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1 Week Later


"I'm back~" Chan called out, walking into Minho and Jisung's apartment. Jisung immediately felt his heart sink into his stomach. He knew he'd have to face Chan after what had happened eventually, but he didn't realize it'd be this soon. He slowly walked out of his room and greeted the older. 

"H-hey Chan," Jisung said, trying to seem happy. Of course, he was happy to see his friend again after a week, but the guilt seemed to be the only thing he felt. "How was it? Have fun in Japan?"

"Yeah, it was so fucking fun. It didn't even feel like work, it was just like a vacation where I happened to take pictures. I mean, I missed everyone, but another week wouldn't have hurt." They both laughed, Jisung definitely more awkwardly than Chan but he laughed nonetheless.

"Show me the pictures you got." Jisung requested. 

"I totally will, just not right now. I really wanna shower, maybe even with my boyfriend." Chan smirked and happily ran off to Minho's room.  Jisung heard the water in the bathroom running not even 5 minutes later. 


"So, you wanna..." Minho raised his eyes suggestively. Chan laughed but shook his head. 

"Sorry, I'm kinda tired. Is that alright?" Minho kissed his boyfriend's forehead. 

"Of course it is. Want me to help you wash your hair?" 

"Really?" Chan's face lit up. Minho nodded. "Yayyyy!" Chan said, laughing. Minho rinsed the older's hair before gently lathering it up and then rinsing all the soap out. He then grabbed a loofa off the hook and began to lather up his body before Chan returned the favor. 

"Turn around so I can get your back." Minho obeyed and turned around, letting Chan gently rub his back with the loofa. "Baby, what happened?" He asked, tracing his finger over a certain line on Minho's shoulder blade. 

"What do you mean?" Minho tried to turn his head and look at Chan, but he was only able to catch a slight glimpse of his face. 

"There's a scratch. What happened?" 

"Oh, Dori jumped on my back the other day. I didn't think it was enough to leave a scratch though." Minho panicked and made up something on the spot. There was no way in hell he was going to tell his boyfriend that the scratch was from Jisung. 

"Mean little kitty," Chan mumbled before continuing to wash Minho. 

"She's not mean, just playful." He laughed. They quickly finished up the rest of their shower, got out, got dressed, and then met Jisung and Jaeho in the living room. The little boy gasped and quickly ran up to them. 

"Channie!!" He yelled, jumping on top of Chan. 

"Hey, buddy." He smiled and picked Jaeho up. 

"I missed you Channie." He pouted, wrapping his arms around the older's neck and hugging him. 

"I missed you too Jae. I hope you had fun while I was gone." 

"I did." He smiled. "Can we go play together?" 

"Of course, in just one second, okay? I want to talk to your Daddy about something." Jaeho nodded and ran to his bedroom. Jisung didn't know what he wanted to talk about, but his mind immediately went to the worst-case scenario. There's no way Minho told him while they were showering, right? He wouldn't be nearly this calm. But maybe he just didn't want to be upset around Jaeho. Dear God, he knows, doesn't he? 

"So, uh, w-what did you wanna t-talk about?" 

"You wanted to see the pictures, right?"

"Oh, yeah." Jisung nodded and the couple sat next to him on the couch so all 3 could look at the pictures together. When they were done, a thought came to his mind. "Do you two think you could watch Jae tomorrow? I have a shoot, but I don't want to bother Felix and Changbin." 

"Of course we can. I missed listening to his wild little imagination while I was gone." 

"Really?" They nodded. "Thank you so much! It hopefully shouldn't be very long. Maybe like 2 hours." 

"Yeah, that's perfectly fine, Ji. Don't worry about it." 

"Seriously, thank you." Jisung hugged the two of them to show his gratitude. 



"Hey, baby, Uncle Kitty and Channie are gonna watch you while Daddy is at work, okay?"

"Okay. I love you, Daddy!" 

"Love you too, Jae." Jisung walked to the door and slipped his shoes on. "Once again, thank you two.  You sure you're good?" 

"We're positive, Ji. It wouldn't be the first time we've watched him." Minho chuckled. "Go to work. Everything's under control." Jisung nodded before finally heading out the door. 

"What do you want to do, Jae?" 

"Hmmm, I dunno." He said, trying to think of something. 

"Watch a show? Play? Read a book, maybe?" 

"Can we watch a show and cuddle?" 

"Of course we can." Chan smiled and turned the TV on and played a cartoon for the three of them. About an episode in, Minho got up. 

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom really quick." He explained. He leaned down and pecked Chan on the lips before leaving the room. 

"Does Uncle Kitty love you and daddy?" Jaeho asked, confused. 

"What do you mean, Jae?" 

"Well, Daddy said that you kiss people that you love." 

"Of course you do. Me and Uncle Kitty love each other very very much." 

"Does he love my Daddy too?" 

"Do they kiss?" 

"Mhm, they kiss a lot," Jaeho explained. Tears started to form in Chan's eyes but he quickly forced them down, not wanting Jaeho to be worried. "Can you love two people?" 

"I don't think so," Chan mumbled. 

"Then how does he love you and Daddy?" 

"I don't know buddy, I really don't." A minute later, Minho came back and could tell Chan was upset. 

"What's wrong, hyung?" 

"Oh, there was just a sad moment in the show and I think I'm still just a little out of it from traveling. Don't worry." Chan fake-laughed and tried to continue to suppress the heartbreak he feared would bubble over any second. 

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