Angies POV

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I was silent in the car. I had a lot on my mind. I had a feeling something was being hidden from me. The boys were always being secretive around me which would freak me out. We pulled into the drive way and Jet tried to help me in the house. He was doing great with his walking. He was on one cane now. He held my hand going into the house. I was bombarded by Oliver, Ever, and everyone else that was home. Tyler and Kimmy came in with my big teddy bear. Logan came in with the other stuff. I sat down and Ever came over to me. "We need to chat." "Ok." I get up and follow her and Taylor into the kitchen. "We were talking with the guys and.... Your dad knows where you are." I didnt know what to say. "I'm guessing you over heard Oliver, Ever?" "He told me and I went to Taylor and we both decided to wait till you got home." I didnt want to freak out, I wanted to stay calm. "Can you rally the boys up? We need a meeting." They go get everyone and I walk down to the basement. With in a few minutes the guys were down in the meeting room/ office. "Ok boys, I know whats going on. My dad knows where I am." The guys were giving looks of who told. "I told her." Ever announced. "She needed to know, This is her safety and ours." I look at Taylor. "Ok. I am fully trained and could probably nock this out with his boys, But if big daddy comes and I have a feeling hes coming to the tournament in 3 days. He is more equipt. So we need training." "Ok Oliver Junior." I look at Logan and flip him off. I walk out of the room and run up and change into sweats and come back down. The boys were still discussing things. I started punching the bag. I was taking anger out. Jet came out to me and grabbed me. "You gotta take it easy." "NOOOOO. I need to defeat my father." I get out of his firm hold. "I need someone in the ring." Logan walks out and gets in. I hop in and its on. He trys to drop kick me I take him and flip him. He went down hard. He gets up and goes to punch me, I take his arm and twist it behind his back and push him to the ground. "Ok. You win." He gets up. "Shes better then Ever." I help him out of the ring and hug him. I walk upstairs to Jets bathroom and undress. I turn on the shower and get in. I am in there for a few secounds when I feel a presence. I open my eyes and see Jet in there with me. "I wanted to see if I could do it." I look at him. "Do what?"

____________________________some what xxx maybe_______

He pushes me against the wall and kisses me. I could feel he was getting hard which really surprised me. Was he going to fuck me? Was I ready for that to happen? Just when things got heated the door flung open.


"Hey Ang, Theres someone hear for you." "Fuck." We get out and I throw my sweats back on and pull my hair up. I wait for Jet to het dressed and we go down stairs to see my cousin Vin. "I thought I'd never see the day to see you again." I walk over to him. "Why are you hear?" "Big Daddy is out and looking for you. Hes not happy to know who your with. I came to warn you and if you decide to come with me to him." "In your dreams little boy." "Ive warned you, but I cant leave a job unfinished." He pulls out a gun and holds it to me. "You wouldnt shoot family." "Come with me and I wont." Jet gives me a look to attack and I deny it. Oliver walks in and sees it but stands by. It was a stare math between me and Vin. "Its sad that our family has come to this Vin." "Yeah it is, But buisness is buisness." I laugh. That was always the family mato. "I missed you boy." "I missed you to." He still had the gun to my chest. I gave Jet the ok look who gave a look to Oliver. "You know, It doesnt have to be like this." He looks at me and Jet went in for the kill. Knocking the gun out of his hand which I quickly grabbed. Jet had him down punching him in the face. I felt bad about it but buisness is buisness. "I never thought this would happen Angie." "Hey buisness is buisness." "He will be at your little tournament." Jet throws him out the door. I start laughing my ass off. "Whats so funny?" I look at Kimmy. "He tried to scare me and thought it would work. He is an idiot. My father thinks he can scare the secound most trained person in his gang." Oliver comes over to me. "You know we have this right?" "I have it for the most part, but its good to know I have friends who count on me." I walk upstairs and go to Jets room and just loose it. This stress is to much for me. I came here to chill out and to settle down with someone nice and this shit just starts up again. tears start flowing from my eyes. I felt like a pansy. I was not trained to cry over this petty shit. Yet I was. I need to be strong and kick ass in a few days. I will kick ass Oliver will have to let me or I will never have closure and power. I lay on the bed to relax as I hear Jet come in. "You ok babe?" "Yeah I am." I answer in a faint voice. "You dont have to act strong for me babe. I know this is hurting you." I sit up and look at him. "My training was supossed to make me strong and willing to over power my emotions on this. I am sick of the stress. I wanted to come here to be free and to find someone like you and settle down. I am putting stress on you guys as well as myself. I cant take much more. I need to get this stress out of me." Jet sits down next to me and puts his arm around me. I just get up and go down to the basement. I blast Luke Bryan and start hitting the bag. I went crazy on it. Jet came down trying to stop me but I just kept going. "Ang, stop." I kept going. He gabs me and takes me upstairs. I slams me on the couch. "Stop ok. You will be able to handle it just fucking stop." "You know what you could be supportive of me and just let me go but you choose not to. I am going for a walk." "Your not going alone. Take someone with you." "Fuck you." I went straight out the door and just walked. It was about 12:30 at night and I was walking down an ally way about 3 blocks from the house. I was still filled with rage but it didnt matter. I felt a presance aproaching so I turn around. There standing was Vin, Scott, and Joe. "Really guys?" I was taken to the ground. I struggled to get away but 3 against one was no good. I was quickly thrown into the cadilac. I was held down.

