said without looking up which make Shizune grin but hey, its obvious now that her face is phisically telling everyone about it

"So did you plan it?"

"Plan what?"

"Going in this particular cafe" Shizune said thanking the waiter who bring their cakes and drinks to their table

"Why would plan that?" Ask a confused Naruto

"Because you know that he is workng here" Shizune answered emphasizing on the first word

"I didnt even know that he worked here" said Naruto looking at her aunt like she's crazy

"Oh really"

"Yes really"

"You sure?" Shizune tried again

"Yeah Im sure" Naruto said once again nodding her head

"Really really sure?" Shizune now started being amused on how Naruto kept on nodding her head and acting like a child for once in her life

"Yeah really really sure" Naruto said again looking at her aunt with wide eyes before realizing what she is doing when she saw Shikamaru in her peripheral vision looking at her direction amused before resuming his conversation with a pretty blonde haired lady making her pout at not having his attention even when she kept on being a Tsundere though her aunt and grandmother offten say that is a combination of a tsundere and kuudere which she is NOT!

Shizune noticed her sudden change of mood and stiffle a laugh. Its been a really long time since she last saw her niece acting like how she really is, a childish,energetic and overly optimistic kid who loves to have everyones attention solely focused on her before her mothers death. Its kind of a refreshing change and it also give her hope that it is still possible to get that Naruto back not that she doesnt like the current Naruto its just that she missed the old Naruto she only hope that her older brother would not try to interfere in this blossoming feeling that her niece have or she might distance herself more to not just her father but everyone around her.

"Jealous?" Shizune teased her neice once she got out of her inner thought

"W-wha j-jealous on whom?" Naruto stattered waving her hand frantically before Shizune pointed at Shikamaru's direction

"W-why would I be jealous" Naruto said looking at her lap once again

"I dont know you tell me" Shizune said leaning in the table with her plate finished

♫︎♫︎♫︎♫︎♫︎♫︎Scene Change♫︎♫︎♫︎♫︎♫︎♫︎

" So what do you think Kakashi" a white haired man said looking at Kakashi

"Hm, I dont know" Kakashi said after thinking on the mans preposition

"What do you mean that you dont know? Isnt she your sister?"  The man asked looking at the younger man before him

"Yeah but I havent talk to her outside of business since she's a kid" Kakashi said looking guilty

"You dont talk to her on that long?" Reapeted the man with his eyebrows raised in disbelief

"Hai Ojiisan" Nodded Kakashi looking any where but his now identified grandfather

"Did your father did the same?" Said grandfather asked with an eyebrow raised hoping that his eldest treated his grand daughter like a princess

"Iie" The young man shook his head no feeling like a child once again in his usually goofball of a grandfather's stern look

The answer on the young man make the older man sigh before a voice interrupted their conversation

"Um Mr. Jiraiya sir" Both man looked up to find a couple of teenagers holding up a pen and a small notebook

"Um sorry to disturb you sir but..can we please have an authograph?" Said the one from the middle who looked like he is the same age as his youngest grandson

The older man who is now identified as Jiraiya smiled before signing their notebooks and taking a picture with some of them. The others may have manage to recognize kakashi with who is wearing a hood and a face mask to also sign and take a few pictures with their fans

"Looks like youre now a successful man huh Kakashi" Jiraiya said making Kakashi nod

"I want you to try and bring it up to her when you see her again" Jiraiya said getting back to business

"Why dont you just tell her then?"

"I have to go on a few business trip first before I can go back to Japan" Right he forgot that his grandfather is an exteamly busy man being one of the most successful writer/director/company owner who is well know internationally.

"Alright I'll try to convince her into taking up the offer once I get back to Japan" He also have to tell her that the movie that they are doing is going to be really big and alot more expectation have to be met specially since everyone know that the director is the leading actress's little sister not to mention that both of them are the grandchildren of Jiraiya Namikaze the most influencial man to ever exsist

Kakashi and Naruto live a life with a lot of people even strangers who they didnt know expecting them to meet up all the expectations given to them with their grandfather a well known man around the world, their grandmother being the best doctor out there, their aunt slowly surpassing their grandmother a father of a prodigy with their late mother a great actress/business woman like Naruto they are now being expected to surpass their older family members. And dont get hin started on Menma with both his sibling being extreamly influential at a very young age he is being put on alot of pressure thankfully Naruto is always there guiding him in every step he take

A/N: Hi guys! Sorry for the not uploading in a while and for the rather short chapter that I told you lot at the note that I left before it because Im rather busy. I have to go on classes early and I have a lot of Learning Task to do because even if I am taking online classes it is still realy busy and dont get me started on my quizes on math its giving me too much headache.

Thank you for waiting patiently everyone, I really appriciate it!

Number of Words: 1439

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