Forever My Love Angies POV

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I wake up to the sound of the boys yelling. I walk down the stairs not realizing i had no pants on. I walk to the fridge and grab a monster. I look around as Jet, Taylor,Alex, Jake, Oliver and Ever stare at me. "What?" "I like your frilly underwear." I look at Taylor who is laughing her ass off. I quickly run upstairs and throw on a pair of Jets sweat pants and come back down stairs. My face was blood red at that point. "Its ok babe I like them." I smile at Jet who was looking at his papers for Physical Training to help him walk. "So what is up for today?" I look at Taylor who is one to get bored quick. "I have school theb me and Jet are going out tonight, Yall wanna come?" "Yall?" I look at Oliver who is rubbing Evers shoulders. "Shut up dont make fun of the way I talk." "Well you know you have 10 minutes befor school right?" "Taylor!" I quickly run upstairs, throw on shoes, grab my books, run downstairs grab my monster and I am out the door. I hop into my truck and speed up to the college. I hop out of the truck and run into the J building and to my Law Enforcement class. I sit down next to this akward girl who was popping her gum. "Ok class." The teacher walks in and begins her lesson. Class ended early today which was good to me. "Angie?" I look over at the teacher. "Yes Dr. Williams?" "May I speak with you regarding Oliver?" "Oliver? Uh sure?" "Is he doing ok?" "Its alot of ups and downs but hes doing ok." "I sure miss him around here. He was the only funny out going one. Tell him I said hi." "Will do Mam." I quickly walk out to my truck and call Ever. "Hello?" "Let me speak to Oliver." "Hello." "Dr. Williams asked about you today?" "Uhhh...... Oh yes I know her." "I thinlk she has a thing for you." "Hha hha funny Ang. I will see you when you get home ok Jet is moping around waiting for you." "Hha hha. Bye." I quickly hang up and rush home to my babe and my friends. I walk in the door to see Logan and Jake rolling on the floor and Kim laughing her ass off. "Hey girl, how you feeling?" "I am doing ok. I heard you were late this morning in your lil undies." I glare at her and enter the kitchen. Where Oliver was in there making pina colodas. "Ill take one." He smiles at me and pours me one. "Wheres Jet?" "Upstairs." I walk upstairs into his room and see Jet but naked in bed asleep. "This is a nice sight to come home to." He opens his eyes. "Oops I guess I forgot to put on clothes." I smile and pull out a pair of jeans and a black t for him to wear. I pull out his pink boxers that he loves so much. He quickly dresses imself and puts himself in the chair. "Your doing so well." "I could'nt have done it with out your help and you being in my life." I smile and kiss his lips. I loved to kiss him. Yes it would be nice to have a little more action but I respect the fact that right now I cant. "How was PT?" "I am starting to walk but it takes alot of help and muscle build up so there might be some hope." I smile at the fact that one day we could slow dance or walk down the beach. "Well were gonna go out soon just me and you everyone will tag along later." I undress and throw on a pair of jeans, camo shirt, and my boots. Jet admires my body will I change. I throw my hair in a messy bun and I am good to go. "Ok now that you have given me bad thoughts lets go and have a nice afternoon." I give him and evil grin and wheel him down the ramp so he doesnt go flying. "I see the two love birds are finally going out for there date." I look at Logan whos stretched out on the sofa. "Dont worry theres still room in my bed tonight for you." I bust out laughing on what Jet said. I wheel him out and he puts himself in the truck. He types in the gps where were going as I put his wheel chair in the back. I hop in the truck and we were on our way. "You remember the day we met?" I look at Jet whos staring at me. "Yeah, I had come over with Taylor and you were sitting on the couch with Oliver and you looked at me and smiled. I went into the kitchen with the Kimmy and hung with her. Kimmy tried to set me up with Logan but I said no. I didnt want to be set up with someone like that. He nice and all but hes to kid like for me. There was a party at the warehouse that night. Kimmy and Taylor forced me to go. I had put on my black shimmer dress and silver stilettos." "I remember that outfit. You looked good in it." I smiled at him focusing on the gps and the road. "I went to the bar where your brother was, I ordered a Jack and Coke and sat there watching Kimmy with Jake and Oliver was with Ever. Taylor had disapeared with Jake. You came over to me and asked me to dance. I sat on your lap as we wheeled on the floor. You were good with that thing I was scared we were gonna flip over and we didnt. We hung out that whole night. We rode back to Olivers house together where you kissed me good night. I fell head over heels from that kiss." He smiles and places his hand on my thigh. I blushed. We had arrived at our destination after and hour of driving. We ended up at a shooting range. I gave him a funny look as I hop out and get him his wheel chair. He hops into it and wheels in. "Hey Jet hows life?" "Hey Steven, Its going pretty well. Brought my girl to learn to shoot." He hands me 42 calaber and Jet gets out his specialty gun. He go over to the range and put on the equitment. Jet takes the first fires as I continue to set up my gun. I walk over to my target and aim for the crotch. I fire and hit it perfectly. I go for the head next, then the heart. I knew how to shoot but Jet didnt know. He didnt really know about my backround. When we finished on our targets we put on knew ones. "Your really good for your first time." "I have shot before." "You have?" "Yeah I have,My dad used to take me all the time." I start to get mixed feelings on saying that so I just continue to shoot and get my emotions out on the gun. Jet could tell I was upset. He didnt say anything though. When we finished I returned the gun and equitment. We go out to the truck as He gets in I take his chair and he types in the next destination. As I put the chair in the back, a large man in a red shirt aproached me. "Excuse me miss?" I turn around as a gun is being held to my head. I look at him as Jet sees and goes for his gun. I take his hand and twist it behind his back. I grab the gun and hold it to his head. "Jet call Oliver, I got this bitch." "He was already on his phone calling and Oliver was there with in 30 minuetes. I was still holding him down with the gun against his haed when Oliver, Logan, Jake, and Leon aproached. "He aproached me with a gun I got him to the ground and sat here ever since. Oliver pulls me off and takes the guy in his hands. "You ever touch any of the girls again, you wont see the light of day again." He lets the guy go and walks over to me. "Are you ok?" "Yeah it just was weird." "Well were not in our terretory so it tends to happen. Come on lets get out of here, go back to the house." I hug Oliver relieved he came to take him off my hands. I get in the truck and follow Oliver home. Me and Jet didnt say a word the whole way. We pull up to the house and I get the wheel chair and we go inside. I wasn't to thrilled about what I did but everyone knew and they were talking non stop.

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