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"How did things go Sunday?" Chan asked, hopeful that they were able to talk everything out. 

"He avoided it like the damn plague. He barely even talked to me, and when he did it was only in front of Jaeho. He just didn't want him to think that his parents were fighting, even though we are. He's only 3, he doesn't need to be worried about us." 

"Well, I'm sorry, Jisung. Maybe tonight things will get worked out." 

"Hopefully." Chan turned around and saw Minho getting his makeup taken off, as the shoot was already over. Chan turned back to Jisung, a little nervous to ask what he was about to ask. 

"I hate to be jealous or any of that, but is there anything at all between you and Minho? Even a slight feeling, I mean anything." 

"There's nothing going on. There isn't even a slight feeling." 

"You promise?" 

"Of course, Chan. I promise you. Minho would never cheat on you. I'd never let him, okay?" Chan leaned in and hugged Jisung, feeling slightly better. 

"Thank you." He mumbled. 

"There's no reason to thank me, Chan." They pulled apart from the hug. "You okay now?"

"I think so." Chan nodded. "Wanna go for some lunch?" Jisung laughed at the mood switch but said yes nonetheless. Soon, Minho walked over and the two informed him of their plans. He obviously agreed and the three of them went to a pizza place. While they were just eating and talking about what the couple had done the day prior, Jisung's phone started to ring. He pulled out his phone and realized it was Eric. 

"Sorry, I'm gonna take this real quick." He answered the phone. "What's up, babe?" 

"Where are you? I wanted to surprise you, but you weren't home."

"Oooh, a surprise, what kind?" 

"I was gonna get us to go on a lunch date. My mom is watching Jaeho for the night, so I thought maybe we can go on date and have some dessert after if you know what I mean." Jisung could hear his boyfriend's grin through the phone. 

"Perv." Jisung snorted. "But maybe we can do dinner instead? I'm already having lunch." 

"By yourself? You hate eating by yourself.

"I'm with Minho and Chan. After the shoot, we decided to go grab some pizza." Eric laughed bitterly over the phone. 


"Yes, seriously." Jisung rolled his eyes. 

"Are they just your best friends now? Are you gonna go get your hair and nails done together after lunch too?" Eric said condescendingly. 

"What the fuck, Eric?" 

"What? Am I wrong? All you wanna do lately is hang out with them. Oh Minho this, Chan that. I don't fucking care. You know I don't want you to be friends with them, so why do you keep seeing them.

"Because you're not my fucking mom. It's my fucking life. We'll finish this later, but right now, I'm gonna finish hanging out with my friends because I want to. Goodbye." Jisung hung the phone and just tossed it onto the table. "I fucking can't with him." Jisung sighed. 

"Ji, why do you keep hanging out with us if you know it's just gonna piss him off?" Minho asked, gently. 

"Because I actually enjoy spending time with the two of you and he can't fucking tell me what to do. I don't know where he finds the audacity, but he needs to shove it up his ass and act like an adult." Chan laughed, but quickly tried to cover it up with a cough. Jisung noticed and couldn't help but laugh too. 

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