Jets POV

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  • Dedicated to Michael Fox

I had waken up to nurses coming in. Ang had a bad flash back while I was asleep. I had spent the night with her because I was worried. She has seemed to calm down alot but it was still alot to handle for her. She had always been the strong one and now her body cant take the guilt and pain anymore so its backfiring on her. My poor baby. I want her to get better soon. Now that I am building me strength to walk I want to be able to do things with her. I want to take her to the tornament in 3 weeks. I hope she gets better. "She just had another flashback, but they are getting less severe so maybe she will be realeased soon." I smile at the nurse as she goes to leave. I look at Ang whos eyes open. She gives me a sleepy smile. "Having nightmares I see?" "Yeah but it wasnt to bad. It was when I acually got away." She smiled at the fact that I was here. "Go home get some rest. Come back later, You gotta train anyway." "I dont want to leave you." "Well if you wanna stay then stay but I think you should go home." I smile and kiss her. "I will be back up later ok." "Ok baby, I love you" "I love you to Ang." I go to leave as Kimmy approaches. "We have a problem." "What?" "Angie's Dad found out about her wareabouts. Oliver is sending Leon and Marcus up for security but this isnt looking to good." "We cant tell her she will spaz." "I know Oliver said to tell her that hes just over reacting and its just for procautions." "Ok well shes awake go say hi." She smiles and goes in the room. I walk down to the parkinglot where I spot Leon and Marcus. "Hey guys, You sure you got this?" "Yeah I am guessing you heard?" "Yeah Kimmy told me that you and Leon were coming up as ordered by Oliver." "Yeah, Shits on the burners." "Keep my girl safe guys and she is not to know about this yet." "Yes Jet we got this." I laugh at Marcus as he acts like im boss. "Oliver is on his way to get you." Right as Marcus finished his sentence Oliver pulls up and I get in. "You hear the news?" I look at Oliver. "You have this right?" "I got it covered ok. We got spies out and Leon and Marcus." "I want to go home and train." We get to the house and I walk right in. I was weak but I didnt care. I had anger and I was ready to kick her fathers ass. I walk down stairs and build up more strength in my legs. Oliver had me on the bag. I worked for a total of four hours. "Dont you think we should take a break?" "No I need to be able to kill this son of a bitch." "Jet chill, if you over work your self you could end up back in the chair." He was right. I lean against the wall to try and calm down but my anger was still there. "You must learn to control your anger bro." Tyler had come over from the ring. "Its so hard, My girl is going mental because of what her father did to her. I cant even stand being near her because I cant do anything." Tyler puts his arm around me but I just go upstairs and sit on the couch. I put my head in my hands. I need to calm down. Maybe I should go visit Ang. I go downstairs, "Can someone take me to the hospital?" "I will." Tyler gets up and walks upstairs watching to made sure I had it. We get out to Tyler's car and get in. I had put my canes in the back. "Can we stop at a store so I can pick her up a bear or something?' "I was thinking about that." We drive up to Wal-Mart and we go in. I pick up a cute bear and some magazines. Tyler grabbed her a monster and some gum. We went to check out and saw Kimmy looking at baby clothes. "Hey girl." She looks over at us. "Hi! How are you guys?" She hugs us. "Good just getting stuff for Ang and taking it up to her." "Ohh. I was talking with her earlier and she feels really bad about all of this and she was apologizing multiple times to me." I looked at her with a fierce look. "She shouldn't have to apologize, she did nothing wrong." We all walk up and check out and we see Alex waiting by the exit. We all decide to ride up to the hospital together. "I cant wait until I can drive again." "Soon bro." Me and Tyler pull into a spot and Kimmy takes the next spot. We grab our stuff and walk into the hospital. It seemed busier then usual. My phone goes off and I stop to answer it. "Hello?" "Hey its Ever." "Ever what's up?" "I just wanted to check up on you. I heard some things were going on around the hospital." "Everything seems fine so far." "Ok just keep your eyes open and send Ang my love." I hang up from her and we walk up to the elevators. "Lets ride the elevators for fun." I smile at Kimmy who is trying to joke around with us. I loved my sister. We get up to the room and Leon was messing with Marcus. "Can you guys ever be normal. Go home for 2 hours and come back ok take a break." They do as I say and leave. We walk in and se the stuff down. Angie was asleep. I walk over and kiss her lips and she wakes up. "Hey babe. I am getting out of here tomorrow." "really that's great." "We brought you stuff." Tyler interferes and brings over the bear magazines and such. She smiled and cuddled with the bear. I smiled at how cute she looked. "So how are you?" " I am doing ok. I haven't been having bad flashbacks and they are putting me on medicine for it so I should be up in running with in a few days." I smile and hug her. " We are all glad your doing ok" Alex comes over and kisses her cheek and she smiles. Kimmy hugs her and Tyler hugs her and doesn't let go. "I miss you girl." " I know Tyler, I will be home tomorrow to mess with you." Everyone went home after 3 hours. Marcus and Leon were back and asleep on the pull out couch. I was laying next to my baby as she fell asleep on my chest. I loved watching her sleep, it was so relaxing to me. She was like a bunny when she slept. I wanted to call her that but we already have a bunny in the house. I turned on Full House and watched that till I dosed off for a few hours. 

I had awoken to a nock on the door. Leon went to check it. "Hey man whats up?" "Nothing much came to see how Angie is doing." I looked over at the door to see Logan coming in with a giant teddy bear. "Wow seriously?" I smiled. "I wanted to make sure she had what she needed. He sets the bear on the chair next to her. She was still asleep but woke up and saw the bear. "Aww thanks Logan." She smiled. The nurse came in with her discharge papers and we could take her home. Everyone took out her stuff and I helped her to get dressed. I took the gown off her body revealing her bra and underwear. I quickly began to get hard..... Wait I have feeling down there? "Woohoooo!!!!" "What Jet?" "Oh I am just happy your getting out I miss you in my bed." She smiles as I put her in a pair of my sweat pants and a black T shirt. They take her out in a wheel chair and I am closely behind walking with my canes. I was so happy she was coming home. I just hope everything goes according to plan and I can do what I need to do.

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