chapter 6: The end of the fight.

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Y/N purposely slowed her jab towards the male infront of her to give the two time to react, to either dodge or attack.

The woman in black moved first bringing her weapon up to intercept the attack while the boy seemed to only just realize that their enemy was suddenly behind them from how his partner moved.

Y/N was almost overwhelmed with how fast the woman's reflex's where and when her spear made contact with the woman's blade she jumped back to avoid any possible retaliation.

As her feet made contact with the ground once again and as she straightened herself out she heard the boy trying to communicate with the woman.

The name of the woman seemed to fall from his lips during the brief conversation and Y/N was glad to put a name to the partially covered face infront of her.


Was that some kind of codename?

She didn't dwell on it for more time then she had too and refocused her attention.

The two woman stood looking at eachother waiting for the other to move. 2B had positioned herself in front of the boy and had taken up a defensive position while Y/N stood defensively a few feet away.

No one moved, everyone stood tense waiting for something to happen.

When 2B continued to stand in her position Y/N quickly analysed her situation.

'I may have messed up with this whole thing...', she thought to herself.

Tho it wasn't her who had sent off the first spear she had still failed to do something about it and hadn't even tried to de-escalate the situation, but the more the thought about it there probably wasn't a chance to do so in the beginning.

Y/N knew that in 2B's mind she only saw the woman in front of her as a threat to both her and her companion so even if Y/N had tried to speak to her it probably wouldn't have much affect or it would have been shot down in some way.

Y/N let out a frustrated sigh at the thoughts of her mistakes.

While doing so she made the mistake of lowering her defence and allowing her eyes to drift to the side off of the threats in front of her.

Yet 2B instantly took advantage of her mistake and attacked her without hesitation.

With almost inhuman speed 2B dashed towards the being infront of her, her blade drawn to attack but when she got close enough she leapt to her left to attack her from the side as a way to distract the woman and brought her blade above her head and brought it down.

Before she could hit the one infront of her Y/N had quickly refocused and brought her own weapon up to block the attack.

The two woman stared at each other as their weapons pushed against each other but Y/N's eyes widened as 2B pushed down her weapon and she soon began to struggle under the strength of 2B.

With Y/N trying to hold back 2B she had left her flank open to attacks and 2B once again took advantage.

"Pod! 9S! Now!", She called out while subtly tilting her head to peer behind Y/N.

Y/N became panicked as she realised what was about to happen, her hands were starting to slip on her spear's pole, her eyes widened and she tried to look behind her.

From behind her she could hear 9S running towards her as well as the sounds of something beginning to fire.

2B pushed down on her spear with force that wasn't human at all and was beginning to push Y/N's feet down into the ground. Y/N could only guess that the reason that she hadn't been taken to the floor yet was purely because of her adrenaline.

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