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"Come in." Minho welcomed Jisung into his apartment. He walked in and headed towards the living room where he was greeted by Chan. Chan stood up and hugged the younger. 

"How're you doing?" Chan questioned, slowly pulling away from the hug. 

"I miss Jae." Jisung said, sadly. "Hopefully I get everything worked out soon so I can get him." 

"I'm telling you, Sung. If you wanted to, you could literally move all of your and his stuff in here by tomorrow. It's not an issue." 

"Are you sure? He has a ton of shit and I don't want to completely take over your apartment with kid's stuff." 

"I'm positive." 

"Is it cool with you Chan?" 

"Of course, it is Jisung. You and your son need a place to stay. If Minho wouldn't have, I would've offered up my place." Chan smiled at the youngest. 

"Maybe it'll make you feel a little bit better if you actually look at the rooms?" Jisung nodded and the three walked to the first room of the two. When they walked in, the only thing in the room was a desk with a computer sitting on top. The room was rather small, but they would still be able to fit at least a dresser and a bed, which is really all Jisung needed. Plus, there was already a closet for the rest of his clothes. 

"Where's the desk gonna go?" Jisung asked. 

"Oh, I have more than enough room to put in my room, don't worry about that. If you'd like, I could even leave that one in here for you to use. I have enough money to buy another one for myself." 

"Really?" Minho smiled and nodded. Jisung pondered for a moment before the three decided to go to the other bedroom. It was a little bit bigger which was perfect for the number of toys the toddler had. The father and son would easily be able to fit in this apartment as it wasn't exactly small. Jisung looked at the couple and let out a short breath. "And you're absolutely positive that we won't be a burden and you're okay with it?" 

"I'm sure, Jisung." Minho put both of his hands on the younger's shoulder and lightly shook him, trying to make him understand. 

"Well, I guess you're gonna have some new roommates soon. I have Friday off, will that work for you for me to move in?" 

"Yeah, totally. Of course, we'll help you, and you can bring whoever you want to help as well." 

"Awesome, thank you so much." Jisung brought both of them into a hug. 


"I'll be there to get Jaeho on Sunday." Jisung said coldly over the phone. "I already know where I'm moving in. I'll need 2 days to get everything situated and then I'll come to get him. I will be taking his toys, but you can keep his bed. Since he'll be with me the majority of the time, I feel like it's only fair I get the majority of his things, but I can just buy him a new bed." 

"Why don't you just buy him all new toys then?

"Because a bed is way cheaper than his toys and you've always gotten paid more than me, plus it's not like you're the one that has to move. You can deal with buying a few toys." Jisung rolled his eyes. 

"Fine." Eric sighed and looked over at the boy on the couch. "Do you wanna talk to him?

"Please." Eric handed the phone to his son. "Hey, Jae. It's daddy. How're you doing, baby?" 

"I miss daddy. When are you gonna come home?

"Daddy got a new home, baby. I'm gonna live with Uncle Kitty from now on.

"Are you ever gonna come back?" Jaeho asked, tears brimming in his eyes. 

"Jae, you're gonna come live with us. Is that exciting?"


"Yeah, you can bring Dori too. Dori and his kitties can meet and play. Doesn't that sound fun?" 

"But what about Dad?"

"Well, bud, you're gonna visit him all the time, okay? I want you to remember that even though we're gonna live in two different places, we still love you very very much, okay?" 

"Okay, I love you too, Daddy." Jaeho kissed the phone, causing a laugh to come out of Jisung. 

"I'll see you in a few days, alright, buddy?" 

"Okay, bye." 

"Bye-bye." Jisung hung up the phone, wanting to end the call on a high note. He walked into the kitchen and sat down next to Felix at their kitchen island. "So, will you guys help me move on Friday? I can unpack everything by myself, and I know that Minho and Chan will help, so can you just help me with stuff like assembling Jae's bed and heavy stuff."

"Of course, we will." Changbin said, smiling. 

"You're just saying that cause you wanna reconnect with your butt buddy." Jisung squinted at the older. 

"Felix is my butt buddy." 

"Changbin, I swear to god." Felix pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. Jisung just laughed, causing Felix to laugh as well. "But yes, we will help you." 

"Thank you." 

Short chapter I know but I'm too busy with their comeback. OMFG IT'S SO GOOD. That grow-up video had me sobbing bro. Also, The View??? A fucking masterpiece. 😩😩

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