Chapter 10

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Neo feigned questions from his son all morning. He'd hoped that Dante had slept through most of what happened the night before, but that hadn't been the case. He was particularly interested in what punishment was going to befall his sister, and who the mysterious woman was that had brought her home.

In the end, Neo had to force him out the door lest he be late for school. He'd already phoned Gwilt to say he'd be in later and his DS would likely cover for him until then.

Taking a small tray laden down with some dry toast and orange juice, he headed upstairs to face his daughter.

He pushed the door open and watched her pretend to sleep. She always did the same thing, even when she was a child.

'You can stop the act. I know you're awake,' he said drily.

Willow rolled over slowly and stared up at her dad with bloodshot eyes.

Neo put the tray down on her vanity table and then sat on the end of her bed.

'How are you feeling?'

Willow groaned and pulled her duvet over her head. 'Like I've been run over by a bus.'

Neo chuckled despite himself. 'That's what a hangover feels like. Just be grateful you don't have an exam today.' GSCEs were hard enough without adding nausea and headaches to the mix.

Willow lowered her duvet and narrowed her eyes. 'I would never do that, dad. You know that.'

Neo sighed. 'So why did you do it?'

Willow looked away, rolling onto her back and staring at the ceiling.

'Becky knew these people from school and she convinced me to go.'

'And you thought it would be a good idea?' Neo pushed.

Deciding to brave it, Willow sat up, pulling the glass of water and tablets towards herself. She took them quickly, grimacing as the paracetamol grazed the back of her throat.

'I thought it would be fun. Something different from just studying and taking exams.'

'An escape?' Neo probed, his heart sinking when she nodded.

'Maybe,' she hedged.

Neo passed a hand over his face, his worst fears confirmed.

'Do you wish we'd never left London?'

Willow's head whipped to look at her him, but Neo avoided her gaze.

'Sometimes, but I like it here, dad. Sure, there are fewer things to do, but London is only a train journey away. It's not like I can never go back. But there's nothing there for us anymore.' Her voice hardened at the end.

'Do you ever miss mom?' Neo asked, gently. He knew Samira was a touchy subject for his kids. Dante had only been five when the divorce proceedings had started and though Willow was only two years older, she had understood far more about what was happening. She had taken the divorce the worst.

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