Chapter 29

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Charlie stared up at the blank ceiling, her hands tucked under her head. The spongy bedroll beneath her did little to soften what counted for a bed in Marton's detention cells. She'd definitely been in shabbier places, but that didn't mean she was happy to be there. In fact, she was furious.

The clicks and clunks sounded as the door to her cell opened. Charlie peered curiously at the DS who entered. At least he had the decency to look contrite.

'I'm sorry about this, Charlie, but it's protocol. Hands up where we can see them,' Gwilt ordered.

Charlie stood slowly and held up her hands, hating the metal cuffs on her wrist.

'So she's finally ready to interview me then?' Charlie arched an eyebrow in question. 'And here I was thinking that she forgot me.' She smirked up at Gwilt who only rolled his eyes.

It had already been close to six hours since her arrest and Rosy hadn't been to see her once. Though she was being flippant, it was all pretend. Rosy's absence had unnerved her. It was too out of character.

Gwilt guided her forward to the questioning room, keeping a firm but relaxed grip on the top of her arm in case she fell.

Charlie's skin crawled as she saw the curious stares directed at her from a few officers. She kept her head high as she stared them down, refusing to be the first one to look away. She had nothing to hide and the quicker everyone learnt that, the better.

If they thought she would just roll over and take her treatment, they were wrong.

Marton had gotten the better of her once, but she was no longer sixteen and naïve. She was a woman who had made a successful career in finding things that wished to remain hidden. If Rosy was expecting anything else, then she was a fool.

Gwilt pushed the door open and Charlie spotted a familiar face sitting at the table waiting for her.

Trap stood up as she was brought into the room, and the handcuffs were removed.

'What trouble have you got yourself into now, kid?' He winked at her before enveloping her in a hug.

Charlie hugged him back fiercely, surprised to feel tears gathering in her eyes.

'It'll be okay. I got you,' Trap whispered. He pulled back and took in her expression. 'But now you've got to be the girl I trained you to be.' He looked at her as if asking if she could do it, if she could put her emotions aside and be the agent again.

Charlie swallowed and nodded. It would be hard. It felt like her whole life she'd been smoothing her emotions, but coming back to Marton had released everything she'd buried deep inside her.

Her colleagues at MI6 had always said she was emotionless, but the truth was, she just never let herself feel. Not until Neo.

'I understand you know, Tiberius? He says that he's your lawyer?' Gwilt asked, looking between them.

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