First Battle!

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The knocking echoes through the gross hallway. Trash bags were strewn across the floor leaving a small path straight to one door. Water bottles crinkle under their weight.

"This is not much of a base..."

"I didn't say it was clean... or a base." Remington replies.

The door opens slightly and an eye peeks through the crack. It doesn't speak.

"H-Hey! Spencer! You remember me?" Remington blocks Spencer's view of the Chosen.

Spencer's eyes widen and he hisses. Remington instantly flinches back into the Chosen

"What happened to him?" The Chosen pushes Remington aside.

"I-I don't know, he's usually not like this. Hold on..." Remington squats and pulls out his dice.

The Chosen watches as Remington fidgets with a D20. The die drops.

Even Spencer quietens down and stares wildly.

The die makes contact with the dirty floor.

It bounces lightly, it's practically silent tap is thundering in the quiet hallway.

It rolls in slow motion...

Spencer slams the door shut. A mass amount of locks is heard inside. Remington looks up at the Chosen with a slight smile. " I believe in you." He whispers.

The Chosen nods.

The door is swung open.

The battle has begun.

"What do you want?" Spencer leans in towards the Chosen.

Well... not yet, I guess...

"Didn't you read the dice? I'm destined to beat you." The Chosen flexes.

"You realise you got a crit fail, right?"

"Okay? And I have the power of a thousand moons. The Earth is my bitch and you are going to be too." The Chosen points a finger straight at Spencer, who instantly goes to bite it.

Chosen takes his finger back and barks at Spencer. "Fine! Geez! I'll fight you. But not in regular combat." Spencer knew his weakness but the Chosen will be successful in all aspects. He will not be beaten.

"Go on..." Chosen lifts his head high.

"I will defeat you in the legendary... Smash Bro's."

The Chosen gasps, raising a hand to his chest. This will be his first Smash battle in... forever.

"This is going to be a battle not even the Gods are prepared for."

"That's right. You may enter." Spencer steps back and allows Chosen to walk straight in. Remington tried to scramble in, however, Spencer is having none of it. He lightly pushes Remington back.

"I'll never forget what you did to me." He whispers.

"You're the one who forgot that there were lion statues everywhere in the village!" Remington yelled back as the door shut tightly. He huffs and picks up his dice.


The first round started smoothly as the Chosen transformed into his main, Sephiroth. Spencer laughed at him, the fake Spencer had the audacity to laugh at him.

Spencer took the time to transform randomly, the Chosen couldn't deny how cool that was. Seeing Spencer crouch and prepare the screaming ritual to become someone new.

Bowser and Sephiroth were now set to battle.

The room suddenly moves. "Now I'll show you my true power!" Spencer laughs maniacally this time. The old couch in the middle of the room with the cool game controller display disappeared into nothing as wind starts to blow.

"Do you see what you're up against, Chosen?" Spencer's words were filled with mace, quite literally (in a different respect due to his new appearance).

"I do! And I still see a little bitch!" Chosen yells back, his words now being swallowed by the blowing wind. They were on top of a castle, after all.

Spencer (or maybe Bowser?) steps back a bit, placing a hand on his chest with an exaggerated gasp. "You'll eat those words."

"Oh, well how lucky am I! I'm starving!" With the last word, Chosen goes to slash Spencer.

He effortlessly dodges, jumping in the air. His moves are seamless as he punches down into the ground where the Sephiroth transformed Chosen stood.

Spencer instantly goes back into it, dropkicking Chosen. Flames erupt from him as he flies through the air, creating a crater in one of the pointy roofs of the castle. "I see," he starts. As Sephiroth shoots a firey laser from where he lay in the roof, "we're both firebenders".

The battle continues as if nothing had happened. The wind starts to get more violent as the round continues. Power Ups constantly shine through the grey sky, emitting that heavenly rainbow light.

The smack talk evolves into insults, fire flows through the air, until... it hits...

Chosen lands the final blow, Spencer erupting into the sky as a loud announcer, well, announces the ending of the battle. Chosen does a confused fist pump, looking up into the sky.

"Looks like I have bested you." Chosen strikes a pose as Spencer falls flat on his face.

"It's... not over yet." He says shakily as he pushes himself up.

The Chosen scoffs, "best two out of three, I'm guessing?"

"Yeah, that would be actually really nice, thanks."


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