Ruki the Schizophrenic

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Ruki's P.O.V
I stared at all the laughing people. None of them could ever understand how I had been hurt. He said he loved me. Said he wanted to be with me. Said there was no one else for him. Told me I was perfect. Then he stabbed me in the back. Why even stay? Everyone's done nothing but use me. Why even carry on? Why not just lay down and die.
Why must I carry on this terrible path? Being used and abused. Unloved and beaten? Why would anyone even think about loving me?
Can i just dig a hole and die in it? I'm dead and broken anyway.
I stared at the white wall. White, blank walls. I was put here by people who 'care' about me. Why would they put me here alone to suffer? They don't even visit. How is this caring?
I tried to pull my arms from the straitjacket again. Still can't get loose. I swear, as soon as I get out I'm ending it. No one will be able to stop me.
The door opened and a blonde headed man entered the room. He was tall and thin. He wore a white coat that slightly dragged on the ground. He was clearly a doctor.
He smiled at me and sat beside me. "Hello, beautiful." He said and chuckled. "Who are you?"
"Reita. My name is Reita. I'm here for you and only you, Ruki." He smiled and kissed my cheek. I looked around and looked back at him. "Your lying? Your going to leave everyone else."
"Ruki. I'm not leaving unless you want me to." He smiled and caressed my cheek. "Then stay." I mumbled and he nodded.
Soon the door opened and i was alone. "Where's Reita? The doctor?" I asked and the nurse sighed. "Your schizophrenia is getting worse, Ruki. There There is no doctor here named Reita." She said and forced me to take the medicine like everyday.
After she left Reita entered the room. "They said your not real." I said and he leaned in, pressing his lips to mine. "Im as real as you want me to be." Reita smiled.

Authors note
Ruki the Schizophrenic.

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