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The bell dinged as they walked into the cafe, an awkward atmosphere radiating between them. Chan ordered, first then Minho. 

"Can I get a vanilla latte with extra whipped cream and an iced americano?" The lady nodded and put it into the system. 

"Why do you need two drinks, Min?" Chan questioned. 

"Oh, the Americano's for Sung." He said, pulling out his wallet to pay. "That is what you want, right?" Jisung shyly nodded, shocked that he still remembered after so much time had passed. Minho grinned and put his card into the card reader. He put it back into his wallet and the three of them walked to the other half of the counter to wait for their drinks. One by one they came out and they each made their way to a table. 

"How did you know what he wanted?" Chan asked, curious. 

"I told him I'd never forget a detail about that day and I never did." Minho smiled. Jisung immediately knew what he was referencing. The note. 

"What happened with you two? Like I know something happened, but I don't know what that something is." They both sighed, not knowing who wanted to explain. Not liking the tension, Jisung decided to speak up. 

"We dated for a bit. It wasn't too long, like a month. You were actually there when we broke up. I mean, maybe not officially, but at least I knew it was over in that moment." Chan sat there for a second trying to remember what the youngest could've possibly been talking about. 

"Oh shit, you mean that?" Jisung nodded. 

"I was still in the closet and I saw you and panicked and just did the first thing to try to get out of the situation, but that obviously wasn't the best decision."

"So, was that just it?"

"I didn't talk to him for a while but eventually we were friends again, he was like my support system, and then after school, we all went our separate ways and we never really talked anymore. I'm glad to see that you're both out now, no more worrying I guess." 

"I'm not." Chan snorted. "Haven't talked to my dad in 4 years." He laughed trying to disguise his pain with humor. "I always knew the old man hated 'fags' but I never thought it would've applied to his own son." 

"I'm sorry, Chan. At least you still got your mom, though, right?" 

"Yeah, she's wonderful. Nicest woman alive. I visit her pretty often." 

"Well, that's good. What about you, Minho?" 

"Complete opposite of Chan. Mom got mad, but Dad supports me. The only reason my mom still talks to me is cause there's still a possibility I'll end up with a woman. This one's just a lost cause." Minho pointed to his boyfriend and laughed. "He likes dudes through and through." 

"I mean, women are beautiful, but I'd never want to fuck one." Everyone at the table laughed. 

"Cheers to that." Jisung said, slightly tilting his drink towards the oldest before taking a sip. Jisung was about to speak but his phone started to go off. "Oh, I'll be right back." The other two mumbled an 'okay' as Jisung walked away. 

"Hello?" He answered. 

"Baby, where are you? You said you'd be home early. It's almost 2. Jaeho misses you." Jisung could hear his boyfriend's pout through the phone, a smile forming on his face. 

"Are you sure it's just Jaeho?" Jisung laughed. 

"Maybe me too. But what's taking so long?" He complained. 

"I'm sorry. The models were actually guys from our high school so we're just kinda catching up." 

"Who is it? I probably know them." Jisung didn't want to answer his question. He had told Eric everything about his ex and his bully. He knew that Eric would freak out. 

"Lee Minho and Bang Chan...." 

"Wait, what? You mean the two assholes that completely fucked you over? Why the fuck are you talking to them?

"Babe, I promise they aren't like that anymore. They're really cool." 

"I believe you, but I really don't want you to get hurt. What if Chan says something mean again?

"He won't, he actually has a boyfriend now. They aren't bad people, I swear." 

"Okay, just lemme know how it went when you get home, okay?

"Alrighty, I love you, Eric." 

"Love you too, Ji. Please be careful.

"I will, I promise. See you in a bit." Jisung hung up and walked back into the coffee shop. "So apparently I have a couple of whiners at home, so I think I'm gonna go ahead and head home." He grabbed and threw away his empty cup. 

"Wait, a couple? Are you into polygamy now?" Jisung immediately started laughing. 

"I guess I should've specified. I actually have a kid now." Minho choked on his drink.

"HUH?" Minho yelled. 

"I thought you said you never wanted to fuck a woman?" 

"And that still stands, never have and never will." 

"Then, how do you have a kid?" 

"Have you ever heard of adoption?" Jisung replied, laughing. 

"Oh yeah," Chan laughed. "I kinda forgot that was an option."  

"I thought you said you never wanted kids." Minho had been zoned out ever since he heard that his ex-boyfriend was a father now. 

"That's not what I said. I said I didn't know and that if the right person came around, I would be open to the idea." Jisung corrected. "About 1 year ago now, me and Eric officially adopted this little boy named Jaeho. He's 3 now." 

"Han Jaeho." Minho whispered under his breath. "I like it. It's cute." 

"How'd you know that he had my last name?" 

"Because it sounds better with Han than Son and I know your ass would never let your child have a shitty name." The three laughed. 

"Anyways, I'm actually gonna head out now. It was nice catching up." Jisung started to walk away, but Minho stopped him. 

"Wait, Ji, can I have your new number? Just in case we ever want to hang out or something." 

"Yeah, sure." Jisung smiled and got his phone. Once they were done, he was about to close out the contacts app, but something caught his eye. A loud laugh erupted from the back of his throat. 

"What's so funny?"

"It's just that I found your old contact in here." 

"Why is that funny?" Minho asked confused. He looked at the younger's phone and started laughing as well. "God, why did I ever do that? That's so embarrassing." 

"I wanna see." Chan looked over and saw the contact. 'My Kitten' with an embarrassing thirst trap photo for the contact picture. He couldn't help but feel slight jealousy run through him seeing his boyfriend listed like that in somebody else's phone, but still laughed along so they weren't worried about him. "19-year-old Minho was something special." 

"He really was." Jisung was still laughing, his hand resting on Minho's shoulder. The touch didn't go unnoticed by Chan. He reassured himself that he had nothing to worry about, but he couldn't help it. The chemistry was still there between the two of them and even a fool would be able to notice it. After all, they were deeply in love with each other at some point. But Chan was his current boyfriend. The one that Minho says he loves and Chan wants to believe him. 

"Well, stay safe out there Jisung. I hope I can meet your son one day." Chan said, trying to discreetly get the younger to leave so he could have his boyfriend to himself. 

"Me too, have a nice night." Jisung turned away and walked home, a smile on his face that was just a little brighter than usual. 

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