Chapter 3

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A/N: Both the pictures and video's that I will be using are not mine. I only find it at printerest and youtube

The car stopped and Naruto step out of it. Walking straight to the house Naruto see someone she havent seen in a few weeks. There standing in all his glory is her older brother talking to their father with Menma.

Naruto decided to just go to her room since her family doesnt seem to notice her..well aside from Menma that is. Walking straight up the staircase she entered her room and change her clothes to this..

Coming down the stairs Naruto noticed that Menma is sitting at the couch with their brother and father on the living room talking to each other rather seriously

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Coming down the stairs Naruto noticed that Menma is sitting at the couch with their brother and father on the living room talking to each other rather seriously

Coming down the stairs Naruto noticed that Menma is sitting at the couch with their brother and father on the living room talking to each other rather seriously

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Kakashi noticed her just as she was about to go to the dining room to eat and call her asking her to join them.

"Big-brother, father, Menma-kun " Naruto said while curtsying

"Its good to see you once again Naruto" Said Kakashi in acknowledgement

"Like wise brother"

"How are you doing in school Naruto" Minato ask without even glancing at his only daughter as he continued on reading some papers

"Im doing good father , thank you for asking"

" Big-sis..are you okay?"

"Hai, Im just exhausted but i'll be fine" Naruto said smiling slightly at her little brother. No one did say that she cant atleast appreciate her brothers kindness.

After talking with them and talking with Kakashi about their upcoming movie Naruto excuse herself and decided to go to their libarary and study some more. In all the years that Naruto go through there is one lesson that she took by hearth and it was to only speak when you are spoken to specially when talking to someone with a status higher than you.

Once Naruto is out of sight Menma decided that it was time to ask his father a question that he's been wondering for a very long time now.

"Father..may I ask you a question?"

"Yes Menma?"

"Do you care about big-sis? Do you even love her or do you perhaps hate her?" Menma ask while looking at his father straight in the eyes

"Why are you asking such question like that of course I care about her, i care about all three of you" Answered a rather surprised Minato

"Then why dont you show it to her?..I mean I know big sis is thinking that if she didnt meet your expectation you would disown her immediately"

That of course shock both Kakashi and Minato I mean woulnt you be surprise hearing something like that from a thirteen year old boy about how his sibling think about her parents.

"Why would she even think something like that?" Ask Kakashi

"Well you and dad kept on ignoring her whenever she doesnt got the top spot whenever the school released our grades that is" Menma answered making Minato and Kakashi felt guilty by each passing minute

"How do you even get that conclusion in the first place anyway?" said Minato looking at his son curiously

"She would lock her self in the library to read multiple books that may contain some things that their teacher might teach them the next few years and then she would just walk around the house like a lifeless doll while memorazing every single thing in the book she had..that and she seem to ignore me when that time comes if I get better grade that her" Menma said before stoping to take a breath

Before either Minato or Kakashi could respond they hear the piano playing. Knowing that its his big-sister Menma ask one of the maids to ready a tub of ice cream and a box of tissue hearing this Kakashi ask him why he needed those thing and Menma answered

" Big-sis usually plays piano whenever she's upset and if she feels really happy whe would play the flute but from time where its neering my birthday and moms death anniversary she would mostly play violin at night before crying herself to sleep"

"H-how did you know all that?"

"She's been doing that for as long as I can remember" Menma said while looking at his father like he thinks that he's an idiot before continuing

"But then would never really know since you never spend time with her" he said before leaving. Menma was pretty sure that he's going to get nagged at by Naruto later on for being rude to their father, because no matter how she kept on avoiding Menma knows that by the end of the day his sister would be the one to make sure that he was alright just like when she slip up and yell at him for their mothers death when he was eight years old. It really upset Menma that he cried for a few hours in his room with his personal maid trying to calm him before Naruto decided to come and apologize to him and then a few minutes later the two of them were already in Menma's bed with Naruto singing lullaby to him. He knows that even if his sister blame him from time-to-time she would always be there if he needed some assistance. Getting the ice cream and the tissue he walked to the study telling his maid to wait outside the door while he comfort his sister I mean he did this almost every year whenever she is feeling emotional enough to cry.. he silently shuddered as he remember the time when his sister first started having cramps.
He still get scared seeing his normally calm yet energetic sister having mood swing with her hands waving her katana around while demanding to let her have some ramen which their father banned for the month since she manage to eat the months supply in a few minutes

A/N: Hey guys sorry for the rather short chapter (well for me anyways) I just wanted to finish this chapter before I sleep so yeah hope you enjoy and good night..Next chapter you will see Shikamaru trying to impress our sweet and oblivious Naru-chan.

Published: 08/25/21
Number of words: 1051

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