Late Night Phone calls

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Dream's footsteps were practically seamless with that of the quiet house, the silence only being broken with that of the bathroom lights flickering on, accompanied with the ear grating sound of a fan. He preferred the silence. Meeting his eyes in the mirror, he winced. He had definitely looked better. With a sigh he continued with his business. Upon turning off the light, the sounds of the fan disappeared alongside it. He had not slept properly in weeks. He couldn't exactly say one reason why, whether it be video ideas or wandering thoughts. This night though, was particularly bad. His eyes were sore and begged to sleep but his mind was wide awake. He lied on his bed, regretting turning his heater on, as it was now getting uncomfortably warm. The blue glow of his LED lights illuminated the angles of his hands that he hadn't quite noticed before. He thought for a moment about turning them off, but on the other hand, he really didn't like the dark. He wasn't scared of it per say, but it instilled a certain unease in his stomach. His mind wandered a bit more until his phone buzzed. He looked over at it, to see a notification from one of his closest friends.

"Hey, just woke up. You still up?"

George. Dream glanced over at his clock. 4 am. Damn it's late. But that meant it was about 9 am for George. Dream stared at the blinking marker for a few moments before typing a response.

"Yeah I couldn't sleep."

Moments later, Dream's phone buzzed again.

"Damn. You wanna hop on a call to think of some new video ideas? Maybe that'll help you sleep."

Dream thought for a moment before writing out a response.

"Sounds like the best idea to me."

Once sent, Dream waited a few moments before his phone began to buzz, George's name along with the stupid profile picture Dream chose. Dream tapped the answer call button and waited a moment before speaking.

"Hey." Dream's voice was raspy due to his reluctance to get up to drink some water, coupled with the fact that he hadn't actually slept properly in weeks. Something was on his mind, though he couldn't exactly place a finger on it-

"Wow. You sound terrible." There was quiet laughter from the British man. It was a sound Dream could hear so clearly in his head when alone, the pure positive energy the bastard gave off was so sweet he could almost taste it. "So, any ideas?"

Dream snapped back to reality, thinking. "What if like.. We coded it so the trees hit back?"

There was an eruption of laughter from George's end. "That's so stupid, but knowing your videos it's the norm." There was a bit more laughter. "I bet you could do it."

Dream chuckled along. He put on his best narrator Dream voice and spoke; "Today, my friends and I coded it so instead of breaking blocks, the blocks broke us. Will we be able to beat the game before the game beats us?"

The two men devolved into hysterical laughter, and once they caught their breaths, George spoke up.

"I'll add that to the ideas list then."

There was an uncomfortably long silence between them, until Dream had the sudden urge to speak without thinking. "We could finally meet up." another silence, though this one felt heavier, and Dream could hear his heartbeat pounding in his head.

"I mean.. I guess we could. What would we do for videos though? Play Minecraft but I'm in the room next door?" George let out a breathy laugh.

"I dunno.. Travel restrictions are being raised more and I thought maybe if we had the whole gang here it'd.. I dunno.. Be good content or something." Dream stared at his ceiling, regretting even bringing it up. "Never mind. It was a stupid idea-"

"No no." George interrupted. "I think it's an.. Idea. maybe later we can see what Sapnap thinks."

Dream paused thinking. Maybe they can meet up. Maybe they'll finally be able to speak face to face and not over a stupid screen. Yeah, George had technically seen Dream's face before but it wasn't a huge deal then and it wouldn't be a huge deal if they did meet up. He could get his and Sapnaps' guest room all ready for him, and they could finally... oh no. What the hell was he thinking? All these stupid DNF jokes were starting to mess with his head.

"Dream? You still there? Did you finally fall asleep?" George broke the silence. Broke Dream from his thoughts.

"Yeah.. yeah I'm awake, just zoning out." Dream let out a half-assed fake laugh to try and deter his mind from thinking too hard again.

"You think of any other brilliant ideas, Mr. Beat Minecraft before it beats us?" George laughed softly into the phone, the sound sending a chill down Dream's spine.

"You're just jealous 'cause it's such a good idea." Dream chuckled to himself.

"So no good ideas then?" George took a deep breath before starting to type something out on his computer.

"Whatcha writing? I can hear you typing." Dream shifted to his side, looking at his screen that slowly turned off.

"Just some emails. Something you need to do."

Dream sat up in a rush. "Shit! I still need to do that-" He could hear George's laughter from the phone.

"You can do that later. You still need to sleep now, or at least get up and shower. I know you haven't done that either." George chuckled softly.

"How do you know that? You spying through my webcam or something?" Dream sat up fully, looking out his partially closed window curtains.

"No. Sapnap always makes sure to complain about it whenever he can." George spoke, a bit muffled as he covered his mouth while he tried to focus.

Dream just scoffed. "Fine. I will. Plus I'll have a talk with Sapnap about sharing personal things." He laughed softly. "Talk to you later then gogs."

Dream heard what just sounded like a quick confirming sound, so he hesitantly hung up the phone, sighing before laying back down.

He was still tired.

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