Chapter 2: what are these things?

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The world around her had changed so much from what she remembered when traveling to the facility all those years ago.

The buildings where much more damaged and broken then what she had seen previously but there also seemed to be holes in some of the building that she predicted wasn't from natural erosion, especially with what looked to be scorch marks within the unnatural damage.

Some of the trees had grows to immense sizes, some wrapped around and grew through the dilapidated building.

Needless to say a few things changed.

And something's had set her on edge.

Like for instance, the strange machines that she had stumbled upon as she walked around, what she had started to call, the City Ruins.

She had kept her distance at first, curious yet cautious of the stubby robots, especially when she noticed one had what looked like a buzzsaw in the place of a hand.

After a few minutes of observation of the little group she had first found, she stepped forward to one that she noticed was a little further away from the group and approached quietly without her weapon in hand.

She came to a stop about a meter away from the small machine, bent down to the ground a picked up a pebble before lightly tossing it towards the machine.

Upon the small rock hitting its target, with a small 'clunck' as it bounced off and onto the ground, the machine didn't react for a second making the young woman pause.

Was it broken? Or was it just not bothered by the small rock?

As she thought of the possibilities she at first failed to notice it had swerved is head towards her direction and landed upon her figure.

It just looked at her for a few seconds before it swirled its entire body in her direction and then began hopping towards her.

She only noticed when it was coming towards her and she subconsciously realised it was at a distance she wasn't comfortable with and her body had begun instinctively started putting space between her and the robot jumping towards her.

As she snapped out of her thoughts it was then she realised it was saying something that made her eyes widen and then crease as she prepared herself and her summon her spear in a flurry of blue light.

"KiLl, kIll, KilL..."

As soon as the light settled and she felt her spears weight in her hand, she attacked without mercy.

With as much strength she could muster she slashed the machines head off, after she quickly got behind it, and watched it's head roll from its body before its body exploded along with its head.

The suddeness of the explosion had left her surprised briefly before she heard the sounds of the machine group behind her slowly approaching.

She quickly turned to see the group focused solely on her.

She cursed under her breath.

With a quick scan of the group, and thinking about what she had observed previously from the group, she picked out the machines she thought would be the quickest kills and set off to take care of them.

Luckily for her the ones she had picked out lagged behind slightly, and by going around the group, and attacked them with quick experimental slashes ending them quickly but also making notes on how they reacted to slash's in certain areas on their body's.

She then turned back, noticing they were so close together, she jumped into the air. She angled her spear to where it would hit the center of where the machines were standing and threw it at her imaginary target she set for herself.

Before the machines could react, the spears tip struck the ground and the second it did replica's of the spear that were transparent and blue shot from the earth and impaled the machines in the area around it.

In quick succession the machines that were impaled blew up. Only when they were all gone did the replica's disperse into blue light leaving the spear on its own.

The woman walked over and tapped her spear lightly making it disperse as well and bent to catch her breath.

She had expected to be slightly tired after not using a move like that for so long but she was unprepared for how she currently felt.

After standing up straight, still slightly out of breath, she looked around her to see if there was anywhere she felt was safe for her to rest as well as scanning the surrounding area for anymore machines.

Before she could even think through her next course of action a giant explosion suddenly set off to the left of her, passed the half broken suspended road.

As the birds flew away from the sudden sound she stood speechless.

'What in the name of Yonah was that!'

The woman looked up at where the light of the explosion peaked from above the top of the building that blocked the rest of the view.

"I have no idea..." She said aloud without meaning to.

All In The Name Of Living (NieR: Automata X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now