Chapter 12

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Charlie tapped on her leg as Neo's car sped through Marton. This couldn't be happening. First Jane and her family. And now Jerry was missing.

'What exactly did Gwilt say?' She peered over at Neo, seeing his knuckles flash white where he held the steering wheel.

'A neighbour spotted Alice Phillips wandering around the garden in her nightdress. She was having a hard time convincing Mrs Phillips to get back in her house, so she called the police. Doesn't help the fact Mrs Phillips has a knife.' Neo ground his teeth together. Just what more could go wrong.

'What the hell is Alice doing with a knife? And where is Jerry? There's no way that he would have left her alone, not voluntarily.' Charlie placed a fingernail between her teeth but didn't bite. She'd worked hard to break that habit and she would not let it go to waste, no matter how badly she wanted to relieve her stress.

Neo was saved from answering as they pulled up in front of the Phillips' house. Blue flashing lights bathed it in light, giving the place an ominous feeling.

'She's out the back but Chief, she's really panicked.' Gwilt fell into step with them as they made their way around the house.

'Get everyone that doesn't need to be here out. Have the paramedics on standby.' Neo turned to Charlie. 'Do you think you can calm her down?'

Charlie bit her lip. Though she'd kept in contact with Alice and Jerry, she was by no means close to either of them. Their shared history kept them together, rather than any close bonds.

'I can try.'

If either Neo or Gwilt heard the uncertainty in her voice, they chose not to comment on it.

As the crowd dispersed, Charlie got her first good look at Alice.

Her purple nightdress fell to her slipper clad feet and was streaked with mud. Her hair hung loose and wild around her face. And in her hand she held a long knife that glinted in the morning sun.

Every time someone moved closer, she brandished the knife like a weapon, her lip quivering with fright.

'You're up.' Gwilt nodded in Charlie's direction and she scowled.

'Just do your job and keep everyone back,' she countered.

Gwilt's lip thinned, but Neo just pointed him back and silently he left, but not before throwing Charlie a dirty look which thankfully she missed.

Neo placed a hand on Charlie's lower back and guided her forward.

'Mrs Phillips, I'm DCI Denzel, we met a few days ago.'

Mrs Phillips lifted her knife. 'Stay back. I want you off my property, you can't be here.'

'I understand, but we're here to help you,' Neo reasoned.

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