Chapter 30

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Buzzing was the first thing that Neo heard. He groaned and rolled over, grabbing his phone and peering at the time.


He stifled a yawn and clicked answer.

'Sorry to call you so early, Boss, but we just got word that Jerry Phillips is awake and he's asking for you,' Gwilt said.

'Jerry Phillips is awake?' Neo croaked, pulling himself into a sitting position.

'I just got the call. Shall I swing by your place and pick you up?'

'What about Palmer?' Neo asked, already grabbing his clothes.

'She isn't due back into the station until 9am and what can she say? The man asked for you specifically. In fact, he said he'd talk to no one else but you, what with Charlie in the cells.'

Neo paused. 'He asked for Charlie?'

There was shuffling on the other line as Gwilt got in his car. 'Apparently, he'd tried calling his home, then her number, and eventually he called the station. Sherry told him about Charlie and that's when he started asking for you.'

'Any chance Charlie will be out soon? Jerry may have asked for me but he'd be more likely to talk to a friendly face.'

Even when he said it, Neo knew it wasn't the entire truth. He wanted Charlie there with him. She'd only ended up under questioning because he had pushed Palmer to bring her in. It was his fault that she was sitting in a cell in the first place.

'That Tiberius man is practically camped out at the station, but Rosy really has her claws in. She won't be giving up Charlie until the 24 hours are up. She's even pushing for 48 hours, but the jury is out on whether she'll get the extension,' admitted Gwilt.

'I know it's a lot to ask, but can you keep me informed?'

Gwilt huffed. 'Course Boss. I'll be at yours in five.'

With that, he disconnected the call, leaving Neo to finish dressing.

He crept out of his bedroom, but Willow and Dante wasted his efforts as their bedroom doors opened. Their dishevelled appearance matched his own.

'Dad? Is everything okay? Is Charlie coming home?' Dante whispered whilst rubbing his eyes.

'Everything is fine. Charlie is still at the police station. I've pulled out the sofa bed in my study if Trap gets back. Why don't you two go back to bed? I'll only be gone a couple of hours,' he reassured them.

Both of them looked doubtful, but sleep won out as they turned and headed back to bed.

Neo pulled his jacket on just as Gwilt pulled up.

'You're looking in a worse state than Charlie,' he called from the car, grinning at Neo as he pulled a face.

'Why do I feel like this is payback for all the jokes I made about sleep and Bethy?' Neo groaned.

Murky Waters (2022 Wattys' Shortlist) Where stories live. Discover now