Starting the search

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The sun was just rising as The Chosen packs his things from his makeshift camp. The crisp morning air felt perfect for a day of searching.

There was mystery and wonder running through his head that morning. His biggest worry was if he was going to have enough sour gummies to last him to the next town over, though it shouldn't be too hard.

Putting on his backpack (specifically bought from hot topic when their wolf prints were on sale), he begins walking down a lonely road. 

He wondered whether there was a nemesis out there, waiting for him. Waiting for the day they get to have epic battles in children's parks. Waiting for the day they can unleash their power, just to be defeated in a battle of awesomeness.

Maybe there wasn't going to be anyone, maybe he would have to accept that Blandview is an inescapable hellhole along with the rest of this world and maybe, just maybe, he'll have to live with that.

But his power, what would he do with his power? He can't just give up. He won't give up. The Chosen will have a nemesis. There is no other way around it. If the Earth will not bless him with a rival, he'll just Megamind his own villain. That never goes wrong.

Continuing down the rocky road, the outline of Chadville came into view, the tall skyscrapers blocking the sunlight.

There was definitely going to be someone there. Even if it was for a single battle.


At the tall entrance of Chadville, there was a strange tent. It was dark blue in colour and stood quite high.

Maybe this is the first enemy, The Chosen thought. After a small pause, he nods his head and knocks on the tent politely. 

"Come on, evildoer, I'll show you the real hero of this story," He readies himself, both hands ready to unsheathe the katana at any moment.

A low grumble comes from the tent.

The door slowly opens.

An equally as strange man exits the tent, "evildoer? No, sir," he pulls some die out of a pouch on his hip and drops them on the floor. He crouches down to read them, "a perfect save." He pulls out a half-eaten bag of Doritos from a fanny pack on the other side of his hip. Still crouching, he eats a couple Doritos like a squirrel.

"You're not an enemy? God." The Chosen looks down at his feet, he was already losing. The man stands to hold out the dice pouch for The Chosen.

"We'll let the dice decide." He smiles.

The Chosen scoffs, as if he was going to let some dice decide who his enemies were.....

So he grabs into the pouch and pulls one out.

"A D4, perfect and sleek. Less used but quite useful." He looks down at The Chosen with a smirk, "Roll, my friend." A thin hand motions at the floor.

The Chosen scoffs once more, "or enemy. God, don't forget that." The man smiles completely.

"Of course, roll a 3 or 4 and I shall become the one you wish to destroy." He waves a hand at the floor, urging The Chosen to finally roll and set the stakes.

The Chosen squats down, the hand holding the D4 outstretched in front of him. He slowly focuses on his breathing and controls the force inside of him. He focuses the energy inside down to his hand.

I need this. This is for me. The wolf beckons his meal.

The Chosen lets out a howl.

He drops the dice.

They comically bump heads as they both lean over to watch the dice fall.

The man gasps.

The Chosen frowns.

"A nat 1..." The Chosen stands and crosses his arms, his muscles bulging with anger.

A silence falls between the two men, one a victor and the other a fallen soldier.

It seems even a lone wolf can make an ally (with some help from galaxy coloured die).

With a sigh, The Chosen accepts defeat, "It's alright, I'm saving my powers for my real nemesis. I'll accept you into my pack, for now at least."

"Aha, cool. Remington Todd, at your service," he does a bow, "I kinda needed someone to be around anyway."

"Remington, Huh? Not bad... not bad..."

Remington Todd crouches and rolls the dice once more, this time rolling a 3. He picks up the dice and offers the Doritos to the Chosen. "You seem low on HP after our battle. I can heal you."

The Chosen takes one Dorito out of the bag. "As a proud member of R/Gamers, I humbly accept this. Thank you, Remington Todd. I am The Chosen." He eats the Dorito.

"What were you Chosen for?" Remington Todd takes a bite out of his own Dorito.

"Many things. Chosen for destiny, for happiness, for eternal glory." The man looks off into the distance, pushing up his sunglasses as he does.

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