chapter 7: Refection

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No, you can't be here.

You shouldn't be here.

So... How?

The thought process of both Androids was hectic. Uncontrolled. An inconvenience in this situation. A situation that shouldn't have happened in the first place!

Not only did 2B attack a human, she strangled one out. They had to report this but if they did 2B and 9S would surely be punished in a way that reflected their mistake.

2B would take the punishment willing for the both of them, there was no doubt in her mind on that but right now she had to focus on the situation at hand.

She was still on top of the young human, starring down at her in conflict. Slowly her hands removed themselves from the womans neck revealing the hand mark already started to show from the pressure that was applied.

2B found herself lightly gliding her hand across the cheek, gently and softly, a complete contrast from how she had handled the woman only moments ago. She felt stunned in a way. Unable to truly believe the being in front of her was even there.

The world around her was quiet.
Unmoving almost.

9S was stood to the side of the two on the floor unsure how to proceed from here. He too starred at the human.

Something he had fought for his entire time on the world, one of the things he thought he may never see or speak to with how the war was going was just lay on the floor.

Yes, they had attacked her, but he would make up for it! He was sure they could... Somehow.

His eyes watched as 2B glided her hand across the cheekbone of the human in a way that made 2B look like she thought the human might shatter like glass if she was any quicker with her movements.

His thoughts drifted to what they needed to do. They were at risk of attack out here be it from machine of any of the wild animals around.

Best course of action would lead to the resistance camp they were making their way to before this all happend.

The human need medical attention, not only for her neck but the slight injurys such as on her sides from where 2B had aimed her strikes. Luckily they weren't deep thanks to the quick dodging of the woman but that brought up some questions for him to ask later.

"Pod, do a quick scan for any serious injuries we'll need to take care of right now.", 2B said as she moved herself away from the being she had harmed.

Her Pod immediately began scanning as soon as the body wasn't blocked by anything as if it had wanted to do that before the order was even given to it.

"No substantial issues detected, light wounds found. Conclusion, head to nearest safe location to apply appropriate care."

2B turned to 9S after she gently pick up the woman. The two nodded to each other, both having the same place in mind.

The Resistance Camp.

Along the way 9S thought of the best way to explain the situation to the android's there.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09 ⏰

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