Chapter 5: Moments before disaster.

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It felt as if time froze as Y/N watched the replica fly through the air towards the people in black. She had felt her hand had graced the spear before it was released and as it swiftly made its way towards the two all she could do was hope, by some miracle, one of them didn't get hurt.

She held her breath as the taller of the two turned her head towards Y/N's direction after hearing her shout, clearly on guard from the sudden unknown voice.

The woman, with seemingly inhuman speed, took note of the replica weapon coming towards her and her companion and drew her own weapon.

As soon as the spear was at a certain distance near her the woman lifted her blade and slashed the weapon that was moments away from impaling her.

When her blade made contact with the spear she was slightly startled, her eyes widening a fraction under the visor that covered her eyes, as the sound of glass shattering sounded out and the spear broke into what could have been millions of small light blue crystals.

She soon recovered from the sudden attack and looked directly at Y/N, getting into a defensive position when her eyes made contact with the person in the building infront of her.

Y/N felt her throat had gone dry as the two woman stared at each other.

She felt uneasy as the other woman's companion ran to her side and got into a defensive position as well, despite being a fair distance from them and being unable to her them as they quickly conversed Y/N knew she probably wasn't going to like what happened next.

Y/N didn't move as she was stared down by the two below her, worried that they might run into the building and hunt her down if she moved too aggressively.

It was only when projectiles came hurtling towards her did she deem it necessary to.

Her eyes widening as she jumped back and the bullets hit the roof of the building, she gulped as she thought about what could have happened if she had stayed there a second too long.

She gave herself a moment to pause and think about her next course of action. The two down there clearly saw her as a threat with the whole bullets thing so going directly out the front was off the table.

Her eyes widened as she thought about the front of the building, that was the only way in and out, wasn't it? She quickly closed her eyes and focused her thoughts on the entrance.

She held her hand out infront of herself and began chanting words under her breath.

Usually she wouldn't have had to chant but she was tired and low on energy so the only efficient way to do what she was about to do was this.

In seconds, the sound of glass rang through the ears of those in the area as a line of replica spears erupted at the entrance of the building blocking the way inside.

Y/N kneeled down to catch her breath, knowing she had bought herself sometime she continued to think to herself.


2B stared in silent wonder at what appeared at the base to the building.

"What's going on?" She muttered under her breath.

To her fighting was a common occurrence to her, fighting machines and other things was what she was used to but what was happening now wasn't exactly what she was so used to.

After she had ordered her pod unit to begin long ranged combat she began running towards the building, intending to subdue the threat inside, but stopped as her pod ceased fire briefly.

Just as she was about to order for it to continue that's when the spears shot up.

She paused surprised at what she was seeing and not fully grasping what was going on. It was her pod that brought back her attention.

"Old world magic has been detected. Caution is advised." The pod said.

"Old world magic?" Both 2B and 9S spoke at the same time, just in two very different ways.

While 2B seemed to be dumbfounded at the news 9S seemed to gain a new found curiousity at the news.

After all, what machines or even androids had magic?

9S quickly called to his own pod unit.

"Pod, scan the surrounding area for any signals of machine and androids."

He was intending to use the data so both of them would have and easier time with this fight but as his pod reported there wasn't any signals other than his and 2B's, he turned to 2B and then to the part of the building where he had seen the figure.

"No other signals? That can't be right. Do it again... The same outcome? Could they be masking their signal?" As he was told the outcome to the second scan he got lost in possible ways it could be wrong.

2B stood infront of his vessel to protect him from any possible attacks as he did so. She looked at all the openings in hopes of seeing any sign of who was in there.

They hadn't attacked for a minute but she wasn't about to let her guard down. Just as she called for 9S though she saw movements in the darkness of the entrance and then a flash of light that quickly dissipated yet she had clearly made out the figure of someone there.

"9S!" 2B called as she brought her blade into an attack position.

He soon was at her side, his own blade in hand, as the two of them watched the entrance for anymore movement.


Y/N took a deep breath as she prepared for what she was about to do. She clutched her spear in her hand and kept her eyes on the two infront of her.

She let her breath out as she appeared behind them, spear ready to impail the young male after deeming him the easier of the target.

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