Chapter 26

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It's time for F & G to HOOK UP (feat. cringe-smut). Enjoy!


Gerard was pacing back and forth as he waited for his lawyer, Ray Toro, to come into the small office he was in. He had called right after Lindsey left, wanting to know his options when it came to Bandit. He was lucky that Ray was willing to see him right away. The door was hardly shut behind the curly-haired man before Gerard completely unloaded.

"She took my daughter and left and it broke Bandit's little heart" Gerard whimpered as tears began prickling his eyes. Ray just listened patiently while Gerard vented about what happened. This situation had cemented it and there was no going back. Gerard wanted a divorce.

"You did follow through with your 14-day waiting period and it still sounds like this is what you want so I will submit the paperwork and request a hearing for custody. Just know, Gerard, that I have seen these custody hearings get ugly. Very ugly."

"I don't care" Gerard said defiantly. "I want my daughter." Ray simply nodded while jotting notes down.

"It's important that you begin to separate assets right now. Go to the bank and open a new account in just your name and have your paychecks routed to that. If Lindsey decided to clean out the bank account right now, she would be able to legally because her name is on it. Remove money from the original account but keep at least $5,000 for Lindsey. It wouldn't look good in front of the judge if you took all the money away from her. Child support and all that would be decided at the hearing. Listen, Gerard, I know you are hurt now but it's very important that you keep your name clean. Any blemish could be used against you and cost you custody." Gerard wrapped up his meeting and was thankful it wasn't quite 5p yet which means the bank was still open and he could move money around like Ray suggested.

After doing that, Gerard called Mikey to tell him what happened and he could practically hear the excitement in his voice at the mention of filing for divorce. After insisting that he didn't need Mikey to come over and he would rather be alone, Gerard headed back home again for the second time today, his head heavy with a million thoughts.


Gerard sat in the darkness of his den, a bottle of brandy practically empty clutched tightly in his grasp. He wasn't drunk but was definitely feeling good, so he was convinced the knocking sound he was hearing was in his head but it continued. It took a solid minute or so for him to figure out that someone was at his door, knocking.

"Oh for fuck sake I'm coming" he groaned as he got out of his chair, feeling even more dizzy. He probably shouldn't be drinking on an empty stomach but he was in no mood to eat much of anything. He flung the door open to find a meek-looking Frank standing on his door step. The pair only stared at each other for a long moment before either of them said anything.

"M-may I come in?" Frank asked softly. Gerard couldn't respond, simply opening the door wider and signaling Frank could indeed come in. Gerard led the other man into the den as they both sat down, still not speaking.

"Are you drunk?" Frank asked.

"I'm drinking currently" Gerard corrected.

"I can see that" Frank replied. "Why are you drinking"

"If you have to know" Gerard seethed unceremoniously, "I filed for divorce from Lindsey today."

"W-was it because of what I said?" Frank questioned.

"Actually no. She took Bandit and left again and I'm sick of this toxic cycle." The pair fell into another brief silence.

"Listen about what I said today, I didn't mean it" Frank started. "I was just upset and it came out."

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