• Trio •

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  It's Luz's first day today , I'd waited at the entrance.

" Ugh did you just bump into me ? " Boscha said in the distance.

" I'm sorry- " The voice said , Luz ! I'd run over.

" Sorry my ass , if your sorry then you'll have to feel what you just did to me " Boscha stated and she'd pour the rest of the cup of cola onto her head , leaving a stain on the beanie.

" Enough " I'd shouted.

" Oh you , what are you gonna do ? Throw a book at us ? " Skara stated and they laughed.

" Oh haha so funny , maybe you should scram , I don't know what the new girl can do , maybe slap you across the face ? Nah that's too light " I'd threatened.

" You never makes things fun , let's go girls " Boscha stated , leading the girls away and Luz blew a raspberry at them.

" Their the heather's but a bigger group , beside Boscha the others can be real nice without her presence " I'd told Luz , helping her up.

" Thanks , so I have to look out for the blight twins and the masked guy name Hunter ? " She'd asked again.

" Yes he has a way to make people mad , everybody hates him " I'd told her and we went inside.

" That should be the principal's office you can head in " I'd told her.

" Alright , time to get my schedule , I'm ready for school " She'd stated , heading in.

" Hi Y/N , never saw you stand up for new students " Hunter teased.

" She's different " I'd hissed back.

" Don't be such hostile ~ " He'd said , leaning onto me.

" Your uncle is in there , get off unless you wanna get in trouble " I'd threatened.

" Don't be that venom towords me ~ " He'd said , holding a peace sign , backing up.

" I'm like that to everyone but the new girl is exaptional " I'd pointed out.

" Nah your soft when your near the teachers and the good students " He'd corrects.

" No I don't " I'd said and Luz came back out.

" I got the schedule- whoah , what's this heavy tention of murderous vibe here " Luz commented.

" Is nothing but let's go , don't want to be late for class " I'd stated dragging her along.

" Oh okay " She'd stated before hunter is out of our vision.

" The lockers in this world is normal , their not centiant " I'd told her , opening the locker to put my backpack in , she'd copy my movement.

" So what class you got ? " I'd asked.

" P.E , what's that ? " She'd asked.

" Lucky that were in the same class , well is physical education , you learn sports , is quite a nightmare for some students " I'd told her.

" Hm , school does seem alot different thea our realm's huh " She'd commented.

" Everything is " I'd said , finally closing my locker.

" Also don't use magic unless is an emergency or secretly to piss someone off " I'd stated and she'd nodded.

  We went to the stadium early without anyone here.

" I wounder what Hunter looks like unmasked , maybe I got a chance in this class " Luz said , curiousity filled her mind.

" He maybe in the same class but he never unmask himself , even when he is eating " I'd told her and it cause her to shiver.

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