Chapter 30

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Gerard had a ridiculous smile on his face that evening when he decided to take Frank out to dinner to celebrate. This wasn't the true celebration, however. Gerard decided it was time to do something he hasn't done in years; go on vacation. And who better to bring on vacation then the man who was quickly and effectively stealing his heart. Gerard decided the best place to ask Frank to accompany him on this trip would be at the little Italian restaurant down the street from the office.

"I am so proud of you" Gerard gushed as he held up a glass of champagne as a toast. He didn't normally drink, but this was a special occasion.

"And to think you didn't believe in me at first" Frank threw back playfully as he tried to hide his blush behind his growing dark locks.

"I believed in you, I just wanted to make sure you believed in you."

"Sure, okay" Frank laughed, remembering how angry Gerard was during their first meeting. "So did I earn that big paycheck, Mr. Way?"

"Tenfold" Gerard smiled. The pair fell into a comfortable silence as Gerard and Frank both shoveled pasta into their mouths.

"Mikey said he is arranging a tour" Frank spoke with his mouth full of noodles. "You know, travel and concerts and all that."

"Well, yes, that's generally how this works. We want to squeeze you for as much money as possible" Gerard winked.

"I'd be away for a while" Frank added as he looked at Gerard expectantly.

"And?" Gerard laughed, not understanding where Frank was going.

"And I just wonder where things between us would be during that time."

"I wouldn't worry about it, Frank, I'm not going anywhere anytime soon." Frank visibly relaxed at Gerard's words. "Speaking of which, I think we should celebrate. You know, go do something before all the chaos ensues."

"What did you have in mind?" Frank asked, his interest clearly piqued. Gerard slid an envelope across the table, not saying anything further. Frank gently opened it up and pulled the contents out, reading over it before his eyes grew wide.

"Vegas?! As in Las Vegas? Sin City?!" Frank exclaimed. Gerard simply nodded with a large smile on his face.

"I got us first class seats, a fancy hotel, front row to a few shows, the whole nine" Gerard boasted. Frank sat in shock. He had always wanted to go to Vegas and had never had the chance before. He had also never had someone gift him something so lavish before.

"Gerard this is really nice, but I can't accept this" Frank said in hesitation a he placed the paper back in the envelope and slid it back to his lover. Gerard frowned.

"Why not?"

"Because, I can't have you spending all this money just for me."

"Well it isn't just a celebration for you, it's also a celebration for me. Starting fresh and everything."

"Are you sure?" Frank inquired, because he wanted to be excited but didn't want Gerard to think he was hanging around him looking for a sugar daddy.

"I am more then sure. When you get home tonight, pack up. We leave in a few days." Frank spent the rest of the meal and the drive back to his apartment in a blissful daze, dreaming about how much fun the trip was going to be.


When the pair arrived at McCarran International Airport in Las Vegas, Frank was more than exhausted. Sure he sat on the plan for over 4 hours, reading and sleeping, but the long trip wore him out. He was more than thankful they had business class seats so he could stretch out and sleep. He was so fatigued that Gerard had to basically drag him to the rental car place so he could pick up his ride; a cute little black BMW that reminded him of his car back home. After shoving Frank into the passenger seat, Gerard practically skipped to the drivers side to cruise the strip and see all the lights.

This wasn't Gerard's first time in Vegas, he had actually been here quite a few times, but always with Lindsey and they always ended up at weird strip clubs or shops that really didn't interest him. But Gerard was excited to show Frank the wonders of Sin City and he started by driving right down the main strip where ones senses were overloaded by bright flashing lights and hoards of people. 

"Wow" Frank would whisper every few minutes, validating that he was still somewhat conscious even though their flight got in just after dark and he knew Frank was exhausted. 

When Gerard decided that he had enough sight seeing, he veered their way to the Venetian hotel. After quickly checking in, Gerard escorted a still barely awake Frank to their room: the grand king suite with a view of the strip.

"Gerard are you fucking kidding?" Frank whined.

"What?" Gerard asked as he carried their luggage before shutting the door behind him.

"This room must have cost a literal fortune."

"Yeah, well in Vegas you gotta live a little" Gerard said before watching Frank flop into the enormous king-size bed and promptly passing out. "Poor kid" he whispered as he dropped their bags into a corner and wandered around the room to check it out.

The digs were fancy and Frank was right, this room was spendy. But he was worth it and if things continued to go this way, he would be making a lot of money on Frank's success, so he could pony up some dough. Besides, he needed to get out of the stuffy house and away from Lindsey's constant calls and pleads to work it out.

As Frank laid snoring peacefully, Gerard began calling around to some of his favorite restaurants to set reservations for various meals. It was much easier then trying to drop in some place and hope for the best. He contemplated setting a reservation for later that night for dinner, but decided against it, knowing waking Frank up was like resurrecting the dead most of the time. 

Gerard pulled out his laptop and did a little work as he occasionally looked over and smiled at the tattooed man that was still sleeping on top of the covers with his Converses-clad feet hanging over the edge.

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