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This is a preview of my new story.

Description: What happens when an angel and a demon falls inlove? Ruki had always been a good angel, following the rules and always doing what was expected of him. Reita has always been the demon to break hell's number one rule; Never associate with angels. What happens when these two fall inlove?

Chapter One~

"When the war of the beasts brings about the world's end
The goddess descends from the sky
Wings of light and dark spread afar
She guides us to bliss, her gift everlasting." -Loveless, Introduction

Ruki sighed, pushing his hair behind his ear. He watched the other angels from his balcony. Being the son of a guardian of God has its good ends and bad ends. One, he is expected to act as a noble, be kind and always cheerful in front of others. He always has to be one of the goody goody goodies that stop fights once they break out. He's expected to use his manners.
Growing up Ruki never had a problem. He enjoyed his life. One of the benefits of being a noble is your wings, yes, your wings. Nobles have the most beautiful wings. Yes, all angels had beautiful wings, but the nobles always took extra care of theirs, keeping them fluffy and soft as most do, but not only that, they would always make sure to keep them extra clean. While most angels had the gray wings or others had the white wings with small gray or brown lines in them, nobles had pure white.
All angels were treated equally, not matter how their wings were, no matter their skins tone. They were all living together in peace, in harmony.
That is, until about four years ago when Ruki was only 13. He'll had sent a letter to Ruki's father, threatening that a war was soon to come. Since that day, Ruki had always noticed a demon sitting on the border gate, watching Heaven with a longing look in his eye. If he hadn't had been a demon, Ruki would have thought that maybe, just maybe, the other boy had dreamed of being apart of the angels.
Ruki always wanted to go tel lthe boy to go back home, but he was always told to stay far away from the gate or the demons would snatched him up and take away his pureness. Take away everything that makes him an angel.
Ruki sighed and turned around as he heard his door open. "Ruki. I've noticed there's been a change in your behavior." His stepmother said and gave a soft smile. She sat on the edge of his bed and patted the place next to her.
"Ruki, I know I'm not your mother. But, I've been here for you for a long time now. Tell me anything you want. Anything you can't tell your father." She smiled and held out her pinky. "I pinky promise not to tell him."
Ruki sat next to the beautiful woman. She wasn't noble, oh no she wasnt. She was one of the angels with the gray wings. She had long, curly brown hair that fell to the middle of her back. Many thought the woman was Ruki's mother due to the fact their hair color was the exact same. She never wore makeup, just let her natural beauty show, and that beauty had stolen the heart of Ruki's father.
Ruki sighed yet again and thought back to his mother. He tried imagining her face, but could only picture the woman beside him. It's wasn't that surprising. When Ruki was only 6 his mother had become a fallen angel. He was never told what she had done, in fact his father avoided the subject all together. The only thing he remembered about his mother was her gentle smile and her long, black hair that fell below her hips. That and the fact she was never happy with Ruki's father.
Shortly after his mother had fallen, Ruki's father began working harder than before. Began ignoring Ruki. Then he met Aimi, Ruki's stepmother. It was a year after Miyuki, Ruki's mother, had her wings ripped and cast down. Ruki never understood why his mother was fallen and not his father. He would've been happier if it was his father.
"Ruki, is there an angel you've fallen for? I've been sighing all day." Aimi smiled and Ruki shook his head. "No. I'm not inlove. I fell like I'm not attracted either gender. I don't like the girls or boys." Ruki bit his lip, staring at his hands. "Oh dear child, you will find someone. Now, if it's a boy, it's ok. You can't help who you fall for. You're lucky that our God no longer cares about who you love." Aimi smiled and stood. "But, just tell me and we'll surprise you father."she winked and left the room, gently shutting the door.
Ruki stood and walked to his balcony, leaning on the railing again. He watched some of the angels walk, having morphed their wings into their back to keep them clean while other angels flew through instead of walking. Ruki bit his lip as he forced his own wings to grow out from his back. He closed his balcony door and jumped from the balcony, letting his wings catch the wind as he glided down to stand on the ground of heaven.
Many people marveled at his pearly white, fluffy wings. Which, Ruki didn't care for the attention. He wasn't a sight to gawk at. He was an angel just like everyone else. They only time any of the imbeciles should gawk is when God takes one of his rare strolls around heaven. Now that was a great sight. God was always so kind and outgoing whenever he set out and spoke with the other angels. He felt as if they were just like him, another angel inside the golden gates of heaven. He always made each angel feel special whether they were noble or not, it didn't matter to him.
Ruki closed his eyes and morphed his wings back into his back and smiled at the angels passing by. "Good day."
"Good day, Ruki." The girl giggled and smiled back. "You have such pretty wings."
"Mizuki, you have beautiful wings too. They're no less beautiful than mine." Ruki smiled as he saw the girl blushing. "But my wings have brown and gray lines through them."
"At least you have color to compliment your wings. Mine are just white with no color to them." Ruki laughed and began walking off. He knew what the Mizuki was trying to do, but little did she know, flattery didn't work on Ruki. It was true, he loved his wings and loved being a noble. But he sometimes wished he had a little brown or gray added to shed some color in his wings.
Ruki noticed a boy sitting beside the border gate. As he walked towards the gate he noticed the large, fluffy, black wings outstretched from the boy's back. They're so beautiful. Ruki thought as he walked closer to the gate.
"Hey! You're on the wrong side of the gate." Ruki called out, only to be ignored. He walked towards the boy and waved his hand in front of the demon's face. "What?"
"You're a demon. You're on the wrong side of the gate." Ruki said again and the boy scoffed.

"Like I care."

"Well go back to your side before one of the guardians finds you here." Ruki demanded and the demon stood up, towering over the angel. "Let's play a game. You win and I'll leave. I win and I do whatever I want."
Ruki nodded and the demon grabbed his arm. Within minutes they were in the mortal world. "Alright. I'm Reita."


Authors note
That's like half of chapter one.
Fallen is already out so please enjoy it.

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