__________________________sad xxx__________________

My jeans were quickly ripped off as I am struggling. I knew what they were going to do and I didn't want it. "Stop you mother fuckers." "Come on Angie Baby, we have missed your precious pussy. I tried to kick the one in the face but I missed. "You really think I am going to let you get away again. Big Daddy wont like it." " I don't care about my father. I could feel them touching me and I didn't want it. Not again. I felt Joe's dick slip in as I screamed. My mouth was quickly covered my Vin. I didn't want this. He kept going as I squirmed. Vin held the gun to my head. I had tears coming out of my eyes. I was being violated and I could grasp hold of my mind to figure out what to do. They all thought I was the whore. "Your pussy is so wet baby it feels so good on my dick. I have missed it so much." "Fuck you." " Oh a lil mean are we?" I was still trying to squirm but had a great idea. I began to act like I liked it. I moaned. I screamed. Until.


I flipped over kicking Joe in the face. I took Vins gun and held it to his head. I cocked it and it was ready to go. "This is business bitch." I shot him in the head. I held the gun to the other one and he surrendered. I jumped out of the van. I had taken Vins phone. I looked down to see I had no pant. I quickly dialed Oliver. "Hello?" "Oliver, You gotta come get me please.! If you are near Jet just say you gotta step out." I heard him say he had to leave. "Ok I am getting in the car where are you? We have been worried about you." "I am at Coral street near the old abandoned soap factory. Ill explain when you get here, hurry." I hung up on Oliver and sat on the curb which was cold against my ass. It only took him 10 minutes to get up here. He pulls up to me and I stand up. He noticed I was naked and looked shocked. I got in the car and hugged him as tight as I could. "What the fuck happened, and why is there blood on you?" "Vin, and some other guys from Red Hawks got me. They threw me into the Cadillac and raped me. I kicked the one in the face grabbed Vin's gun and shot him in the head. I jumped out of the car with Vin's cell and called you." "You killed you cousin?" "It wouldn't be the first time. Business is business." I looked at Oliver who looked pissed that this happened. He speeds back to the house. He had given me a pair of his basketball shorts to put on. I noticed more cars were here then usual. They must have called a search party. "Oliver?" He turns around and looks at me as we get out of the car. "Yes?" "I am sorry about all of this." He comes over to me and grabs my hand. "Ang don't be, this shit happens, I mean look at what all happened to Ever and Jet. Ever lost her memory, Jet was really close to loosing his legs in that fight between me and Jason, I went to jail. Shit happens." "Yeah shit happens." Oliver leads me in the house where everyone who was everyone was there. Marcus, Leon, some other guys I didn't know, Jake, Tyler, Alex, Taylor, Ever, and Kim. "Where the hell were you?" "Ok I need everyone downstairs for a meeting now. Angie you stay up here, Jake go get Jet." I loved how Oliver was so demanding. I saw Jet go down stairs but he didn't see me. I waited till everyone got down there and tried to listen in.


"Ok guys. Ang has been found but not in what we thought she would be." I looked at Jet who seemed steamed. "She was kidnapped by Red Hawks and she was raped. She was able to break free and she killed her cousin. Tyler Iv have the cell of Vin, Angie was able to grab it to call me I need you to do a lil back tracking on it and figure stuff out." I toss the phone to Tyler who was looking at it. "The tournament is tomorrow. Ang wants to fight. We are going to let her." "We cant is not right." I look over at Jet who was steaming. "Jet shes safe we got this" "Oliver, shes got this, I know this girl." "I know she does Taylor. We just got to make sure she has people near her at all times because I have a feeling this isn't the end." "I wanna fight her father." I look up at Jet who had just spoke out. "Are you that big of an idiot bro?" "Tyler, That's my girl. I gotta do what is right." "Let him do it Tyler, He may be able to do it. Ok guys get a good night sleep I want my guys up at 8 and down here for training."


I listened to what I could but it was hard. I heard them come up so I ran up stairs and looked in the mirror at my self. "Your strong, You can do this tomorrow. Your a Graziano. Your strong." "Yes you are babe." I turn around to see Jet standing at the door, He comes in and hugs me. "I am so sorry. You kick there asses tomorrow ok." I smiled and hugged him. We layed on the bed and cuddled until our breathing became softer and we drifted off to sleep.

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