Chapter 4

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"In a cave at the top of a towering mountain-"

"No, no, no! The best stories always start with 'Once upon a time...'"

Pansy crooked an eyebrow at Hermione. "Would you like to the story, Mini?"

"Sorry. But it's true." 

"Fine. Once upon a time, there was a young dragon who lived in a cave at the top of a towering mountain. The dragon's name was Emerale. Like you, Emerale loved stories. Her favorite stories, told by the Dragon Elders in the light of the stars, were about wingless, scaleless creatures called humans. The Elders said that humans were only a myth, a made up story. But Emerale knew — she just knew — that humans were real. 

"One day, Emerale decided to find a human. She wanted to know everything about them, and would prove the other dragons wrong, too. Emerale waited until all of the other dragons were sleeping and she snuck out. She didn't fly, instead walking along the mountain's forest floor. The cover of the trees would keep any dragons from seeing her while flying.

"The only thing Emerale knew about where she should go was that she had to go down. Up at the top of the mountain, where the dragons lived, it was very cold all year round. Unlike dragons, humans didn't have fire in their bellies to keep them warm, so they had to live down the mountain. 

"Emerale did not realize the mountain was so tall. The Elder Dragons never let the young dragons fly below the clouds. Emerale walked until the moon had moved all the way across the sky before she curled up in the shadow of a big tree to rest."

Hermione's eyes fluttered closed and stayed shut. "We'll continue the story after the both of you have rested. Good night, Mini," Pansy said softly. She took one last look at the sleeping girl before rising from her perch on the edge of the bed. 

With a sign, Pansy pulled out her school books and set up at her desk. She would have to work hard to keep from falling behind. Maybe Draco could help her study. For now, she set to work on her Charms essay. 6 inches into her essay, she was startled by a screaming, thrashing Hermione. 

Pansy rushed over to Hermione's bed. "Mini, wake up! Hermione!" She tried to dodge Hermione's swinging limbs but received a several hits trying to shake her awake. Climbing into the bed with Hermione, Pansy pulled the girl to her, wrapping her arms tightly around Hermione's upper body to constrain Hermione's flying arms. The thrashing was under control, but Pansy was still unable to wake her. Instead, she did her best to ease the nightmare in any way she could.

"Shhh, it's okay, Mini," she whispered, rocking the dreaming child gently from side to side, "I'm right here. You're safe."

Before too long — but still for what felt like eternity to a terrified Pansy — the screams and attempts at thrashing slowed to a stop. Pansy let out a breath she didn't know was holding. She released Hermione from her grip, but ended up falling asleep in bed beside her charge. 


Pansy awoke a few hours later to a sharp knock on her door. She slid out of the bed carefully to avoid waking Hermione. Yawning, she opened the door to McGonagall.

"Oh, Headmistress," Pansy said, straightening, "Good morning. I wasn't-" she stifled another yawn, "expecting you so early."

"Good morning, Ms. Parkinson. My apologies for waking you from your sleep. May I come in?"

"Of course," Pansy replied, welcoming the woman into the room; it wasn't as if she could really say no. "Hermione is still asleep, though."

"That is quite alright. We should talk first, anyway."

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