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"Hey, Minho." Jisung called out, walking into his living room. 

"Yeah?" He asked, standing up. 

"Jaeho wants 'uncle kitty' to tuck him in too." Minho laughed but soon walked down to the toddler's room. Jisung sat back down on the love seat, and sighed, his argument with Eric still fresh in his mind even though it was a couple of hours ago. 

"Trouble in paradise?" Chan questioned, smiling softly at the youngest. 

"Yeah." He sighed again. "We just got in a little argument when I got home and he went to his friends' house to try to cool off." 

"What did you guys argue about?" Chan noticed that Jisung hesitated. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want." 

"Nah, it's fine. He just thinks that there's still something between me and Minho, which is crazy cause you're with him and I'm with Eric. He acts like I'm crazy for trying to be friends with the two of you. I think I may have taken things a little too far when I mentioned our break-up, but I was just so pissed, ya know? Like, you can't accuse me of still being in love with someone I haven't seen in years when I know I'm not. It was just frustrating and I told him that I didn't want to argue in front of you two so if he wasn't gonna cheer up, he should just leave for the night and he did." 

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you guys break up?" Minho entered the room at the wrong moment, very confused as to what had happened. 

"Did Eric break up with you?" Minho asked, concerned. 

"No, we went on a break about 2 years ago." Jisung stood up. "Do y'all want a beer or something? I really don't want to be sober right now." He laughed bitterly. Both men nodded, so he quickly returned with 3 bottles of beer. After giving one to each of his guests, he sat back down and began explaining. "So, like I said, it was 2 years ago, before we got Jaeho. I had to do this shoot for Changbin's company, just like yesterday, and there was this model there and me and him got to be really good friends. We would do shoots together all the time, and naturally, we got closer. Whenever I introduced them the first time, Eric already didn't like the guy. That night, we ended up arguing about it. He kept telling me about how the guy was obviously into me and how I wasn't allowed to be friends with him anymore because he would try to make a move on me at some point. I explained to Eric that I made it clear from the beginning to him that I had been in a relationship, but then Eric began to think that I wanted him to make moves on me and I was cheating on him the whole time. I told him that he was crazy and that we needed to take a break, so we did. But it lasted only a couple of weeks, and then I eventually moved back in and everything went back to normal. I thought the issue was resolved because he's never acted like that since but then today, I kinda got scared that he was going back to that, so I shut it down as best as possible without just ending things again." 

"I assume that the two of you have already had this talk, but just tell him that he crosses the line when he acts like that. I know that it's not an excuse, but he's probably just insecure and doesn't want to lose you. And that's understandable. You're great, Ji." Minho reassured. Chan slightly side-eyed Minho, trying not to be too obvious he was slightly uncomfortable with the way Minho was talking to Jisung. He's just trying to comfort a friend. It's not a big deal. "Anybody would be lucky to have you, and he doesn't want to let go of that. Hopefully, tomorrow after the two of you have had time to cool off, you can talk things through and everything will be fine. Alright?" 

"Alright." Jisung nodded, taking a sip of his beer. "Oh, by the way, are y'all gonna be at the shoot?"

"The one for Seo again?" Jisung nodded. "Yeah, we are. Are you the photographer again?" 

"Yeah, hopefully, things go as good as they did yesterday. Those pictures turned out literally so good." 

"They really did, you're super talented, Ji." Jisung got slightly flustered, but he just blamed it on the alcohol. This didn't go unnoticed by Chan, but he tried to just ignore it as best as possible. 

"Well, I mean, if the two of you weren't amazing models, it wouldn't have gone as great as it did." 

"I think we can all agree we are all the best of the best." Chan said, humorously. 

"Yes sir, we are." Jisung said, before taking a sip of his beer. Calling Chan 'sir' immediately made him think back to high school, then a certain thought went through his head, causing him to choke on his beer. The other two were concerned. 

"Holy shit, you good?" Chan asked. 

"Yeah, just thought about something." 

"What is it?" Minho questioned, tilting his head slightly. 

"I just realized that I've called both of you 'daddy' before. While they were in different contexts, that doesn't mean it didn't happen."

"HUH??" Minho asked, extremely confused. "When in the fuck did you call Chan daddy?" 

"When he was being an ass, I'd call him daddy and flirt with him. I knew it would piss him off, so I did it to get him to fuck off." Chan slowly started to sink into his seat. 

"You wanna know why it would piss me off so bad?" Chan asked, slowly turning red. "Cause I found it hot." He said, immediately covering his face in embarrassment. 

"What kind of fucked up love triangle are we in?" Jisung asked. The three of them all laughed. 

"Uh, hey, Sung." A voice called from the doorway into the living room. All three of their heads immediately turned to see a tired-looking Eric. 

"Everything good now?" Jisung questioned softly. It was obvious Eric was still upset, but he tried to hide it. What Jisung didn't know, was that Eric had heard the last little bit of their conversation, and he felt like his heart was gonna break at any moment. The fact that the three of them were friends now already kinda pissed him off, but the fact that they were reminiscing about their times together just made him feel hurt. They talked about it like fond memories they wish they could go back to. In Eric's head, it truly sounded like Jisung wished things were back to how they used to be.  

"Y-yeah. Night, Sung." Eric started to walk to their bedroom. 

"Goodnight, I love you." Jisung called out. 

"Yeah, me too." Eric replied before he was no longer visible. Jisung slightly frowned by the lack of affection from his boyfriend, but he tried to not let it bother him too much. 

"I'm gonna go grab another beer. Do either of you want another?" They looked at each other for a second before Chan replied. 

"No thank you, I think that we're actually gonna go ahead and head out now. It was great, and I had a fun time, but it's getting kinda late." 

"Okay, that's fine. I'll walk you to the door." The couple got their shoes and jackets on and started to head out the door. 

"See you on Monday!" Jisung said, smiling. 

"Yeah, see ya." They both replied before climbing into Chan's car. "They're not gonna last, are they?" Minho asked, with a sad tone. Chan grabbed his hand and just held it. 

"Probably not. But hey, at least we have each other, right?" Chan said, trying to lighten the mood." 

"Always." Minho raised their hands and lightly kissed the back of Chan's. 

ℂ𝕠𝕟𝕗𝕚𝕕𝕖𝕟𝕥 - 𝔸𝕤𝕙𝕒𝕞𝕖𝕕 𝕀𝕀 // 𝐌𝐢𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐧𝐠Where stories live. Discover now