Chapter 22

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Charlie parked her car in a designated space and looked up at the building. It might have been a grand manor house at one point, maybe the residence of some important politician now fallen from power. Either way, it was one of the nicest nursing homes she'd had the pleasure of visiting.

Manicured lawns stretched around the sides of the building, and she could see several residents tending to a vegetable patch. It was peaceful and reassured her she'd made the right choice for Alice.

She got out and headed into the building, explaining who she was to the woman at reception.

'One moment, please.' The receptionist politely requested as she picked up her phone. 'Dr Ngcobo, Miss Hoggins, is in reception to visit Mrs Phillips. Very well.' The receptionist put the phone down. 'Dr Ngcobo will be waiting through those doors. We please ask you to sanitize your hands on the way in and don't approach any other resident except the one you wish to visit. Have a nice day.' She flashed a professional smile before returning to her computer.

The door opened automatically as Charlie approached and she dutifully used the sanitiser dispenser on the other side.

'Miss Hoggins?' A tall man in a white coat approached her. 'I'm Dr Ngcobo. May I have a word before your visit with Mrs Phillips?'

'Of course.' Charlie frowned but followed the Doctor to his office.

'Now I understand that you're not a blood relative of Mrs Phillips, but that you've known her for some time?'

Charlie nodded. 'I was friends with her daughters.'

'Due to the unusual circumstance surrounding Mrs Phillips' care, with her husband in hospital and her daughter missing, I have requested you be granted special power over her medical services until such time a member of her family can take over. This was granted a few hours ago.'

'Thank you Doctor. I appreciate you pushing that through for me.'

Dr Ngcobo brushed aside her thanks. 'It would have made treating her especially difficult without it,' he said, with the frankness usually associated with all South Africans.

'Then you've begun to treat her?'

'Miss Hoggins, I need to ask you a few questions before I answer yours, if that would be acceptable?'

Charlie mashed her lips together, not enjoying being questioned when she was the one more used to asking them. She bobbed her head once for him to continue.

'You knew Mrs Phillips when she would have been a woman in her thirties, possibly forties. I would like to know if you ever noticed anything about her behaviour? Qualities you may have found unusual?'

'I'm unsure what this has to do-'

'Please Miss Hoggins, could you just humour me?'

Charlie sighed. 'Sorry Doctor, it's just been a hard day already.'

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