Chapter 28

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Charlie sipped her tea and watched Dante from the kitchen doorway.

'What you up to?'

He jumped when he heard her voice, his head snapping up to look in her direction. He breathed a sigh of relief when he realised it was only her.

'Mom left these last night. I just wanted to know...' He trailed off, his eyes straying back to the legal documents. 'But I don't really understand them.'

'Do you need a hand?' she offered.

His head bobbed frantically as she pulled the chair out next to him.

'I hoped Willow would help me, but she's already gone out with friends.'

Charlie nodded. 'People deal with bad news in different ways,' she reassured him.

Dante sighed. 'I know, but she's better with this stuff than me,' he huffed.

Charlie chuckled. 'I'm sure between us we can figure out the jargon. Pop the kettle on and I'll start going through this one.'

With a second cup of tea in her hands, Charlie devoured the legal documents, occasionally swapping with Dante as he struggled to understand what was going on.

'Your mom is a good lawyer.' Charlie shook her head.

The document was water tight and extremely clever. It painted a bleak image of Neo's ability as a parent, but also his involvement in the breakup of their marriage.

'So there's nothing we can do?' Dante whispered, hanging his head.

Charlie placed a hand on his shoulder. 'Not necessarily. There are always two sides to every story and the court will consider your Dad's. But he'll need to send counter documents undermining the reasons your mom has put forward.'

She thought about the favours she could pull in and knew exactly the person to call.

'Give me a sec, Dante. I need to make a call.'

She pulled her mobile out and headed to the living room. Flicking through her contacts, she found the name she needed and dialed.

'Good god girl, why are you ringing at this time on a Saturday?'

'Nice to hear from you too, Trap.' She chuckled, using his nickname. She could hear the squeaking of bedsprings as her once mentor pulled himself out of bed.

'Retirement was supposed to give me my weekends back,' he pointed out, stifling a yawn.

'Pshh come off it. Retirement? Don't pretend you're not doing a few jobs on the side.'

Trap laughed deep and long. 'True, kid, true. Guessing that's why you called?'

'Something like that,' Charlie admitted.

Murky Waters (2022 Wattys' Shortlist) Where stories live. Discover now