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"Okay, so why did we need our bathing suits?" Felix asked as they all walked back out to the car. 

"I'll explain while we're on our way there." 

"But I wanna know now," Changbin whined. 

"Just get in the damn car." Jisung laughed and the four were on their way. "So, there's this little swimming hole about a 10-minute walk into the woods that Minho and I found in high school. I haven't been since so I thought it would be fun if we could all go together." The drive went by very quickly and soon the four of them were already walking along the path in the woods. They saw the familiar light shine through the trees and quickly walked towards it. 

"I think it's gotten even better since we were last here," Minho commented quietly, not wanting to ruin the serene atmosphere. 

"It really has," Jisung replied. 

"Are we gonna get in or are we gonna keep standing here?" Changbin asked, pulling his shirt over his head. Everybody started stripping down to their boxers and one by one jumped in the water. 

"Fuck, it's definitely colder than I remember." Jisung laughed. 

"It's not that cold, you wuss." Felix retorted, splashing Jisung with water. Minho splashed Felix in defense of his lover, and Changbin splashed Minho. This soon turned into one huge splash fight, each man for themselves. They all laughed and just acted as if they were teenagers all over again. Eventually, they calmed down and all just relaxed in the water, enjoying the nature surrounding them. The four just talked back and forth about their memories in high school together before deciding to get out and just sit on the rocks surrounding the water. The sky was painted in a beautiful pinkish-orange as the sun was beginning to set. 

"Did anybody bring their phone with them?" Jisung asked. 

"Yeah, mine should just be in the front pocket of my pants," Minho said. Jisung walked over to the pants, and sure enough, there it was. He grabbed it and walked back over to the rock and made the other three men turn around. The four of them all grinned at the phone, taking a picture of themselves with the sunset and water in the background. Jisung looked down at the photo fondly before sending it to himself and putting Minho's phone back. They sat in silence for a few more moments. 

"You guys ready to head out?" The oldest asked before looking at those next to him. They all nodded and everybody stood up and walked to the car, grabbing their clean underwear and quickly changing and putting their clothes back on. The car ride was relatively silent until Felix asked the pair in the front a question. 

"When did you guys find that place?"

"Okay, so, do you remember whenever Minho would come and check on me like our junior year after we broke up?" 

"Yeah." Felix nodded. Changbin looked up at them confused. 

"Why was he checking up on you?" 

"I just wasn't the happiest for a while so Minho would come and visit me just to make sure everything was going okay and that I wouldn't do anything stupid, that's all." Changbin nodded, and Jisung continued to explain how they found it. "So, after he checked on me, we went to the diner like we did today and then I remembered somebody had told me about this place so we decided to check it out. As you can tell, it was amazing and luckily, I still remembered where it was now so I thought I'd take y'all." 

"That wasn't the only amazing thing about that day." Minho snickered. Jisung blushed as he smacked Minho's arm. 

"What else happened?" 

"We fucked." Minho laughed harder as Jisung's blush only got worse, followed by a few giggles escaping. 

"I swear to god, I'm gonna kill you one day." 

"That was one great day followed by a very very shitty one," Minho said, slightly sighing at the memory. 

"What do you mean? I thought that was a great weekend." Jisung asked, concerned. 

"The weekend was, yeah. But like two days later you got with fuck-face. I was still very much in love with you." 

"Well, he's completely out of the picture now, so there's no point in dwelling on him anymore. It's just you and me." Jisung grabbed Minho's hand and lightly kissed it, reassuring the younger. "And Jae. Do you want to go with me to pick him up tomorrow?"

"Can I just stay in the car?" 

"Of course." 

"Then, I would love to." 

"Good." Jisung smiled at him and continued driving in silence. 

"Y'all are domestic as fuck, damn." Felix laughed. "We don't even act like that and we're legit married." 

"Just let them be, Lixie. We are like that 24/7 so don't even." Changbin pecked Felix's temple. 

"Yeah, don't even. I've had to deal with you two being all lovey-dovey for the past 6 years so you can just shut it." Jisung threatened, but he still had a wide smile across his face, obviously not actually upset. 

"I suppose you're right." Felix laughed. Jisung pulled into the couple's driveway and they bid their goodbye's and the other two headed back to their place. 


"Minnie, I'm bored," Jisung complained, laying on the couch. 

"Well, what do you want me to do about it?" He laughed. 

"I don't know. Entertain me." Minho walked over to Jisung and sat down next to him. 

"Well, what do you wanna do?" Jisung sat up and leaned against the older. 

"I don't know." He groaned. 

"What about me?" Minho grinned. The younger looked up at him confused.

"What do you mean?" 

"Why don't you do me?" Jisung's face lit up and he quickly moved over the straddle Minho's lap and wrapped his arms around Minho's neck. 

"I would gladly do you." 

"Let's not waste any time, then." Minho quickly stood up, picking Jisung up with him, the younger wrapping his legs around the older's waist to hold himself up. Minho went as fast as possible running to his bedroom, causing laughs to erupt from the younger at his eagerness. Minho busted into the room dramatically and threw the younger onto the bed before shutting the door behind him. 

"God, I love you." Jisung breathed out, still lightly laughing. 

"I love you, too, Ji." Minho grinned down at him, admiring that god-damn smile. "You are so fucking beautiful, holy shit." Minho quickly pressed their lips together, expressing his love the best way he knew how.

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