Chapter 3: Pre-encounter

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She stood there for a few minutes before allowing herself to relax. Nothing had happened after the explosion yet she was still on edge as multiple possibilities ran through her head on what could have cause it.

She shook her head and placed one of her hands on her forehead.

"... I just woke up close to an hour ago, can't I have a bit of a break?" She asked out loud.

'You think you've got it rough? All I can see is this void I'm stuck in!' The young feminine voice in her replied with hostility.

The woman sighed as the feeling of guilt filled her.

That voice had been with her for a while and she had done everything in her power to get rid of it for both of their sakes.

For you see the voice wasn't her inner voice, it was a whole other consciousness.

Two consciousness' lived within the same body. One being the young woman, (y/n), and the other...

Was something to be explained later.

She tried to ignore both the guilt and the voice as she took a few slow steps back while keeping her eyes out for anymore trouble from where the explosion came from before turning and scanning the area once more.

She was tired and hungry so her first plan was to find some form of suitable shelter that was safe from any hostiles.

It didn't take that long for her to decide that she should most likely go into one of the buildings. And while yes the thought of one of the floors crashing onto her did cross her mind she couldn't deny that she would ultimately be fine with that happening to her...

'You really need help if you're fine with that.'

She rolled her eyes at the comment before deciding that the building to the right of her would do.

In her mind it had the right amount of floors, looked somewhat stable from the outside. But as she approached she thought about those machines.

So she looked around her feet for some rocks that where small enough to throw but big enough make noise if they where to land in the building.

She soon found some and had decided upon throwing them, to the best of her abilities, to certain areas of the building to see if there would be any signs of activity.

Aiming towards one of the windowless parts she threw one and waited for anything that would alarm her and when she didn't hear or see anything she went on to another part. She did this as many times she felt like she needed to before stopping.

Feeling comfortable that the place was empty, and because her arm had begun to hurt, she stepped in and went up through the open stairway.

Still being cautious as she turned the corners of the stairway she looked over the floors to fine each empty, one to the floors had collapsed though so she was even more careful as she traversed up.

She stopped at the top floor and paused as she surveyed to room before settling for this one and walked to the windowless opening and sat down in the sun, her legs hanging out and she started to gently swing them back and forth.

She closed her eyes as a gentle breeze blew in gently caressed her face while slightly lifting her snow white hair.

"What should I do now? What can I do? Getting food is my next priority, but then what? Maybe new clothes? But I can't exactly walk into a clothing store."

She sighed as she leaned back with a yawn to the floor and before long and with a mix of the sun and how tired she was she quickly fell asleep.


2B quickly sat up after the young looking male android had finished her maintenance. She looked at him as he spoke as she raised to her feet.


"The Commander's put me in charge of your maintenance, ma'am." He had said to her after she was in front of him.

"That means I'll be conducting regular checks from now on."

The two spoke a little bit longer with 9S reassuring 2B about scanner types being the best to handle checks and 2B telling him to stop calling her ma'am.

"Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, the commander was calling for you." 9S informed her, "Better go see what's up, ma-er 2B." 9S quickly corrected himself.

2B quickly turned around and set of for the commander with 9S behind her. The clicking of her heels sounded as she made her way down the hall which was accompanied with the swishing of the black dress she wore.

She entered through the doors of the bunkers command room and stepped onto the elevator and made her way to Commander White.

2B briefly looked the room over, and like usual the operators where had at work over the screens in front of them, before stopping a little ways away from the Commander with 9S by her side.

Commander White stood looking at the wide screen the showcased the earth, her figure stood straight and commanded respect from those around her.

She wore a white dress, with gold that outlined parts, with a split down the side and showcased her leg, shoes with heels that went up to her mid thighs. On the top of her sleeves lay the symbol of YoRHa. Her hair was up held up in a long blonde ponytail by a gold hair ornaments.

"Commander." 2B stopped behind her and spoke with respect.

"Ah, 2B. Maintenance finished?" Commander asked as she turned to face the two androids.

"Yes, commander."

"You detonated your black box's, a bold but risky choice. Try not to be so reckless next time."


Commander White turned back to the screen briefly, eyes locking on the City ruins, and looked back at 2B once again.

"I know you're fresh out of maintenance, but I have another mission for you. I need you to rendezvous with the resistance, and do some recon on the surface."

"Doesn't YoRHa already have a dedicated resistance contact?" 9S questioned the commander.

"We haven't had any contact with them, you'll have to investigate that as well."

"Understood." 2B said after the commander finished, and taking that as the commander had said everything she needed to, walked towards the exit of the room.

9S and 2B made their way towards the hanger, towards flight units, entered the ones prepared for them and made their way to the surface.

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